Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 523: night talk

The gloomy night once again enveloped the entire Khabarovsk, and in the gorgeous bedroom with pink lights, Guo Shouyun lay on the bed, snuffed out the cigarette **** in his hand, and turned to look at the desperate woman beside him. /w After several crazy sexual intercourse, coupled with the fatigue of long-distance travel, the little goblin, Xiquena, was already asleep at this time. She was lying on the soft bed, and her crooked head was almost covered with disheveled gold. The whole thing was covered, and half of the flattened snow-white milk cake emerged from her snow-white armpit. With the slight breathing, it rhythmically contracted and agitated inside and out.

"Hey," with a soft sigh, Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand to lift the woman's long hair that was scattered in front of her face, gently stroked the corner of her lips where a faint smile was hidden, and then leaned over to kiss her on the forehead, Then he turned over and sat up, put on a nightgown and walked out of the bed, barefooted towards the bedroom door.

Just as Guo Shouyun walked out of the bedroom and quietly closed the door, Xi Quina, who was sleeping, slowly opened her eyes. She glanced at the door, pursed her lips, and reached out to grab the pillow that the man had just placed on. She kissed her on the lips, then hugged her tightly, turned over, and continued to do her sweet dream.

"Sir," the light was not turned on in the living room outside the bedroom. In the dim light, the pretty Yelena stood by the window, quietly overlooking the night view of Khabarovsk. Hearing the footsteps behind her, she said softly without looking back, "You really surprised me."

"Oh?" Without turning on the light, Guo Shouyun went straight to the sand and sat down. He stretched his waist vigorously and said casually, "What's the surprise? Is it adoration, or is it full of contempt?"

"Even if it's... both," Yelena said with a slight smile, "Don't you think Siquina is a little pitiful?"

"Hehe, how do you say it. In fact, in my opinion, everyone in this world is pitiful," Guo Shouyun shook his head and relaxed the muscles of his neck, "They, maybe we should say, some people believe in the so-called fate , and some people scoff at the concept of fate, but in fact? Whether you believe in fate or not. Everyone is being manipulated by it, and it arranges the next maze for you, allowing you to turn and turn. I can't find an exit, and I can't see through the fog in front of me. After decades of vicissitudes, everyone has been groping in the dark, self-righteously searching for something called an answer, but at the end, when he finds that When the real answer came, it turned out to be nothing but a handful of loess. Your destiny is hatred. Siquina's destiny is freedom, mine is pursuit, but in the final analysis, our destiny is the same, day after day In the slump, he has withdrawn from history step by step. From a more specific point of view, Xiquina is pitiful, so isn't Miles pitiful? Haha. Regardless of whether there is any relationship between him and Siquina, at least I can Surely he won't be able to sleep tonight."

"Maybe what Mr. said makes sense." Yelena turned around, she walked slowly to Guo Shouyun's side, sat down with her hands on the skirt, sighed and said, "Perhaps it is because of the same view as Mr. That's why I get bored with things like life. Those beautiful things can only appear in the illusory imagination, but there are piles of cruel and irreversible evils lurking around the real world. Everyone lives In lies. Endless. Endless. Perhaps compared to Syquina and Miles, a woman like me who lives only for hatred is happy. At least I have a clear goal to pursue, in My life won't feel empty and boring until that purpose is gone."

"What's the matter with you tonight? It sounds like you are overwhelmed with emotion." Guo Shouyun laughed.

"Who knows," Yelena said casually, shrugging her shoulders, "Maybe it's my love season. Miss Syquina's voice is very charming. For the audience, it's simply torture."

"I didn't expect that my Yelena think tank also showed humor sometimes," Guo Shouyun said helplessly, shaking his head.

"Haha, I'm afraid there are still many things Mr. didn't expect," Yelena said with a small smile, leaning closer to the man.

"For example," the woman's body was very soft, and there was a refreshing fragrance in the slightly open collar, but at this time Guo Shouyun didn't have the slightest bit, his energy was already drained by Xi Quina, that woman. ...... Guo Shouyun shudders whenever he thinks of her swollen, swollen private parts in need of pleasure. He is even sure that if Nina is like this woman, then he must not have the ability to come out and mess with flowers. grass.

