Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 522: weird couple

?Xi Quina's repeated questions made Guo Shouyun's heart feel a bit bitter. It is true that the Guo Group has benefited from cooperating with Beijing for so long, but these benefits are all economical. Pure commercial interests, and these things are of little significance to the Guo Group now. What the group needs is political assistance and a solid and powerful backing for rectification. But in this regard, Beijing obviously did not let go. plan.

Some time ago, the three giants went to Beijing together. The result was that they left in high spirits and returned in frustration. The three people who could easily set off a political storm in the Federation did not even meet a government official of sufficient weight. This incident made the three giants, including Guo Shouyun, feel the attitude of Beijing while they felt a sense of crisis. They only wanted to use the power in the hands of the three giants, but did not intend to establish a deeper cooperative relationship. To put it bluntly, what Beijing wants to establish more is a naked employment relationship: they pay, and the Big Three come forward to do things, that's all.

"How is it, can't you answer it?" Xi Quina's tone sounded a little gloating, she leaned in front of Guo Shouyun's face and said with a smile, "Because you have money, which is not much better than waste paper, almost You got nothing. In this hidden political game, you have sadly played the role of a thug. The thugs, the pay is high, but there is also a lot of bloodshed, and the probability of losing your life is even higher. Amazing, darling, tell me, is it worth it?"

"Sir, can I say a word?" Ye Liena, who had been standing beside him, said when she saw Guo Shouyun's face a little ugly.

"Of course," Guo Shouyun said, waving his hand.

"Ms. Xiquena, as you said, our Guo Group did not get much benefit from the interaction with Beijing," Ye Liena folded her arms across her chest. He smiled and said, "But as Mr.'s private secretary, I would like to know one thing, that is, if Guo agrees to move closer to Washington and accept all the conditions you just put forward, the White House will pay nothing but worthless bills for it. Besides, what more useful things can it give us?"

"Does Miss Yelena think what I said just now isn't enough?" Xiquina laughed.

"What do you think, Miss Syquina?" Yelena asked without answering.

"Hehe, I really can't think of it. You are more greedy than Shouyun," Xi Quina said with a chuckle. "Okay, now that's the case, we'll make one more step. As long as Shouyun can straighten his stance and accept the conditions just now, then we will invite you to go there on the grounds of your active role in the Dakamen incident. Washington, accept the title of honorary citizen of Washington. At the same time, Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, the current chairman of the Democratic Supreme Committee and the most powerful contender for the next president of the United States, will personally invite you to participate in the fundraising banquet for campaign funds. Hehe, at present, Mr. Clinton has already gained an absolute advantage in the election polls, with a 43 percent approval rating proving that he is expected to be the next occupant of the White House. And what he means to Mr.'s invitation, I think it goes without saying right?"

Guo Shouyun and Ye Liena were startled and looked at each other. Clearly, none of them expected Washington to make such a decision. Of course, there is no actual interest in meeting the next president of the United States. The real impact of this matter lies in an open statement, a statement from the new core of the American regime, which can even be said to be a "label" behavior. .

"Shouyun, you should be able to appreciate the difference between us and Beijing," Xiquina continued. "We are not as hesitant as Beijing. Whoever opposes, values ​​who exists, and pays attention to whose interests, always has a very clear position. Washington will not care about the opinions of others, nor will it care about the voices of those who oppose protests. Shouyun, you can imagine, The same two cooperation, one is secretive, only covets the weapon in your hand, but doesn't care about your life and death, while the other cooperates, openly and honestly, and does not shy away from the close cooperation relationship with you, in this case , which one should you choose is the most sensible?"

"Mr. Guo, are you still nostalgic for your Chinese identity?" Miles spoke for the first time in the entire meeting, with a faint smile and two light blue eyes staring at Guo Shouyun's face , said in a soothing tone.

"How likely are you to say that this possibility exists? Identity, huh, for me, the only identity is the president of the Guo Group, other than that, what Chinese, Russian, or American, British People are secondary," Guo Shouyun squeezed Xi Quina's plump buttocks and smiled, "I don't think these nationalities can protect my interests at a critical moment."

