Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 515: horny

"...As of 3:27 this afternoon, the comprehensive closure of the important port of Dakamen in Primorye has entered its third day." On the TV screen, a person wearing sunglasses and holding a microphone The golden girl sat in the hovering helicopter hatch, her slightly hoarse magnetic voice mixed with the heavy roar of the motor, "We can clearly see from here that there are thirteen cargo ships currently forcibly blocked in the port. /.qв5.”

As the voice of Nüji fell, the camera on the TV turned and aimed at the blue water surface of the harbor. Although the visual effect of such high-altitude shooting is not very good, it is easier for people to grasp the overall picture of the harbor.

"According to the data we obtained of vessels entering and leaving the port, the 13 ships** included six foreign vessels, including two from Ukrainian Gasoline, one from New Zealand Shipping Company, one from Malaysia's Maersk Line and one from the United States. Two ships of the American Shipping Company. After the American Shipping Company Arizona freighter was injured by forcibly breaking into the port yesterday, the strength of the ships from the Pacific Fleet in the waters outside the port has also been further strengthened. In addition to entering the waters first and performing the port closure task In addition to the two Kriwak-class frigates, another patrol ship and four torpedo warfare ships appeared outside the port at 9:00 this morning."

"The incident at the Dakamen port in the Far East Primorye has caused a strong international diplomatic controversy, and the major countries involved in this incident, including New Zealand and Malaysia, have lodged diplomatic protests with Moscow, and they demanded Release the detained ships as soon as possible, and provide necessary living supplies for the crew members detained on each ship. The United States and Ukraine have not released official opinions on this incident so far, but it is reported that Washington is working to resolve the incident peacefully. Working hard in crisis..."

"In response to the Dakkamen port closure crisis, the cause is still unclear, and the hard-line Far East military has not made any official statement on this. However, there are unidentified sources claiming that this incident is related to Dakkamen four. About the loss of 4,000 spent fuel rods from the nuclear reactor of No.

Sitting in the bright office, Guo Shouyun turned off the TV with the remote control. Rubbing the corners of her eyes, she said to Yelena who was standing aside, "How is it, what are your thoughts?"

"It can be seen that Mr. is a little anxious," he turned sideways. Carrying her skirt, Yelena sat on the corner of the desk and smiled, "Actually, it's only the third day, and things haven't unfolded before we should be anxious. ***** Americans have their own In the local political decision-making system, it often takes more than 12 hours for Washington to make a final decision on a diplomatic move. Furthermore, their military, foreign affairs, and Congress are not in the same system. In this case, They have to make an initial and final decision on what to do with this incident. It will take a while."

"I don't have that," Guo Shouyun said, shaking his head, "I'm asking what you think about what Khodorkovsky said on the phone just now."

"Oh. Sir, do you mean that the Grand Princess is mainly meeting with you?" Yelena smiled when Khodorkovsky called from Moscow half an hour ago, "This matter is very simple, according to In my opinion, the main intention of the eldest princess this time should not be to solve the crisis in the Dakamen port, but more to find foreign aid for her interests."

"We've talked many times in the past two days," loosening her shoelaces, Yelena swayed her calves wrapped in transparent flesh-colored stockings. Hook the black and white laces with the tip of one big toe. He said leisurely, "The relationship between the eldest princess and Kravchuk is very close. The former husband was from a prominent family in the Bolshevik Party, and the latter was the former secretary of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party of Ukraine. At the same time, they also They are all downright pro-American elements. However, Kravchuk is not alone in Ukraine now, and the threat posed by the center-left coalition group led by Kuchma has gone deep into many aspects. I even doubt that, Does Kravchuk's decree have any real value without Kuchma's nod?"

"Why, aren't you going to see what color of bottoms I'm wearing today?" Halfway through her mouth, Yelena suddenly threw off the high-heeled sandal hanging from her right foot and stepped on the sole of her foot. The man said with a smile on his lap.

The hand played by the woman was obviously beyond Guo Shouyun's expectations. He subconsciously raised his head and looked at the skirt of the woman's tightly tied thighs. But unfortunately, Ye Liena was wearing a tube skirt today, and she was sitting in the wrong direction. Looking from Guo Shouyun's position, in addition to the two thighs with shredded meat and a gap under the skirt between the thighs, Can't see anything.

