Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 510: Anfisa

?In the bright and spacious office, Guo Shouyun sat behind the desk, frowning at the stack of photos he was holding. After a long while, he tapped on the photos with the pen in his right hand and said, "No. , I feel like I'm still missing something. Now, with this arrangement, the style is certainly there, and the festive atmosphere is also good, but...that is, oh, I can't say it well, anyway, I think it is Something is missing."

"It's embarrassing," Polaninov laughed, standing across the table, "this is the third revision, sir, let's just look at it here and say it's easy, but Vladivo There is a slight change on Stoke's side, and it may take half a day. Hehe, after all, it is a frigate, not a float."

"You obviously think I'm troublesome," Guo Shouyun said, rolling his eyes, "I tell you, I'm just such a younger brother, and after the day after tomorrow, he'll be the one who really got married and entered the bridal chamber. If I don't keep an eye on it, will it still be a good thing?"

"But Mr. has revised it three times, and he is not satisfied. You can't come up with a better and more accurate opinion. What should we do?" Polaninov said with a wry smile.

"That's your business," Guo Shouyun flipped through the photos in his hand and pushed them back to the secretary, waved his hands irresponsibly, "Don't forget, I'm the boss, I'm only responsible for giving opinions, The specific operation is your business, if you can't do it to my satisfaction, it will not work." "Sir, this is a typical bureaucratic style." Sitting on the sand not far away, Yelena interjected with a smile, "Well, Show me the photos, and they all say that women are careful, maybe I can see something."

"Ah, yes, show it to her," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "She can see that there is a reward, but if she can't, she will be punished."

"Well, let me take a look." After saying that, Guo Shouyun looked at the watch in his hand again. Then he said, "You still have ten minutes, go to the airport in ten minutes. + That's right, Polaninov, how is the layout at the airport? How many people are there to greet the heroes at the airport?"

Handing the photos of the hull decoration taken to Yelena, Polaninov turned his head and said, "It's all arranged according to Mr.'s wishes. Well, as for meeting people at the airport, I got it before I came in just now. There are almost four or five thousand people in the news."

"How many people have we arranged for ourselves?" Guo Shouyun turned the chair and asked with the pen in his mouth.

"It looks like five or six hundred. I don't know the exact number. This is Mrs. Shanariva's responsibility, and she arranges the manpower." Polaninov said, "I heard her say it seems to be Arranged such a number. They are all young people, **, huh, huh. These guys are all ruffians. It is estimated that they can't do business, and there is no problem in making a noise to set off the atmosphere. "

"Well, that's good," Guo Shouyun clapped his hands with satisfaction, and said, "I don't want a cold scene at that time, otherwise. The loss of ground is not just a matter of face, but the interests of the entire group. Looking back, I guess I'll die of laughter by that guy Khodorkovsky."

"Hehe, sir, you can rest assured on this point. I don't think there will be any mistakes in what Mrs. Shanariva personally arranged." Polaninov said with a smile.

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Guo Shouyun rubbed his chin. Standing up from his chair, he glanced at his watch again. Then he pushed the stack of documents on the corner of the desk to the secretary, and said, "I have finished these things, before we leave in a moment, you can send them to the secretariat, and let them hurry up and assign them to the corresponding departments. Go. Especially the three red skins in the front, the most important thing, you can't go wrong."

"Okay sir." Polaninov nodded, stretched out his hand to take all the documents, and slammed it into his arms, then said, "Sir, are these all processed in two hours?"

"Of course, otherwise when do you think it will be dealt with?" Guo Shouyun gave his secretary a white look, and said angrily, "It's a huge Guo's group, and it has grown to the present, with tens of thousands of regular employees up and down. There are almost hundreds of thousands of employees, but you can look at these documents, and let me make a decision about the big **** of sesame and mung beans. == What kind of business staff need to change clothes, what kind of trading company's luck dock needs to be refurbished, The most hateful thing is. Guo Shouyun said, and pointed to the yellow paper at the bottom: "You can go and see for yourself in a while to see if it is necessary to set up vending machines for employees in the headquarters building. Let me make a decision. The instructions I gave in that document were to set it up on every floor, but I didn't set it up on my floor. The women in the secretariat wanted to buy things and let them go downstairs. "

"Haha," both Polaninov and Yelena laughed. Of course, they knew that the boss was angry. After all, the situation in the group was caused by himself. In a building as big as the headquarters, if there are vending machines on every floor, it would be a lot of expense. Those girls in the secretariat who dress up all day just to satisfy men's sex, there is no administrative, Financial decision-making power, what else can they do if such documents are not sent to the boss for approval?

