Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 520: talk about compromise

?Similar to the encrypted and shortened files brought by Xi Quina and the others, Guo Shouyun has seen it once in the past. It was the content that Yakov showed, sprinkled with 1000 characters, and it was miniatured in a barrel of film. Unlike ordinary film, this thing cannot be washed, because the washed photos are not necessarily garbage photos, so to see the content inside, you must use the matching reader to read, and then a little manual Transcribe it down.

As a layman, Guo Shouyun doesn't know how to play with these things, so he can only let Yelena play with it.

"No way," shrugged, Siquina smiled, "as long as there is a place for human sight, some things have to be careful. Oh, is this Miss Yelena your new secretary? Or your new love. I think she's very skilled, she should be from the former Soviet Union Security Committee, right? Well, let me think about it, how many women around you came out of there, three? Four? Or Is it more?"

"I'm afraid it's not easy to answer this question," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "because, hehe, people from the former security committee are everywhere, I don't even know how many people in my secretariat the girls came from. ."

"This sentence is not false," Siquina said, lying comfortably on the sand, looking very dashing and waving her hand, "but I have a good idea to relieve you of this trouble, For example, you can drive them all away, and then I will arrange a group of people for you. Haha. You should be able to trust my vision, right?"

"You? Hehe, of course I trust your vision," Guo Shouyun tilted his head and thought for a while, then smiled, "But unfortunately, I can't trust your motives."

"Hmph, it seems that your doubts will never be fixed." Siquina snorted and said something casually, but her eyes turned to Yelena, who was busy transcribing documents.

Although it was the first time to meet Yelena, Siquina could see that this woman is not simple. At least she has an amazing memory, which cannot be said to be unforgettable, but judging from her current performance . The ability to do everything in one eye is still there. When transcribing the miniature document, she always held the browser in one hand and carefully looked at the volume of documents for a minute or two. Then change the pen to write the content of nearly half of the manuscript paper. This kind of skill is definitely not possessed by anyone.

"Sir," as Siquina observed, Yelena transcribed this encrypted document with 10,000 characters, and it didn't take much time. Of course, when the last letter was finished, she raised her head and said, "It's done. Yes. Take a look at it."

"Well," he took the document from Yelena's hand. Guo Shouyun kneaded Xi Quina's calf and said with a smile, "Come on, let's see what benefits Washington has given."

With a hint of doubt, Xi Quina bowed slightly and glanced at the document in the man's hand. Undisguised surprise quickly appeared in those eyes. She couldn't think of it, just for a while. Yelena not only copied the document. And also completed the translation work by the way.

"Miss Yelena's ability is really amazing," he said without hesitation. Siquina gave a thumbs up and smiled, "I don't think that Mr. Polaninov, whom Shouyun regards as his right-hand man, is not as smart and capable as you."

"Miss Xiguina has won the prize." With a slight smile, Ye Liena had such an air of indifference. She took the pen in her hand, walked to Guo Shouyun's side, took his hand, and drew a few strokes on the document. Said, "Sir, there are text traps in these places, you need to think carefully."

"Well, I saw it," Guo Shouyun nodded and replied in a muffled voice. ^^^^

As Xi Quina said before, this time Washington really intends to make concessions to the Guo Group. In this document, they set out three conditions in total: first, completely let go of Wang An Government intervention in the company acquisition case, as long as the Guo Group can provide sufficient funds, the acquisition will be completed within a week after the two sides compromise. After the merger and reorganization, Wang An Company will have "exactly the same" policy treatment as similar companies in the United States; secondly, the Guo Group will obtain the right to form a "lobbying company" in Washington, and similar lobbying companies are actually large The conglomerate guarantees the foundation of its own political power in the United States, and Washington grants such a power to the Guo Group, which is equivalent to opening the political door to the Western Hemisphere for it; third, in the future, Washington will try to come forward To mediate the conflicts between the Guo Group and the two giants in Moscow, and at the same time, we will do our best to safeguard the political and economic interests of the Guo Group outside the Russian Federation.

