Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 524: wind and cloud

?The sultry August passed quietly in the noisy wedding of Guo Shouyun and Li Shengyan. In this wedding, which was called "slightly shabby" by government officials in the Far East, the Pacific Fleet used the "Gubishev" frigate to There were four large and small ships inside, eleven helicopters, and during the wedding, the twelve ship-borne guns each fired four shots... All in all, the scene was nothing short of spectacular. \\

As Guo Shouyun had guessed, the achievement of the "new six-point cooperation framework" between the Guo Group and Washington immediately attracted a backlash from Beijing. On the day of Shoucheng's wedding, Sun Hongyu went to Vladivostok with a high profile. Through his meeting with Khodorkovsky, he clarified what Beijing meant—any military purchase intentions between the Far East and India would seriously affect the interests of both “COSCO and COSCO”. Therefore, on this issue , Sun Hongyu hoped that Guo Shouyun and the two could consider it carefully.

During his stay in Vladivostok, Sun Hongyun negotiated with Guo and Huo six times in two days, trying to prevent the Russian side from reaching a military procurement proposal with the Indians. People still could not feel the clear change in Beijing's position. The six consultations did not yield any results. In the end, the atmosphere between the two sides was quite unpleasant. Sun Hongyu left Vladivostok with a look of disappointment.

In fact, to a certain extent, the situation of Sun Hongyu returning empty-handed this time is predestined. With the combination of the three groups, especially after their interests with the Kremlin are combined, the three giants have already mastered the The ability to speak and the improvement of joint strength have given them more initiative, so they also began to seek more space for choice. On this issue, Beijing has not made a very accurate estimate, and it is still unilaterally hoping to manipulate this Russian local joint force. The final result is naturally unsatisfactory. This is just like what Yelena said to Guo Shouyun, Beijing needs this kind of pressure, and taking advantage of the India-Russia arms sales proposal, the Big Three should naturally pass all this pressure on, thus forcing Beijing to make greater concessions .

This was originally a political game of a diplomatic nature. The three giants did not want to become Beijing's "political thugs". They needed a fair and reasonable position of cooperation, while the other party had different ideas from them. They did not need to cooperate. . What people need is a good weapon, and if it sounds bad, then people need a dog. Whether Guo Shouyun or Khodorkovsky is the representative of the main force on the "front line" of Russian politics. Now they want to tell Beijing the fact that the Big Three can be a "dog", but the dog is not very loyal. If they have high-quality dog ​​food, they will talk to the enemy, but if they only eat steamed buns , they will also turn their heads and bite their masters.

Early September. That is, less than a week after Shoucheng's wedding, the negotiators of the Indian military, representatives of the Moscow Science and Technology Supervision Committee, and representatives of the Federal Military Trade Management Committee went to Khabarovsk, and had just completed the preliminary completion of the joint-stock system of the four major aviation industry complexes in the Far East. The reformed Kwok Group started procurement negotiations. The whole negotiation lasted for seven days, and the four parties reached a final purchase agreement in mid-September: India invested 1.8 billion US dollars to order the latest Su-27 fighter jets and related necessary accessories from the four major aviation industry consortia. The entire order cycle is one year, and within the first three months of the following year, Far East will pay for ten fighters at a time. During this period, India will send 150 drivers to the Far East for training.

In the process of Russia-India arms purchase negotiations, September 6th. The Dhakamen incident was peacefully resolved, and more than ten foreign ships detained in the port left the port one after another. Among these large cargo ships, 4,000 spent fuel rods from the Dhakamen nuclear reactor were smuggled out of the federal waters and went to The Indian port city of Kolkata. In order to be able to buy a departure route from the surveillance of the Pacific Fleet, the Indian military paid the Pacific Fleet Command a one-time cash payment of $170 million. This huge sum entered the account of the Fleet Command on September 12, and on the 14th, nearly 150 million was lost, according to the memorandum submitted by the Fleet Command to the Moscow Ministry of Defense. The so-called "real" selling price of 4,000 spent fuel rods. Only a mere $30 million.

This incident was exposed by some media in Moscow under the deliberate operation. And this led to a big wave, and the "military security issue" was frequently exposed to the public. A team of more than a dozen people formed the incident investigation team and went to Vladivostok to investigate. However, the investigative team stayed in the Far East for nearly a month and failed to make any gains, and the whole incident was finally settled.