"For example, the identity of Mr. Miles," Yelena said softly, "you know, I talked about it through the club's channels this afternoon. Haha, his family background is really not simple."

"Oh, let's hear it, how is it not a simple method." Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly.

"His surname is Harrison, I think you should understand if you say that," Yelena replied simply.

"Harrison? Hmph, I said, an old family that's out of date." Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, then sneered.

"You Chinese people say: A hundred-legged worm is dead but not stiff. This sentence is not without reason," Yelena laughed, "and this Miles is not simple. I tried to explore this afternoon. Looking at his tone, he vaguely revealed a little meaning, hoping to establish a private cooperative relationship with Mr.

"Private partnership?" Guo Shouyun asked with a frown. "In this thought, is there anything private to talk about? Besides, I don't believe he can bear the humiliation today."

"From a man's point of view, the gentleman does have reason to doubt his intentions, but from a woman's point of view, I doubt his ambition even more." Yelena raised her elbows and rubbed gently. He raised his eyebrows and said, "For a man who sees women as people, this kind of humiliation is probably unbearable for anyone today, but for a man who doesn't see women as people, this kind of thing can't be tolerated. It doesn't matter."

"What do you mean..." Guo Shouyun vaguely heard something, he hesitated.

"I was in the office today when my husband was with Miss Syquina, and I couldn't stand the disturbing sound. You know, I'm professionally trained in this area. In contrast, Our Mr. Miles didn't respond at all, and his expression didn't change for nearly 20 minutes." Yelena said slowly, "I only have three possible definitions for this kind of man: First, physiological function is abnormal; second, homosexuality; third, schizophrenia. Of these three possibilities, I prefer the last one. If my guess is correct, then the gentleman should be careful about him, Because we can't understand the psychology of this kind of person at all, especially a schizophrenic with high IQ, his risk factor is higher, if you can choose, I will never agree with your husband as an enemy."

"Schizophrenia, schizophrenia, interesting," Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, "It seems that the friends around us are getting more and more complicated. Tell me, how does he want to cooperate?"

"I don't know that either," Yelena shook her head, "I just heard that he had some intentions. He praised your calmness of mind and your principled attitude. At the same time, he also suggested that you should negotiate with Washington. It’s just that you chose the wrong agent, and many of the interests that should have been with you have been deprived by some people.”

"Well," Guo Shouyun nodded and said clearly, "It seems that the Eastern Federation of Finance is not as united as they have shown."

"As long as there are interests, there can be no solidarity in the true sense," Yelena agreed. "But then again, although I don't agree with Mr. Miles as enemies, I also don't agree with you going with him. Too close, at least under the current conditions. If Mr. thinks it is feasible, he may wish to send him a friendly signal at the appropriate opportunity, and then continue to wait and see to see if it can further tear apart the Eastern Conference. Moscow is a puddle of muddy water, and you can't see the bottom without stirring it, but the water in Washington is not that muddy yet. If you want to fish there, you should naturally stir up the mud at the bottom for them. "

"Well, what you said makes sense," Guo Shouyun agreed. "This is a very good signal, and it came very timely. I think you also felt today that the Eastern Federation of Finance and Morgan reached a compromise, which is not good for us. Yes, they don't want to see us maintain contact with Beijing anymore, and even the ambiguous Antong songs can't be tolerated."

"Haha, sir, you're overthinking it," Yelena shook her head and smiled, "Actually, in my opinion, sir, you can accept all the three conditions proposed by Washington. There are three advantages to doing so: First, it can be avoided in the short term. Conflict with Washington can even win their trust and support; second, Mr. can extend his tentacles to the South Asian subcontinent and even the entire Indian Ocean rim to a certain extent; third, create pressure on Beijing to force They made more concessions to Mr.

"So you agree with this cooperation agreement?" Guo Shouyun tilted his head and thought for a while before saying.

"It can be said that," Yelena nodded, "at least this is the best option that Mr.

"Maybe," made a decision in his heart, Guo Shouyun sighed and said, "It seems that I have to find a way to deal with Sister Hong's temper."

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