Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 518: can't help but endure

The woman's legs without stockings were slightly tilted beside the bed, facing the sunlight projected from the window, glowing with a faint luster as white as jade, indescribably alluring. /. qb5. As long as c0m is a man with normal physiology and psychology, he will have possessive **** on top-quality women, and this woman, Siquina, no matter which man she stands in front of, it is estimated that she can easily evoke this kind of sex. It is rude to say that from the first time we met, Guo Shouyun hoped to have something with this woman. Of course, at that time, he never imagined that such a day would actually appear, after all, the identity of the other party was unusual.

And now, he obviously has this opportunity, a woman with a peerless grace is in front of him, and all the preparatory work has been done for him, he just needs to move forward and grab the two beautiful ones. You can feel the dazzling thighs, and you can directly start "on the machine".

Guo Shouyun thought about it very much, and wanted to kill him, but he always felt a little uneasy in his heart, and vaguely, he looked at Xi Quina's beautiful little face without the slightest flaw, and felt a sense of responsibility in his heart. A very heavy responsibility.

Obviously, Xi Quina is different from those women in the group secretariat. She is a woman of status and status, and has an elegant temperament and peerless elegance. It is conceivable that she has a lot of pursuits in the United States, and there should be no lack of luxury among them. ancestry. Now, the "local tyrant" of the Far East is openly winning the title. If any news is leaked at this time, I believe it must be a big disturbance. The important thing is that this woman's fiance is outside the door. As I said, that kid is obviously not a kind person. If he provokes such a villain, he may cause more trouble in the future.

"Come on, Yun. What are you still hesitating about?" The legs were differentiated, and she showed the **** in front of the man without hesitation. Xi Quina reached out and stroked her slender and pink neck, Tiredly said, "Are you still going to let me beg you?"

"Cough," coughed dryly. ====Guo Shouyun stroked the woman's thighs and sat down beside the not spacious bed. The silky smooth and delicate skin made his heart flutter and the aftertaste lingered. Of all the women he has experienced in the past, perhaps Hyquina's skin is the best, and it's... as tender as a baby. Feeling the amazing smoothness, Guo Shouyun couldn't even say what he had just thought about.

"I see," Siquina tugged at the hem of her T-shirt. said with a sigh. "Are you afraid that I'm playing a conspiracy again? If so, then I can only say, Yun, you really think me too cheap. It's true that I have deceived you, but you should also see that , I'm not the kind of woman who would betray her **** for profit. On the contrary, she's been obsessed with cleanliness for a long time. I'm full of disgust for any man, let alone go to bed. Even by any man When I touch it, I feel sick all over. For a long time in the past, I also thought about pulling a man casually and ending my life hastily, but the fact is that I can't do it. **Nude pressed under my body, I would think of two pieces of raw pork that were rotten together and stinky and juicy."

The woman's words made Guo Shouyun involuntarily frown. He said to his heart that there was indeed something wrong with the woman's psychology, what a happy thing. She thought it was such a disgusting thing.

"But you're different." Leaning over, Siquina clinged to the man's back. Small hands like bamboo shoots stroked his chest, and said softly, "You are the only man so far that has not made me feel disgusted, I know that you are similar to me, so I like to be with you. Contact, I like the heat you feel when you touch your skin, the arrogance in your eyes, and even the ** that flashes when you stare at my lap. It's a wonderful feeling, I don't really like it Which man I've been to, I don't know what love is like, now, come and tell me, am I falling in love?"

"Miss Xiquena," Guo Shouyun said with a dry smile, "I'm sorry, you are asking Yu Bing, just as you said, I'm the same kind of person as you, so you don't know what love is like. How could you possibly know?"

"Okay, okay, what you said makes sense," Siquina shook her body vigorously and chuckled, hugging the man's neck tightly, "Then we'll just talk about sex, just talk about... ..."

Fu head to the man's ear, Xi Quina giggled: "Just talk about sex."

"Xi Quina," Guo Shouyun said in a flat tone, grabbing the woman's slender waist with his backhand, "Frankly speaking, what you want to do now, I want to try more than you, but have you considered some questions? For example, How will you get along with Mr. Miles in the future? In particular, how will we get along with each other in the future? Don't forget, we are both partners with business and interests."

