Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 513: sea ​​rat

?Come out from the hidden hidden beauty cave, Xie Niweijina has changed into a black floral pleated skirt, with a touch of intoxicating blush on her face, tightly holding Guo Shouyun's arm, and following him step by step Beside him, he looked like a little bird. w/

"Sir, where are you going?" In the parking lot in front of the small building, Polaninov was smoking a cigarette with two bodyguards. When he saw the two coming out of the building, he quickly walked up to him and asked.

"What happened to Yelena? Is there any news?" Guo Shouyun said, patting the woman's silky little hand and signaling her to get in the car first.

Nodding, Polaninov said, "The meeting at the airport has ended, and she should have returned to the headquarters by now."

"What about the athletes, are they settled?" Guo Shouyun continued to ask, holding the car door with his hand.

"It's settled. According to the previous arrangement, it's settled in our own reception room." Polaninov said.

"That's good, let's go, let's go to the reception." Guo Shouyun lowered his head and got into the car. After sitting down, he said casually.

The reception office of the Guo Group is a bit shabby, because Guo Shouyun has no intention of running the hotel industry, so Khabarovsk has not had a particularly high-end hotel until now, and although the Honghe Hotel is not small, its The internal facilities are really not up to the star standard. ^^^^ To this end, the Group has specially established an internal reception office on the sixth floor of the No. 2 building of the headquarters. Usually, when guests visit, they will be arranged there. He lived directly in Guo's Manor. And this time, although the Olympic delegation from the Commonwealth was not light enough, they were not qualified enough to live in the Guo Family Manor, so they were arranged at the reception of the group.

According to the previous arrangement. The returned Olympic delegation will stay in Khabarovsk for two days. The players who have earned medals in Barcelona will receive huge bonuses from the Guo Group, and the award ceremony is scheduled for today.

Coming all the way from the secret private Xiaozhu, what Guo Shouyun is eager to know is whether Nikita has reached an agreement with those beautiful contestants with outstanding appearance and good figure. These people are all part of the hype of the Guo Group, as long as If they can accept the conditions set by the group, then the first battle of "Sports Club" magazine is a good one. ^^^^

Recalling the "Sports Club" magazine I saw in my previous life. Guo Shouyun couldn't help but feel a little proud. Who would have thought that the most influential sports magazine in Russia in his previous life, "Playboy" magazine, would actually come from his generous hand. In a previous life, this Russian magazine not only published regular global sports news, but also collected a lot of sports star tidbits, of course. The most attractive highlight is the **** star color photos they launched, which is in Guo Shouyun's memory. All the sports actresses who can be called on the top of Russia and look decent, without exception, have had the experience of appearing on the camera. Once a month, one star every week, that influence is by no means ordinary in Russia.

Some people may wonder, what is Guo Shouyun doing when he has nothing to do with this, is it just to satisfy his more and more depraved and perverted? Or is he just making money? Clearly, this is not the case. First. He is not short of this money. If he wants to make money, there are many ways, and the effect is several times or even dozens of times stronger than this long-term investment effect. Secondly, if he just wants to satisfy the depravity, he doesn't have to be so troublesome. If he wants to see who's going to find it directly, he can watch the "standard version" directly. That vivid, fleshy and silty scene is much better than looking at pictures that you can see and touch. The reason why he wants to start this magazine is to expand his influence in the final analysis - the publication of **** photos of sports stars will definitely lead to a confrontation between two sides of public opinion. Debates like this often directly mean the spread of influence. Must believe. The world is deformed. Society is deformed, and the human heart is deformed. In such a world, society, and people's heart background, in order to effectively expand the popularity, sometimes it is necessary to use abnormal means.

This time, in order to reach an agreement with some female athletes, Guo Shouyun offered a very generous reward. He believed that under the reward, there must be brave "women". If one million rubles can knock them off their jackets, then Guo Shouyun will The group doesn't care to spend another million rubles smashing their underwear. If 2 million rubles doesn't solve the problem, then this matter needs to be talked about.

As the saying goes, good things always take a long time. Just as Guo Shouyun hurried all the way back to Guo's headquarters and just entered the heavily guarded gate, two military vehicles waiting there disrupted his plan. ****The military vehicle belongs to the General Headquarters of the Far East Military Region, and the staff officer of the staff who followed the vehicle brought Guo Shouyun a somewhat troublesome good news----there is something going on in Dakamen. .

