Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 521: lobby

?Guo Shouyun has to admit that when the Guo Group has not officially entered the United States, even if Morgan gave up a lot of political interests for the purpose of seeking peace, he would not be able to use it at all. More likely, these The benefits turned around in his hands, and in the blink of an eye, they fell into the hands of the Eastern Federation of Finance. It is precisely because of this that Xi Quina would say such a thing.

As the two sides of the cooperation, Xi Quina wants to remind him that in the United States, the cooperation between Guo's and the East should be led by the Eastern Financial Alliance. Now the Eastern Financial Alliance intends to implement a temporary truce with Morgan, so Guo The Group should also make some adjustments to its policies in order to safeguard the overall interests. In exchange, if it is on the issue of the Russian Federation, the Eastern Federation of Finance will naturally take Guo as the leader. If Guo intends to fight or make peace with that party, the Eastern Federation of Finance will also follow up, so as to maintain the interests of the broader market. Base. As for cooperation, everyone has to talk about a two-way nature, and they have to talk about the overall interests. It is impossible to only consider yourself in everything, and only consider the small interests in front of you.

Looking at this issue from another angle, now that the Eastern Federation of Finance and the Morgan Consortium have achieved a truce, and have gained some political and economic benefits from this truce, then as a stakeholder in the exchange of shares to reach cooperation, Guo Shouyun himself must be He can get some benefits from it, but this benefit will be obtained indirectly from the Eastern Federation of Finance. It is precisely because of this that Morgan did not come forward directly in this negotiation, but from Khabarovsk from Siquina from the Eastern Federation of Finance.

After a little thought, he understood the meaning of the woman around him. Guo Shouyun turned his head and exchanged glances with Ye Liena, then shrugged and smiled bitterly: "I have to admit, what you said makes sense. Well, in order to avoid embarrassing my old friend, I will take a step back. From now on, I will Let go of the antagonistic attitude to Morgan, well, no more trouble with them."

Guo Shouyun was able to make concessions in such a short period of time. Siquina was obviously not surprised, but a hint of surprise flashed on Miles' face, which could be seen from this point. There is a huge difference between the two people in their understanding of Guo Shouyun.

"Darling, don't say it so forcefully," curling up, Siquina leaned over to the man. He leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth and smiled. "Don't look like you have been wronged. You must know that making such a decision is beneficial and harmless to you, not to mention that we have prepared corresponding compensation for you. Hehe, you are definitely not interested in money. Yes, but facing the door to the United States that is about to open to you, I believe you are definitely interested in an office location in the interior of the Empire State Building. In order to reward you, the family has purchased seventy-three to seven of the Empire State Building for you. The property rights of the eighteenth floor, as long as you don't dislike it. There will be Guo's central office in New York from now on."

"Oh. Then should I say thank you?" Guo Shouyun's face showed a look of interest, he smiled.

as a businessman. A luxury businessman who has the ability to enter New York, USA, is believed to be interested in having an office space in the Empire State Building, because it is not only a manifestation of capital, not only a symbol of status, but also a symbol of status. It is a sign of international credibility, and even an ordinary enterprise group, no matter how strong its financial strength, is impossible to settle in this iconic building.

"This is what you deserve," she leaned over her legs, Siquina sat close to the man, her arms crossed her knees, she shook her body slightly, and smiled, "So you don't have to thank anyone."

Guo Shouyun smiled and did not speak.

"Since this problem has been solved, let's move on to the next topic," Gently bumping her elbow on the man's chest, Siquina smiled sweetly and continued, "Well, on this issue, tell me first. What exactly do you and Khodorkovsky want from Beijing? Political support? Commercial interests? Overseas rights protection? Or something else that we can't consider."

"Would you believe it if I said that we just wanted to give ourselves one more choice?" Guo Shouyun put his hand behind the woman, lifted the hem of her T-shirt with Miles' eyes behind her back, and groped along the smooth back Go down, and finally inserted directly into the waist of the hot pants, stroking the warm and soft buttocks.

"I believe, how can I not believe," she said in a slightly sweet voice, with a hint of ruddy on her face, "after all, this is the only reasonable explanation. But, dear, have you ever thought about it, Does your choice make any sense? In other words, how much help can the Chinese give you when Washington and Beijing's conflict of interest in Russia intensifies?"