"Since that's the case..." Miles clapped his hands and laughed.

"Is there a place for you to speak here?" She interrupted her fiance's conversation unceremoniously, and Xiquina reached out and squeezed the big hand of the man beside her that was in her hot pants, and said expressionlessly, "If you are smart, I want you to recognize your failure and be as quiet as possible."

Miles was stunned for a moment, then a smile flashed across his handsome face, he nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

Ignoring her fiancé again, Xi Quina turned her body sideways, snuggled tightly into Guo Shouyun's arms, and said softly, "Shouyun, I have already told you everything I need to say, how is it? Aren't you going to make a final decision yet?"

To be honest, Guo Shouyun is really moved. He really wants to get rid of Beijing and throw himself directly into the arms of Washington, but his reason tells him that this is by no means the best choice. As Xiquina said, if Washington wants to support someone, it is indeed very strong, and it never pays attention to the public opinion of the international community, but don't forget that they are equally astonishing in the attack on "their own people". Nearly 20 years ago, Washington hailed the Taliban as Afghanistan's democratic fighters, but in a few years, he will personally overthrow the regime; more than a decade ago, they supported Saddam strongly, but now Washington is Fiercely attacking the Iraqi regime; from a few years ago, they began to support Uncle Bin Laden, and a few years later, this uncle will be chased by the Americans in hiding. Americans' support for a force is not based on whether the force represents justice, but whether it is obedient and willing to be a lackey. Completely attached to such a "master" with a bad record, Guo Shouyun was absolutely terrified.

"Xi Quina, can you give me some time to think about it?" After hesitating for a while, Guo Shouyun sighed and said.

"Hehe, Shouyun, when did you become so indecisive?" Xi Quina smiled, "In my impression, you are not such a person."

"There's no way," shrugged, Guo Shouyun said, "As you know, today's Guo Group is no longer the little toy that no one would care about at the time. When I take any step, I can't Don't be very cautious. Well, it's like investing. If you only have a thousand dollars in your hand, you may not hesitate to invest it in any place you like, but when you have When you have ten million dollars, you have to be careful.”

"Well, it's a very interesting metaphor, it sounds very appropriate," Siquina tilted her head and thought for a while, then smiled, "Well, I didn't intend to stay here too much, now that you If you want to think about it, then I will wait 24 hours, and this time tomorrow, you must give me an accurate answer."

"You are too generous," Guo Shouyun said with a wry smile, "You only gave me twenty-four hours to think about such a major issue, I..."

"Darling, you're wrong," Siquina chuckled while lying in the man's arms, "I'm afraid you only have six or seven hours to think about it, because in the next time, I will always Haunting you, um, don't you think that feeling just now is wonderful? At least I'm already a little obsessed. So, you are not allowed to leave here tonight, I will concentrate all the needs of the next few months to this day Solve it later."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun felt a headache. He really couldn't understand what the woman in his arms did, let alone what was going on in her little head. Is it so fun to humiliate her poor fiance? So much fun.

"Hee hee, of course, if you can do two things with one mind, you can also consider these issues while satisfying me," Xi Quina, who had tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, was almost dissolute. She lay crooked in the man's arms, reaching out and stroking Guo Shouyun nose, said with a smile, "but I don't believe that my charm can be so vulgar, what do you think, dear?"

"Didn't you notice it? Actually, I can't think about it anymore," Guo Shouyun sighed, shaking his head.

"Mr. Guo," Maybe it was because his fiancee and other men couldn't bear it in public, Miles got up and said, "Since the time for the final consultation has been finalized, I want to find a place to rest, see if you can... ."

"Oh, it's very simple," Guo Shouyun raised his head and said, "Yelena, go and make arrangements for the secretariat to arrange a room for Mr. Miles."

"Okay, sir," Yelena nodded.

"Mr. Guo," smiled and glanced at Xi Quina, Miles shook hands with Guo Shouyun before going out, "I am in a good mood meeting with you today, and if possible, I hope to have time with you. Individual interviews, of course, the exact time will be determined by Mr.

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