"Why, are you afraid that I will bring this special relationship to future cooperation?" She opened her mouth slightly, and Xi Quina bit the man's ear with force, and smiled tenderly while he was crying, "Let you always think of me so badly. To tell you the truth, when I get the power I deserve, as the head of the family's Far East-Asia department, I will be based in Singapore, and ah, if today It feels good. I will come to Khabarovsk every week from now on. In short, I will not let you go. However, you can rest assured that my relationship with you is still the same except in bed. It turns out that the ordinary cooperative relationship, I will never use this to make you make any concessions to me. Do you understand? Smelly man."

"Then what do you mean, in order to keep life peaceful and not let you run here once a week, I should never touch you today?" Guo Shouyun smiled while squeezing the woman's soft buttocks.

"You," Xiquina was annoyed, she held the man's big face in both hands, pulled him to face herself, and at the same time raised her chest proudly, half-knelt on the bed, and said coldly, "Guo Shouyun, look at me, Look at my body, look at this body that was delivered to you. It doesn't matter if you don't touch her today, but I want you to remember her and remember her everywhere."

"I remember it very clearly," Guo Shouyun said with a grin as he walked around the woman's half-naked body.

"That's good," Siquina jumped off the bed, took off her T-shirt, and tore off the last bra, and then walked out the door so naked, saying viciously as she walked, "Since If you don't like it, I'll just go out and find a few men, I'll learn to fuck, I'll learn to please those filthy and disgusting men. Then, I'll put those pictures of **** with people, All the video tapes are sent to you, I want you to face it every day... ah..."

Xi Quina only took two steps out, and before she could finish her words, Guo Shouyun pulled her arm back, she staggered two steps, and with an exclamation, she fell onto the bed. Immediately afterwards, before she could react, a heavy body was already pressing heavily on her body.

"You vicious woman, do you want me to have nightmares every night?" Pressing **** the woman's soft and boneless cock, Guo Shouyun squeezed the woman's clean chin with one hand, hehe smiled, "Since you are so If you want a man, then I will fulfill you and let you enjoy being **** by a man."

"Are you reluctant?" Lying on her back on the bed, Siquina stared at the man's eyes and chuckled, "See if you dare to pretend to be sane in front of me."

With a grunt, Guo Shouyun squeezed the little cherry on the woman's chest, then sat up on his knees, grabbed the woman's ankle with one hand, and yanked the two slender thighs apart. Prepare for a hungry tiger to plop down.

"Don't, don't," Seeing the man's stern and mighty figure, Xi Quina suddenly began to struggle violently, she kicked her long legs and shouted, "Wrong, it's not what I thought, too bad far away, you wait..."

"What's different? What's too far apart?" Guo Shouyun, who was **** and confused, let go of the woman's ankle and said in surprise.

"This is different from what I thought, I don't want to lie here passively at the mercy of others," turned over and got up from the bed, and Siquina knelt on the edge of the bed seriously. She first stretched out her hand to push Guo Shouyun down, then clumsily straddled his lower abdomen, while groping between the man's legs with her head down, she moved her hips to find a position, "I want to take the initiative, I have to do this anytime, I... ..."

Xi Quina only said half a sentence, a tear-like pain ripped her eyes away, the muscles on her beautiful face were slightly twisted, and after a while of depression, she almost gnashed her teeth* *sound, shouted: "Ah, that's what it is, it feels very good..."

"Interesting." Standing pretty at the door of the CEO's office, Yelena looked at Miles, who was sitting on the sand and burying her head in the newspaper, while listening to the blood-filled moans that filled her ears. " It seems that they are not ordinary people, sir, are you making enemies for yourself?"

Indeed, judging from the performance of this young man, Miles is definitely not a simple little person--his fiancee is having a good time with other men in the room, and the sound of gasping and moaning and the sound of skin pounding are endless, but As for him, he always had a smile on his face and buried his head in the outdated newspapers. Not to mention anything else, this endurance alone is enough to make people admire. But from another perspective, for most people in this world, this kind of endurance is absolutely cowardly. In Chinese words, Miles at this time is a "turtle man", a complete tortoise male.

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