"Hey, do we need to consider this issue?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "You know, whether it's me or Khodorkovsky and the others, what we people need is not a head-on conflict between Washington and Beijing, what we need It is just a delicate balance in diplomatic strategy. Unlike Gusinsky and Berezovsky, what we need is not a monopoly, but a coexistence, entanglement of contradictions, and coexistence under the checks and balances of interests. We don’t want Moscow to fall all the way to Washington, and likewise, I don’t want to fall all the way to Beijing, because neither front nor back is in our fundamental interests.”

Speaking of which, Guo Shouyun paused and thought for dozens of seconds before continuing: "Everyone is a smart person, you should understand that Washington's tricks can't be hidden from anyone, after eliminating the former Soviet Union as a strategic opponent. , you Americans have set their sights on East Asia. The strategy that was used against Moscow in the past, Washington is now planning to try it on Beijing. Blocking, the military blockade of the first, second, and third island chains, the global economy Sanctions, democratic blackmail in international politics, etc., etc., these tricks are nothing more than to achieve one goal, to turn East Asia into a region that Washington has the ability to fully control. Logically, as a businessman, we should not consider These problems, but unfortunately, whether it is Guo's or Mena Jabil, we are no longer purely commercial. In a larger sense, we are still a regional integration of interests, a company with its own A geopolitical and economic group that considers political interests. We need our own power, an ideal space for making regional decisions independently, and our own thinking and interests. Therefore, we need a polarized or even multi-polar external politics environment, we must maintain a delicate balance of influence between Beijing and Washington in the federation. Siquina, I can tell you frankly, neither Khodorkovsky nor I have much ambition, and it is not ours to control this country The original intention is that we have to take these measures in order to avoid threats from outside."

"Balance?" Siquina chuckled, "Do you think Beijing has the ability to maintain this balance of influence with Washington? I can also tell you frankly that it is impossible. Indeed, Beijing is implementing After the policy of reform and opening up, the pace of economic development has been very fast. The annual economic development rate of more than 10% is enviable. In the final analysis, their comprehensive strength is still far behind the international first echelon. For a period of time, because of the existence of the hostile power of the Soviet Union, they obtained a good external development environment to a certain extent, which also stimulated Beijing's ambition to break the conservative tradition. Full involvement in the issue is the best sign. Now, Washington has felt the threat, so the game with Beijing will become the biggest game on the White House president's desk for some time to come. In this case , dear, how long do you think the equilibrium in Moscow will be maintained?"

Guo Shouyun smiled indifferently, with no interface. To be honest, he doesn't agree with Xi Quina's point of view. This woman pays too much attention to the issue of single-level strength, thus ignoring the key of a "people's back". The Art of War pays attention to "time of day, favorable location, and harmony." This kind of relationship may be just a phantom thing in the eyes of many people, but it also has a great emphasis on practical problems.

In the Commonwealth, Beijing or Washington may not be such a popular external presence, but when the balance between the two parties is broken, the relatively weak party will inevitably get the support of more political forces in Russia----this is It is not a paradox, and it has nothing to do with sympathy. The reason why this situation will definitely occur is entirely because of the great power complex in the minds of Russians. Guo Shouyun can be sure that if Washington puts all-out pressure on Beijing to force Chinese influence out of Russia, the White House will face absolutely the opposite of what they expected to see. When Washington's influence in the federal government increases sharply, some political forces that were originally opposed to Beijing will head south. In order to get rid of the strong interference from the United States, these people will fully rely on Beijing and do their best. to suppress pro-American forces in the Commonwealth. As a smart person with previous life experience, Guo Shouyun sees this very clearly, which is why he prefers Beijing.

"Well, even if you don't agree with me, it doesn't matter, we can consider it from another angle." Looking at the smile on the man's face, Xi Quina knew that her persuasion just now had no effect. After thinking about it, he readjusted the focus of the lobbying, and then said, "Speaking of which, you have been cooperating with Beijing for a while. Tell me honestly, do you think this kind of cooperation makes you happy? The high profile of Miss Sun Hongyu. , has it been lowered or has it intensified? Has Beijing abandoned its plan to fully manipulate you? Have they given you strong political support in Moscow?”

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