Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 514: the simplest noir

"That's not possible," Nina replied for the two generals, "their cargo ships are also equipped with radars, and the scanning range is 30 nautical miles. They will be detected when the distance is close, and cause their vigilance. After all, this There are only less than 500 spent fuel rods on the ship, and the rest have not moved yet, and we have not made a final decision on whether to intercept it or not. So it is not good for us to start a panic at this time. "

"Then do you think they will not ship the remaining part out in the future?" Guo Shouyun asked after thinking for a while. As soon as he asked this question, he realized that it was a vain question. Who can give an accurate answer to this kind of thing? God knows how big the Indians' demand for spent fuel rods is. Maybe they just want a small part of it Do technical research.

Sure enough, facing Guo Shouyun's question, Nina and the others shook their heads in unison.

"Forget it," waving his hand, Guo Shouyun took out a notepad from his pocket, turned to the second page, and handed it to Koryomenko, saying, "This is the encrypted communication between me and Khodorkovsky. Call, you will arrange someone to connect me immediately, and I hope that now I can find this guy who is not doing his job all day."

Speaking of which, Guo Shouyun is not only full of curses on this damned era and the Russian Federation with backward communications. Just imagine, if the same situation is put in ten years, even in a Western country like the United States, a mobile phone or It was the big brother who called over, didn't this person find it? How can it be so troublesome as it is now.

"Go, get connected right away," Glancing at the notepad, Chiliaomenko reached out and called for the signal soldier, and ordered.

"Also," Guo Shouyun glanced around the conference room and frowned, "Bring a phone over here. I'm going to hang up the phone with the group and arrange something."

"Come on," waving his hand, Tie Liaomenko instructed the signal soldier.

The communications soldier stood up and saluted, turned around and ran out the door, and after a while, a grass-green military communications box was sent into the conference room.

"How are things going on in the group? Are the athletes settled?" Seeing her husband dialing the phone, Nina asked in a low voice, "Is it necessary for me to attend tonight's banquet? Those who are engaged in sports are not familiar with each other. They don't even have a common topic."

"Let's go," Guo Shouyun smiled at his wife, holding the microphone in his hand, "after all, you are the mistress of the group, if you don't show up on occasions like this, my face will not look good, the big deal... .."

Guo Shouyun said here, the phone has been connected. From the receiver came the pleasant voice of the operator of the Group Secretariat.

"I'm Guo Shouyun, let Ye Liena answer the phone." Guo Shouyun said into the microphone, then turned his head and continued to smile at his wife, "If it's a big deal, just go for a few minutes, show your face, and then find an excuse to leave. The field will do.”

"That's fine, but I can say in advance that I won't change into those **** evening clothes, showing both legs and backs. It's embarrassing." Nina hesitated. said helplessly.

Her highly conservative attitude immediately attracted a burst of kind laughter from the two generals.

In the Guo Group headquarters building, Ye Liena was sitting in the rest room of the president's office when she received a call from Guo Shouyun, perhaps because of her personality. She has always had a soft spot for this kind of contemplation in loneliness, and whenever the surrounding environment is quiet, she can sit in one place for hours in a daze. In addition, her father's surname is "Yuri", so when she was a military diplomat student, she was nicknamed "Silent Yuri".

"Sir, in my opinion this matter should be very simple," Yelena said with a smile after listening to Guo Shouyun's question on the phone and understanding the cause and effect of the whole thing, "If I were you .==== At least there are now three strategies to get this right."

"Oh. Let's hear it," Guo Shouyun's voice on the phone seemed a little delighted.

"Number one. Of course, don't ask who it is, and just detain the boat." Ye Liena kicked off her high heels, turned over, and lay down on the soft bed belonging to Guo Shouyun. Said, "In this way, you can directly solve the problem, and at the same time, you will also have a grudge with the princess of Ukraine, and may even lead to the dissatisfaction of Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov. Therefore, this method is not feasible. Second, it is what you are using now, but you must also think of a possibility that Khodorkovsky is closely related to the eldest princess, and he may not agree with you , and even directly come forward to obstruct it. At that time, you may face the same situation as the first one, with no difference. Of course, even if he agrees, you will inevitably have a grudge against the eldest princess in the end. So Say, I don't recommend you to use this method. As for the last method, huh, it's a bit simple, in my opinion, you don't need to contact Khodorkovsky, nor Vino To communicate with Gradov, you only need to do three things."

