Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 519: armistice

?I don't know if it's because of Xi Quina's more deliciousness, or because of a different kind of mental stimulation, Guo Shouyun's performance today is outstanding. To be honest, his stamina has never been better. In more than 20 minutes, the woman The moaning continued, and although the scene was not shocking and crying, it was enough to shock the two people outside the house. w/

"Yelena, how do you do things?" After exhausting all the excess energy and resting in the room for nearly half an hour, Guo Shouyun walked out of the lounge with his arms around the weak Xi Quina. He walked straight to the sand with his arms around the woman and sat down, then looked at the coffee table full of newspapers and magazines, and said half-truthfully, "Why don't you serve tea to Mr. Miles? Is this how we entertain guests? ?"

"I'm sorry, sir," Yelena laughed in her heart. This man is really irresponsible. Not serving tea to guests is indeed not in line with the way of hospitality, but openly committing adultery with the guest's fiancée is in line with the way of hospitality? "I was negligent, I'll arrange it right away."

"No need," Miles, who was polite and gentle, raised his head and smiled before Ye Liena walked out the door, "Don't be polite, sir, I don't drink tea."

"Oh, then drink coffee," rubbing his nose and sniffing the tender fragrance of the woman's skin on his fingers, Guo Shouyun smiled, "Well, red wine is also fine, I think Mr. Miles is so romantic and suave, he must be very fond of red wine. Tasteful. Come on, Yelena, go and get the bottle of treasure from my lounge, I'm..."

"You don't have to do anything today." She reached out to cover the man's mouth, and Siquina smiled coquettishly, "Since Mr. Miles doesn't drink tea, let him sit, I think He wouldn't mind. What's more, we're here for business this time, the purpose. It's neither drinking nor tea."

"Business?" Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He didn't know if it was a real business just now, but it felt pretty good anyway. ^^^ He thought about it for a while and smiled, "Well, business, what business?"

"Of course it's to mediate the contradictions in the Dakamen incident." Siquina ignored her fiancé's feelings at all. She kicked off the high-heeled sandals she was wearing, and lay down on the sand. He placed a pair of beautiful legs on Guo Shouyun's thighs without any scruples, and said with a soft moan, "Ah, the bones are about to fall apart, and all blame you, now I lie down and talk to you, how about my President Guo, you You don't mind my rudeness, do you?"

"Of course. You just lie down," Guo Shouyun glanced at Miles out of the corner of his eye. Perhaps it was because of the perverted mind, but he was quite enjoying the awkward situation at the moment.

"Hey, tell me honestly, how long did you plan everything about Da Kamensheng, and where did you get the specific inside information?" He rubbed the man's thigh with his tender soles. Siquina asked with a smile. Planning, what planning? Guo Shouyun coughed dryly. He stretched out his hand to hold the woman's soft little feet. Don't let her move around. "I didn't get any news about this in advance." To tell you the truth, I didn't receive the last notice until after the military took action. Hey, didn't you see that three cargo ships of our Guo Group have also been closed in the port. If I knew the news in advance, where would this situation still occur? "

"Hmph, just pretend to be stupid," Syquina said with a snort from her throat, "I knew you wouldn't tell me the truth."

"Myers," she said, and she beckoned without raising her head, "Show Shouyun the aerial photos that the Pentagon gave to the ground, I want to see what else he has to say. ."

After receiving the order from his fiancée, Miles didn't answer. He grabbed the leather bag he was carrying with him, took out an envelope from it, and put it in front of Guo Shouyun.

"Look," Siquina laughed as she watched her man open the envelope and took out the black-and-white photos, "This is the activity of the Pacific Fleet's surface ships in the Sea of ​​Japan provided by the Pentagon in the past week, hum. Hmm, do you think the operations of the Pacific Fleet are really so secretive? To tell you the truth, the Pentagon has seen through their abnormal deployment a long time ago. a

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun looked at the photos in his hands. As the woman said, almost every photo has a number marking the ship's route of the Pacific Fleet. From this aspect alone, it is known that the American intelligence detected How capable.

"Actually, both the Pentagon and the White House noticed the abnormal situation two days ago," Siquina said, "The reason why you can finally grab their pigtails is not because of how well-planned the arrangements are. , but because this action just caters to the needs of the power struggle on the Washington side, in other words, someone wants to use your hand to create pressure on their opponents to force them to make concessions."