In exchange, the Guo Group must also do three things: First, play down the impact of the Dakhamian incident, destroy all evidence that might make the situation worse, lift surveillance on American and Ukrainian ships, and allow them to " Safe departure”; second, resolve the conflict with the Morgan Group, and give up the attack on the group’s vested interests in the Russian Federation; third, stop obstructing the intention of India and Russia to purchase arms, and facilitate this to the greatest extent possible. The successful completion of a cooperation plan.

Of course, these three conditions and three interests are only the most important parts of the document. As for some details, Guo Shouyun doesn't pay much attention to it. Therefore, consciously or not, he put those things aside. went.

"How is it, Yun," Xiquina's voice was as sweet as before, she bent her legs, hugged her knees, and smiled, "You can be satisfied with such conditions."

"Well, I'm only partially satisfied," Guo Shouyun fiddled with the documents in his hand, glanced at Yelena who was standing beside him, and said, "Indeed, Washington gave me a lot this time, so much so that I have an idea. It's a flattering feeling, but from another point of view, they also want a lot of things, well, it can even be said that it is beyond my ability to pay."

"Like?" Hyquina said.

"Let's not speak secretly," Guo Shouyun put his documents on the coffee table, leaned back into the sand, stretched his waist, and said, "I can satisfy Washington's first request, to downplay the Dakamen area. There is no problem with concealing secrets that should not be known by more people. After all, I have no feud with you Americans, and it will not benefit me to let you lose face. However, this guarantee that they can leave Hong Kong safely, I Can't agree yet, unless they can hand over the remaining spent fuel rods, otherwise, their fate may not be so good next time. As for this second request, I'm not sure yet, just like you You said, the truce, but this truce is an issue where both sides of the war should sit down and reach a consensus, and now, I only got your opinion on this issue, but not the meaning of the Morgans, huh, can this work? Do you plan to let me cease fire unilaterally, and then wait for the enemy to come up and harvest my head? The third requirement is that the Indians need fighter jets, ok, I can sell them, but on the issue of this price, I have my own ideas, they are not with the I am not optimistic about the agreement reached by Moscow. The mere 1.6 billion US dollars cannot solve the problem. If the military industry in the Far East is to be used to complete this transaction, they will do it at the price I set. At the same time, they have to negotiate. You can only talk to me, otherwise, I will not make any concessions "Anything else? "Quietly looking at the man's well-defined profile face, Xi Quina smiled, "Is that all there is to it? "

"That's all for now. Well, I can make a memorandum, and I will continue to add what I think of in the future." Guo Shouyun lowered his head, looked at the woman's crystal-like little toes, and laughed.

"Okay, let's just talk about what you mentioned for the time being," Siquina felt the man's gaze, her little face blushed slightly, but it quickly returned to normal, "I will summarize for you, you The three objections mentioned are actually only for two reasons. First, you are not willing to give up your involvement with Beijing because of your cooperation with us, whether it is the issue of spent fuel rods or the issue of arms purchases, what you care about It's not the money, it's the bad reaction that Beijing may have. Second, the reason you don't want to let go of the grievance with Morgan is not because of the so-called unilateral truce, but because you can't let go of that Face, can't swallow that breath, you can even say, you plan to take this opportunity to get some more benefits from them. Honey, am I right?"

Unexpectedly, this woman would call her "Dear" directly. Guo Shouyun subconsciously glanced at Miles opposite, but found that he was looking at him expressionlessly.

"Cough, let's put it this way," Guo Shouyun said with a dry cough, rubbing his chin to avoid embarrassment.

"Okay, then listen to my analysis for you," Siquina smiled and continued, "Let's start with a simple problem, which is the conflict with Morgan. Frankly speaking, in order to deal with some very troublesome things, our eastern The Federation of Finance and allies from various parties have reached a preliminary compromise with Morgan. It is true that in the process, they have given up a lot of interests, and they are the interests we need. Then as our ally in the Russian Federation , what kind of benefits do you plan to get from Morgan? Economic benefits? That's money, do you still care about this thing now? If it's not for money, it's political benefits, huh, very frankly speaking In a word, we can use the political benefits they let us use, can you use it? Or, can you use it?"

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