"Which three things?" Guo Shouyun asked on the phone.

"First, arrest the boat and directly order it to sail back to Dakamen Wharf; second, clear the port at the same time as arresting the ship, and remove all those irrelevant personnel at Dakamen Wharf. As for the excuse, you can do whatever you want, I think It should be very simple for you." Yelena lay on the bed, clipped the microphone between her cheeks and neck, and fiddled with her fingers, seemingly absent-mindedly. "As for this third thing, that's the key. I think since the Americans want to transport 4,000 spent fuel rods to India, they can't just prepare this one ship, so the dock is now docked. There must also be their cargo ships. You send someone to randomly find a cargo ship that is directly related to the Americans, put all the goods on the Ukrainian cargo ship into it, and then deduct the scapegoat. So, won't all the problems be solved? The Ukrainians are out of trouble, you have also found evidence of the Americans, and everyone is happy that you have an interface to blackmail them."

"..." There was no voice on the other end of the phone. It was obvious that Guo Shouyun was thinking about this.

"Sir, to put it bluntly, this is actually the most unprofessional tactic to frame the blame," Yelena continued with a chuckle, "but this world is always so wonderful, some people are framed, and he will spare no effort to do so. To clarify, and some people have been planted dirty, but they can only bear it honestly, huh, sir, do you think Americans belong to the front or the rear in this matter?"

"Huh," Guo Shouyun said with a sigh on the phone, "I understand, and now I have more confidence in the think tank you mentioned."

After saying a sentence, Guo Shouyun hung up the phone without waiting for Ye Liena to reply. He is a smart man, and some words can be figured out by himself without being too thorough.

As Yelena said, some people will spare no effort to clarify when they are planted, while some people can only stand next to each other when they are planted. In this game, Americans obviously belong to the back, facing this Not only can they not come forward to clarify the dirty water coming from the scoop, but they have to try their best to minimize the big things and the small things.

Obviously, since the cargo ship from the Ukrainian gasoline company will transport the spent fuel rods for the Americans, it means that Tymoshenko, a strong woman, is on the side of Washington. She is the biggest interest selected by the White House in Ukraine. spokesperson. Now, Guo Shouyun has detained her boat, and after a bit of framing, she has pushed the responsibility that should have been borne by her on the Americans. The Americans want to wash themselves clean in this matter. , then Tymoshenko had to be sacrificed. Originally, if you want to clear the blame, you must organize a strict investigation, and the spent fuel rods are highly radioactive things. It is easy to detect through equipment where such things have been stored. In this case Next, once the investigation is launched, will Tymoshenko and her Ukrainian gasoline company still be able to escape? There is no doubt that she will never run away. Even more unfortunate is that in Ukraine, the political leaning of the government led by Kuchma is to the left. Although Tymoshenko is doing well there, the surrounding environment is also not optimistic. If her company is involved When it comes to a serious "nuclear incident", the Kuchma government will never miss this best opportunity to clean up her. What is certain is that Washington will lose a key "living eye" in Ukraine once the incident is proven to be related to Tymoshenko. On the other hand, if this tricky move is really exposed by the Americans, what kind of losses will Guo Shouyun have? Obviously, he won't have any losses. It was the Pacific Fleet who detained the ship, and the Far East Military Region who arrested people. The framed things were shaken out, and it was a big deal to remove a few officers. What else?

Using one of his key "living eyes" in exchange for a few irrelevant "dead chess" of the other party, and in the end, he also got into trouble. Will Washington do such a stupid thing? Therefore, from this point of view, Yelenazhi's trick seems simple, but in fact it is the best strategy that can only be thought of after the strong relationship between the parties is made clear. When faced with a sudden situation, being able to understand and sort out these complex interests in a few breaths is the biggest advantage of a think tank. Compared with this woman's scheming, Guo Shouyun even feels that Old foxes like Victor are a bit outdated.

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