Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 517: Couples War

"Mr. Guo, I've heard of your name for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you for the first time today." This young man named Miles was obviously very self-disciplined. The group's anger flashed away, replaced by a gentle smile. He stretched out his hand and smiled.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun said with an embarrassed look on his face, "It's a pleasure to meet, it's a pleasure to meet, I almost gave your fiancee in front of you, and you are also lucky to meet me."

"Don't pay attention to him, and take me to your office." Swinging her two seductive calves, Siquina curled up in the man's arms and said softly, "Go to the lounge where I stayed last time, I I remember very clearly that there is a very comfortable bed there, and I will tell you everything you want to know, but the premise is that you must be exhausted with me."

"Xiquina, don't be ridiculous, you know that we are here to discuss something important with Mr. Guo." No matter how well-mannered Miles is, he may not be able to endure what his woman is doing right now. The smile on his face is a little stiff. stagnant, but the tone of speech is still so gentle.

"What, Yun, you don't like me?" She didn't even flinch at her fiance's words, Xi Quina came up, bit Guo Shouyun's ear, and said in a greasy voice, "Then you can try Drop me and see if I turn around and leave. ^^^^"

Shouyun was completely speechless. He looked at Miles, then at the woman in his arms, and turned to look at Yelena, who was covering his mouth and snickering. He really didn't know what to do. To be honest, after experiencing so many women, this is the first time he has encountered something like today.

"Hyquinas seems to want to say something else.

"Shut up!" Before waiting for her fiancé to say this, Siquina blocked him first, "Myers. You must know that this negotiation is under my responsibility. It is a decision made by the family meeting. If you plan to Make some money through this negotiation. Then honestly stand aside for me."

"Me!" Miles' blue veins popped out of his sun. He stood at the elevator door and looked at his fiancée for dozens of seconds before finally losing.

"Okay, I hope you can hurry up." With a smile, Miles stepped aside and said in a very soft tone, "Mr. Guo, I wish you... a good day. ^^^^"

"Wish me a happy day?" Guo Shouyun really had a feeling of short-circuiting his brain, " to say, do you wish me a happy talk, or a happy work?"

And no matter how "happy" it is, in his eyes, this young man named Miles is "green". Completely "green", a man like this turned out to be Xi Quina's fiancé. I really don't know if it was his own misfortune or the unfortunate misfortune of this peerless beauty.

"Let's go. My dear, I've been exercising for several days for today, and I have never been more energetic," the desolateness in her eyes flashed, and Siquina shook the man's neck and said in a charming voice.

"Sir," Yelena was also full of disdain for Miles, she saw the fleeting sadness in Siquina's eyes. So he couldn't help but speak. "Would you like me to run water for you to bathe?"

"Oh, no need." Thousands of thoughts flashed through Guo Shouyun's mind. He wanted to understand that the reason why Xi Quina made such an abnormal reaction was probably because of being severely stimulated. It's a marriage that looks like it's not going anywhere. ^^^^ But then again, what is the origin of this Miles? Since he has the ability to turn Siquina into his fiancée, why does he have to watch her make such a fool of himself?

Confused with this forehead, he walked back to the office with the tall but light Siquina in his arms. During this period, what made him laugh or cry was that Mr. Miles followed suit. He came over, and as soon as he entered the office, he unceremoniously found a piece of sand and sat down. From the looks of it, he obviously planned to listen to the **** scene.

"Xi Quina, you know, I have always regarded you as a friend," Guo Shouyun closed the door with one foot in the relatively narrow lounge and put the woman in his arms down, then said in a low voice, "You are honest now. Tell me, what's going on here?"

"I'm happy, I'm really happy." She tore off the buckle of the long tie, and scattered the waterfall-like drape behind her head. Siquina pinched the corner of the man's collar with two fingers, and then stepped forward. Taking a single step, Pingping Tingting led him to the side of the bed, while using her other hand to undo the thick metal buckle around her waist. *****

"Did you know?" She threw the metal buckles that collided together and squeaked to the ground, she moved her long legs and let the fluffy hot pants fall a little bit, "This time, I I finally got the power I had been looking forward to since I was a child. The family federation made a decision three days ago to appoint me as the full head of the Far East-Asia Department of the Eastern Federation of Finance. People live in cages, I am free, and I have the power to control myself."