"What's going on? Where are those guys blocked?" He rushed all the way to the General Headquarters of the Far East Military Region and plunged into the conference room of the General Staff Headquarters. Guo Shouyun couldn't even catch his breath and asked impatiently.

In the huge conference room, in addition to the commander of the military region, Chiliamenko, and the chief of the general staff, Sijakhov, there were six or seven school-level staff officers, and Nina in military uniform was also present.

"Seventy-five nautical miles to the southeast of the Dakar Myanmar military port, sir, this is the location, but General Sironov has not issued the final interception order, and now there is only one attack submarine following." After exchanging a wink with Sijakhov, he stood up and circled a dot on the hanging map behind him with a retractable pen handed over by his staff, and said.

"Why?" Guo Shouyun glanced at the map, frowned slightly, then grabbed a chair, sat beside the conference table, and asked, "Tell me about the specific situation.\\"

"There are two reasons why we didn't take action," Sijakhov said. "First, according to the accurate information provided by Dakamen, the target did not ship out 4,000 spent fuel rods all at once, On this ship, there are only less than 500 pieces. Second, the company behind this ship is the Ukrainian Bassamoor Shipping Group, and the largest shareholder of this group is the Ukrainian Gasoline Company, which is currently in the limelight. ."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun's eyebrows tightened, and he asked subconsciously, "Which one is Yulia's?"

"Yes sir," said Tiliomenko, nodding, "you know, this woman is running fast in Ukraine now, and she has a very good relationship with Moscow, with Khodorkovsky, Wisconsin Nogradov's personal friendships are good. So if we move her boat now, I'm afraid it won't be very good."

Guo Shouyun was silent for a while. Seriously, he really has nothing to fear about Tymoshenko. After all, the woman was eating in Ukraine. No matter how she looked at the sky, she couldn't hold her white hands. to the Far East. But then again, she is a strong woman after all, and Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov are also involved. If it can be avoided, Guo Shouyun is really unwilling to have a relationship with this beautiful prime minister. Too stiff.

"Shouyun, you have to consider that this is not a problem of a ship," Tyomenko said, looking at Guo Shouyun's furrowed brows, "but a problem of political events, if we put the Ukrainian ship here Intercepted and detained it, which is bound to have a statement to the outside world. In this case, if someone with a heart jumps out to a showdown and shakes out the matter of the spent fuel rods, then we and Ukraine will probably have a problem. It's going to be a big resentment that can't be solved."

What the general can consider, Guo Shouyun can naturally also consider. What he means in his words is that once the ship is intercepted, a feud is established. In the face of nuclear disarmament on a global scale, the Ukrainians steal Transporting spent fuel rods is an unexplainable problem in itself. The most terrible thing is that this kind of thing cannot be concealed. Even if the Guo Group wants to use secret deals to reach a compromise with the Americans and Moscow, those guys who are watching around, lest the world will not be in chaos, will jump out and write about it. Books, arguing endlessly, until finally everyone knows it.

"Then what do you say?" Guo Shouyun raised his head and asked after thinking for a long time without thinking of a countermeasure, "Let them go? This is definitely not possible. I can't miss this opportunity. You know, this is the best time for me to force the Americans to make concessions. , if you miss it, you won't be able to find it next time."

"Shouyun, do you want to talk to Khodorkovsky first and ask him what he means," Nina interjected at this time, "I think as long as he thinks there is no problem, then we don't need to worry about Ukraine. People, after all, we don't have much contact with there."

"Is it too late?" Guo Shouyun nodded, indicating that this method was feasible, and asked the two generals at the same time.

"When Sironov gave the news just now, the ship was sailing at about twenty knots," Sijakhov said, looking at the map, "One hour and twenty nautical miles, they will have about two hours to enter the high seas. time. And now the two destroyers on the side of the fleet are still nearly thirty nautical miles away from the exit they are scheduled to enter the high seas. The attack is at an angle of forty-five degrees... Well, sir, you still have twenty minutes. time to make a decision.”

"Can't we let our ship follow first?" Guo Shouyun stood up and said.

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