"Sir, this is my mistake," Polaninov shook his head and said, "It's mainly because I've been staring at Vladivostok for the past two days, so I don't care about these trivial matters. They will be reminded to let them temporarily store up the trivial matters that are of little importance, and I will come back the day after tomorrow to deal with them."

"That's a good thing," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "You bastard, I warn you, if you are lazy next time, I won't deduct your salary for half a year."

Polaninov smiled naively, without an interface. He knew that the boss was joking, not to mention that for him now, salary is not that important. In terms of worth, he, the first secretary of the president of the Guo Group, definitely ranks in the top ten in the Far East.

"How's it going, Miss Yelena," Guo Shouyun walked over to the desk after letting go of his secretary. He walked straight to the front of the sand and sat next to the woman. He first stretched his arms around her shoulders, and then smiled. Said, "Do you see the problem?"

Shaking her head slightly, Yelena tilted her head and asked, "Is there really a problem with this? I think everything has been arranged very well. I'm afraid there is nothing wrong with it, right?"

"Really?" Guo Shouyun laughed.

"I can't see it anyway." Shaking her head, Yelena said.

"It's fine if you can't see it," Guo Shouyun took the photos from the woman's hands and handed them to Polaninov, smiling, "So I'll just say, there are some things that I still have to think about myself. Go tell me. General Sironov, let him put some high-power xenon lamps on the stern deck for me. This is the main banquet hall for the guests. He didn't turn on the lights for me. Did he plan to let my guests eat in the dark? ?"

"Oh," Polaninov held the document in one hand, took the photo in the other, glanced at the photo, and laughed, "This, this is really a low-level mistake, fortunately, Mr. is careful, otherwise, I am afraid that time will be a joke. ."

"Alright, alright, stop flattering, and finish the work at hand quickly, it's time for us to leave." With a hard slap on the shoulder of the secretary, Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile, "We have to try to get to the airport five minutes earlier, if If there is any inappropriate arrangement, there will be time to make up for it.”

Today is the 26th, the day when the Federal Olympic delegation returned from Barcelona. Before that, Guo Shouyun spent a lot of money on these athletes. He was waiting for today. In order to let these federal sports elites enter from Khabarovsk, he almost turned his face with Gusinski. Just imagine, How could he expect to be late for such an important occasion.

After receiving the boss's instructions, Polaninov naturally did not dare to delay. He hurried towards the office door with those documents in his arms, but just as he was about to leave the door, he seemed to think of something.

"Oh, that's right, sir," he said, putting the stack of photos on the document in his arms, and taking out a folded white paper from his trouser pocket, he held it up in the air, and said, "I also I almost forgot to give you a document, which was sent by the city government just now, saying that it is the approval document for the farm land you want."

"Aren't they slow, throw them here," Guo Shouyun said, clapping his hands and making a gesture of throwing.

"They said that the land was delineated after checking the old data of the farm in October ten years ago, and it completely meets your requirements, sir," Polaninov walked to the door. He hooked the door of the house with one foot and said casually. Asked, "There are a total of 143 hectares and 4 dessiatines, of which nearly 80% are farmland that has been deserted for many years, and the remaining part is now crowded by a lumber yard. The people from the city government said that they have hired a special person to clean it up. , I believe that all their illegal buildings will be demolished within two days. Also, they asked me to tell you that because the land involved is too large, the transfer process of the private ownership of the land must be handled by the purchaser in person, ah, It's that Miss Anfisa, let her go to the city government to go through the transfer procedures in the past two days, and the land will belong to her."

After finishing the last sentence, Polaninov closed the door with his feet and went out.

"Here," glanced at the unfolded document, and then handed it to Ye Liena, who had a gloomy expression, Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "You asked me to do three things for you, and one of them has been completed by now. This Anfisa... I have never asked you who she is, as for letting you buy such a large land for her."

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