"This, this is a good thing," the man's lustful nature began to torture Guo Shouyun's nerves at this moment. It was the first time he saw Xi Quina half-naked, and the lower body was half-naked, with the side tie between the slender thighs There was nothing left in her panties. As long as she gently pulled the end of the rope floating around her legs, there was nothing left of the woman's lower body.

"But you gave it to me." Standing beside the bed, the orchid finger danced gently, Siquina tore off the last piece of cloth from her waist, then pulled the man's collar and dragged him in front of her. He kissed softly and said softly, "Everything you have done has directly given me this opportunity. In the family, it is you who I have discovered, the cooperation with you, and even the fact that you have put on a show in the Da Kamen incident this time. The tough stance of the president has proved my merits, and because of this, I was able to take up the post of the head of the Far East-Asia Department. *****I was able to leave the United States completely and live the life I have always longed for. "

Smelling the seductive fragrance emanating from the woman's body, Guo Shouyun felt ashamed for a while. He knew that everything he did was for his own interests, and he had never and would never change his position for a woman. Therefore, the success of this woman in front of her has nothing to do with her.

"Then, what's the matter with your fiancé?" Guo Shouyun swallowed as he watched the woman gently unfasten his belt for him, and said in a dry voice, "I can see that you don't like him, and he is like this. People are obviously not suitable for you, since you have freedom, why don't you get in touch with this absurd marriage contract and really find the other half you like?"

"That's impossible," Siquina gently removed the man's trousers, reached out to unbutton his shirt, and said softly, "Family has family rules, and marriage is something those of us can never decide. Yes. Myers and I were engaged 20 years ago, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the family pushed us to choose a spokesperson for our own interests. According to the agreement, if I lost in this competition, then I would I have to give up everything and obey Miles completely for the rest of my life. On the contrary, he will completely obey me. Hehe, this is the competition within the family, and there is no room for accommodation.”

"So, you chose me, so who did he choose?" Guo Shouyun asked.

"Gazevikin," Siquina's movements were rough, and a shirt button flew out of her hand.

"Oh, that Gazevikin from the Transcaucasus region?" Guo Shouyun said in surprise. He had heard of this name. This person was very strong in the Transcaucasus region. However, just two weeks ago, his remarks angered Khodorkovsky, and he was killed by a rocket attack within two days. Then, the gangs in Bryansk and Volgograd went south and swept them in one fell swoop. Originally belonged to his territory.

"Well, it's the Gazevikin who was killed by Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov." Kissing the man's chest and sliding down the inconspicuous rib groove, Siquina slowly Crouching on the ground, he raised his head and said, "Vinogradov was assassinated some time ago for this reason."

"I see." Feeling that the woman was taking off her panties, she turned her head to look at the door where there was still a gap, thinking about Miles who was sitting outside at the moment, Guo Shouyun shook his head and sighed, "But then you too There's no need to torture your fiancé like this, right? Sleeping with you is believed to be every man's long-cherished wish, but, do you know what this means for your fiancé?"

"What does it mean?" She took off the man's underwear, and gently rubbed his sturdy guy in the palm of his hand, Xiquina said with a cold snort, "Hum, Yun, you know that if you lose, wait for me. What kind of fate will be? Tell you, he will take my first time fiercely, and then let his bodyguards take me one by one, and every day, every month, every year... until I die."

"This Shouyun feels that his scalp is a little numb, and his well-informed brain can't keep up.

"Fortunately, now that he has lost, it's not his turn to take the decision." Feeling the man's swelling, Siquina stood up, stepped back to the bed, and sat crookedly beside the bed with a coquettish coquettish voice. Said, "So, I'm going to meet other men in front of him, and let him listen to how happy my cry is, come on, Yun, love me well, even if it's congratulations and blessings to me. "

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