On September 14, Khabarovsk TV, the most influential TV station in the Far East, broke the shocking news that in order to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Federal Commercial Bank and the ability to fight financial risks and protect the interests of depositors, The three major commercial banks, including the Bank and the International Commercial Bank, officially announced the implementation of comprehensive financing and equity joint ventures. Starting from September 15, the three commercial banks will cancel their original operating systems and interest rate measures, and implement a unified exchange and storage mechanism. Federal citizens can exchange and deposit money in any branch of the three commercial banks, and There are no fees to pay.

"The establishment of the Federal UnionPay means that the competition among commercial banks in the Russian Federation will enter a new era, the financial monopoly will be further strengthened, and financial resources will be confluenced to the greatest extent in the hands of fewer people. .... A very small number of financial oligarchs are taking advantage of their capital to further kidnap citizens of the entire federal government." Regarding the joint venture of the three major commercial banks, the Risk Forecasting Department of the Central Bank of Russia made a prediction,

There is no doubt that the prediction of the Central Bank of Russia is accurate. Since mid-September, the consortium of federal commercial banks, which has just completed its organization, has made great efforts to take advantage of its strong capital to suppress those with weak capital and operating problems. small, medium and local commercial banks. From mid-September to the beginning of November, a total of 72 private local commercial banks in the Commonwealth declared bankruptcy, and a large number of so-called bankers who were worth hundreds of millions a few months ago became "negatives" with heavy debts -- -- This is a sign of the comprehensive resource integration of the federal financial industry. The cruelty of "big fish eats small fish" has been fully demonstrated in two months.

In late September, the first case in the history of the Russian Federation in which a domestic company merged with an American company was born. The Far East Kwok Group spent US$4 billion to fully acquire the American computer industry giant "Wang An Company" and successfully completed the entire merger process. This incident caused strong repercussions within the Russian Federation. For a time, the "Guo Group" became a household name among Russians. In the eyes of Russians, this group has become the best representation of the revival of Russia's great power, perhaps because of Considering the nationality, they often don't call the Guo Group, but instead use "Group", whose meaning is taken from the last two letters of "". In this way, the name of the Guo Group "Khabarovsk Industrial Group" appeared in front of the public for the first time.

"What we need is not only the domestic economic space of the Federation, but at the same time, we should also look farther and open our eyes," Guo Shouyun, the most influential figure in the Federation this year, accepted the "Wang An acquisition case" In an exclusive interview with TASS, he declared, "The Germans have repeatedly declared during World War II that they need a site under the sun, and now, in the face of the increasingly obvious trend of globalization, we also need a space for economic development under the sun."

In early October, the main project of the Guo Group's computer hardware base in the Far East Komsomolsk City was announced to be completed. In Guo Shouyun's own words, in the next ten to twenty years, he will build it into the "Silicon Valley" of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he will also make every effort to reverse the economic model of the Far East, which was dominated by raw material export and heavy industry machinery, and replace it with a high-tech economic development model with high technology and deep processing as the main body. In order to achieve this goal, the Guo Group will make unremitting efforts, even willing to pay any price for it.

Also at the beginning of October, the Far Eastern state governments issued a new minimum wage restriction decree. According to this decree, the monthly wage level of adult males in the Far East shall not be lower than 1,400 rubles, and the monthly wage level of adult women shall not be lower than 1,400 rubles. One thousand rubles. The promulgation of this decree has won widespread support from the people in the Far East, but it has met with strong resistance from small and medium-sized business owners. From early October to mid-October, a series of demonstrations broke out in major cities in the Far East to support the government's decision-making. Demonstrations and demonstrations against the government's decision-making confronted each other in the street, threw rocks, glass bottles, and even hand-to-hand combat, resulting in many serious bloodshed. However, similar violent incidents were effectively brought under control after mid-October. In major cities with severe conflicts, a large number of military police intervened in demonstrations, and forced dispersal and suppression of both sides of the demonstrations. Only in Khabarovsk In four consecutive days, nearly 60 demonstrators were arrested by the police.

At the end of October, a color photo of Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky was featured on the cover of Time Magazine, and in the review of the two, the magazine only gave an intriguing interpretation: Politicians in businessman's guise, dictatorships under a democratic Russian regime, and how far the Russian Far East will go on the road they set, we will wait and see."

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