"Really?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, throwing the aerial photo in his hand on the coffee table.

"Do you suspect that I will lie to you now?" She gave the man a very resentful glance, and Xiquena seemed to casually lift the collar of the wide T-shirt, quickly revealing her slightly bruised chest, and said .

"Haha, speaking of this, I still made a mistake," Guo Shouyun laughed dryly, rubbing his nose.

"It's good to know," Siquina smiled, "Now let's be honest, where did you get the news? You know, we don't know much about the plans of those hawks, and how did you get it in advance? news?"

Guo Shouyun was amused, he pondered that this woman is a woman after all, no matter how smart and capable she is, but once she is "ridden" by a man, the aftermath of the **** will always make her more or less commit some crimes. Mistake. Take what Xi Quina said just now, there was an obvious contradiction before and after her, which also exposed a lot of her details.

What this woman said with certainty in the front was that the abnormal Washington of Dakamen already knew about it, and later, she said that "we don't know very well" about the plan of the hawks. Such a simple logical error, just It means to clearly tell Guo Shouyun three pieces of information: first, the cause of the Dakamen incident was planned by the hawks in Washington, and the doves and the middle factions did not know about it; second, the doves or the middle factions first The actions of the Far East Pacific Fleet were abnormal in the aerial photos, but they did not know the reason for the abnormality. Third, the Kennedy family, or the entire Eastern Federation of Finance, was on the side of the dove or the centrist.

"What are you laughing at, answer my question quickly," the smile that flashed at the corner of the man's mouth did not hide from Siquina's eyes, she said angrily.

"Hehe, Xiquena, it's not that I don't want to tell you about this, but that I can't tell you at all," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, rubbing the woman's clean insteps, "You know, this is from the Federation. If I reveal state secrets to you, wouldn’t I be a spy? Would you like to watch me fall into disrepute?”

"Ha, I guessed it, you sly guy, I knew you would say that," Sikina laughed while pinching two toe beans on the man's thigh, "Forget it, it's up to you. For the sake of being my first man, I won't embarrass you. If you don't want to talk about it, just keep it in your stomach. I'm really too lazy to ask. Hee hee, after all, the real purpose of my visit to the Far East is not to this."

"Trick me?" Guo Shouyun looked at Miles, who was sitting in silence across from him, and smiled bitterly.

"It's a rare opportunity to play tricks on you, of course I won't let it go," Xi Quina said with a smile, "but this time I'm going to get down to business, so listen carefully."

"All ears," Guo Shouyun said with a shrug.

"Stop the fight, it's not good for everyone to continue fighting," the smile on her face faded in an instant, and Siquina said solemnly.

"A truce?" Guo Shouyun frowned and said, "Has there ever been a war? The Da Kamen incident is just a response from me. You have been working with me for so long, and you should be very clear about my temper. I am Guo Shouyun as a person. In doing business, people always respect me one foot, and I respect others ten feet, but if anyone does not intend to give me the necessary respect, then I will not be too polite to him. Furthermore, the handling of the problem at the Dakamen nuclear reactor Come on, don't Washington think they've stretched their hands too long? This is the Far East, where I belong to the Guo Group, and here, let alone 4,000 spent fuel rods, even if it's one and a half rods, it's with me Don't get it out until you say hello. Armistice, hum, nice to say, I'm not interested in going to war with Washington, I'm just waiting for them to give me an answer, if their answer doesn't satisfy me, Then I don't mind taking the case to the United Nations. Hey, I think the North Koreans who have been on the move will definitely be interested in this news."

"Hey, why don't you get angry if you don't speak well," Sikina said angrily, kicking a foot on the man's thigh, "I know you need an explanation, so I'm not here, and I also Bring a condition that you are satisfied with."

"Really? Then let's hear it." Guo Shouyun likes to hear "conditions", which is more affordable than anything else.

"Myers, show the document to Mr. Guo," waving her hand, Siquina ordered like a slave.

The young man didn't say a word, he took out a box of film from his leather bag, took out a quirky Yuantong, and handed it to Guo Shouyun.

"Haha, Americans are Americans, and a negotiation document has to be so mysterious." Waving to Yelena who was standing at the door, Guo Shouyun smiled.

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