"What, can't wait to be my woman?" With a slight smile, Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand to hold the woman's little foot on his thigh, kneading gently and said. ^^^^

"Even if it is, but I want to see if you are listening to me seriously," Yelena smiled. "Since you are listening, then I will continue."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak, with a faint smile on his face, he held the woman's small foot with one hand, while the other went upstream, stroking the woman's curvaceous calf.

"Mr. Dakarmen's closure of the port this time is like sending a signal to Kiev. With the mind of the eldest princess, it should not be difficult for her to see the intention of the master. Just imagine, under such circumstances, how could she give up What about such an opportunity to establish a direct connection with you?" The man's touch made Yelena's voice a seductive vibrato. As a virgin, she was already very mature, and it was time for picking. . During the time she was with Guo Shouyun, although she tried her best to restrain herself from imagining, every night when she fell asleep, she would have some incomparably lustful dreams from time to time. In these dreams, the man in front of her turned her into a real woman in various ways, or just taste it, or greed and gluttony, or rough, or gentle. It was these strange dreams that made Yelena realize that in this world, in addition to waiting to die, waiting to be robbed of her virginity by a man was equally "terrifying". ^^^^

As a witty woman, Yelena likes to be manipulated, not to be manipulated. She likes that everything is realized according to her vision, rather than passively accepting certain facts. But now a very troublesome reality is that she is the "attachment" of this man Guo Shouyun. She can make suggestions for this man and influence his possible decisions on a certain matter, but she cannot decide when this man is at any moment. Take yourself to bed. In other words, the scenes she experienced in her dream may be born in the next second, or in the next year, of course, it may never be born, all the decision-making power is in the hands of this man---- Yelena didn't like the feeling of waiting, she wanted to take the initiative in her own hands.

To be honest, in the face of a woman's deliberate provocation, Guo Shouyun's resistance is still not enough. Well, to be more precise, he should have no resistance at all. Of course, the most important point is that the woman in front of him is It belongs to him, and he doesn't have to resist anything at all.

"Sir," Ye Liena's breathing became more and more rapid as she watched the man's big hand gradually reaching under her skirt. She supported the table with both hands, and moved her plump buttocks towards the man, blowing like blue. "All we have to do now is wait, be patient, and before the Americans and Ukrainians come, you can do something else, like, like..."

"For example," Yelena didn't say anything, because she felt the man's heavy breathing, which was the most obvious sign before the explosion.

Holding the woman's right ankle in one hand, Guo Shouyun sat on the boss's rotating chair and pulled hard.


With an exclamation, Yelena landed on her sweet buttocks and swirls on the smooth table top. The soft skirt of the skirt hung on the corner of the table, and opened a gap that reached her crotch.

"Hehe, it seems that you still prefer white," Guo Shouyun used **** to pull up the suspenders at the top of the stockings, loosened it, and listened The crisp sound that hit the skin of the woman's thigh, smiled, "I always thought you had a soft spot for black ****."

"Don't you think it's more suitable for a woman like me to wear this color of bottoms?" Putting one thigh on the man's shoulder, Yelena giggled, and then stretched out her right hand with a slender finger He hooked the lace edge of his bottoms and pulled it gently to the side, revealing the full and bulging private secrets in front of the man's eyes.

"Excellent!" Guo Shouyun only felt his brain heat up, and the blood all over his body suddenly surged, and this exclamation almost blurted out.

Indeed, after experiencing so many women, this was the first time he had seen such a "magical product" as before. On the dense part of Yelena's crotch, not only was there not half a hair, but the whole body was snow-white, extending from the flat lower abdomen. The greasy white color that came down did not stop here, and it smoothly extended to the inner sides of the two slender thighs. If you look at this part alone, no one will believe that it belongs to a mature woman.

"Ring Ling..."

Just when Guo Shouyun was wondering if he was leaning over to kiss on the plump snow hill, the phone beside him suddenly beeped.

"Damn it!" Annoyed, Guo Shouyun withdrew the hand holding the woman's thigh and pressed the call button on the phone.

"What's the matter?!" Guo Shouyun said as calmly as possible, suppressing his lust.

"Mr. Guo, there is a Miss Siquina from the United States who wants to see you." The front desk operator's voice came from the phone.

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