Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 59: contract of sale

?"Think tank", it must be noted that what Yelena said is a think tank, not the kind of think tank that Guo Shouyun had conceived before. Compared with a think tank, a think tank is huge in terms of scale and function. , more luxurious. , qв5. In the West, people are more accustomed to calling think tanks "think tanks", which bring together experts from various fields to provide the leadership of a country with the best decision-making advice in economic, social, military, diplomatic and other aspects. Institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the State Council Development Research Center, the RAND Corporation, and the Brookings Institution in the United States belong to think tanks.

Previously, when Guo Shouyun went to Washington, he once passed by Massachusetts Avenue, a place called "Think Tank Street", which left a deep impression on him, although he never considered building a similar Rand, cloth For a big-name think tank like Rukins, if he can build a smaller-scale think tank that can play a macro-prediction role at the same time, he is absolutely willing to spend money, even if it is an astonishing sum of money.

But from the bottom of his heart, Guo Shouyun also understands one thing, that is, a think tank like this cannot be established by anyone with money. It requires a long process of talent precipitation. He did a rough calculation. If he manages it himself, it is impossible to win a slightly larger think tank without nearly ten years of hard work.

And now? A woman who belongs to her own stood in front of her and told herself calmly that she only needed a sum of money and the necessary trust to build a think tank in just seven days. He, the big boss, didn't need anything. Do, just wait for the harvest. In this case, what can Guo Shouyun think? Undoubtedly, there were only two possibilities for his thoughts: one of skepticism and one of ecstasy.

Guo Shouyun can see that Ye Liena is by no means the kind of person who speaks out of bounds. Frankly speaking, as a profiteer who started his life by ingenuity, he has never felt that way of being seen through. In just over an hour today, this woman has spied on his mental activities several times in a row. Like this kind of woman, can she make promises without full confidence? The answer is obviously no.

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Guo Shouyun asked in a slightly indifferent voice: "You may be right. I am very interested in establishing a think tank of my own, but before I formally consider this issue... .."

"Sir, do you still have a few questions to ask me?" Yelena interjected with a smile, "and the first one may be to ask what kind of reward I want to get, what kind of power I need, huh, to be honest, you Really similar to Victor, and the techniques used to infer him apply to Mr.

Guo Shouyun was silent. He even wondered if there was a special course in the Military Diplomacy Academy back then to try to figure out people's hearts, if there was one. Is that psychology or something else weird?

"If sir still wants to ask this question. That's the second time you've repeated it today," Yelena continued, taking a step toward the man. "Since Mr. has to get a real answer, well, I can say it openly and honestly. Just like what I said just now. As a woman, my life is to live for revenge, and I can sell everything. To Mr., from body to mind and even soul, and I need Mr. to do only three things for me: first, to get rid of the four enemies that I have not yet eliminated; second, to put Lazare The cruiser Admiral Husband was renamed the Lieutenant Admiral Yuri, and then scuttled it in the East Sea of ​​Korea. I will dedicate this as a sacrifice to my father. Third, rebuild the long-abandoned Khabarovsk October Farm. At that time, it covered an area of ​​140 hectares, and the newly built farm must be in accordance with the original appearance. It was named Isa Lekeeva Farm, and it was transferred to the name of a girl named Anfisa."

"That's all?" Guo Shouyun was greatly surprised. He felt that this woman's "ambition" was a bit incredible. She didn't want power or endless money, but she made such three inexplicable demands.

The first condition: "Get rid of the four enemies," that is to say, in the past ten years, Yelena has solved the other 30 people by herself, but she can't get rid of the local people. Obviously, the identity is not simple, but for Guo Shouyun, this kind of thing seems too simple. Isn't it murder? If necessary, the president of a country can still be killed.

The second condition: scuttling a cruiser, this is a bit troublesome to say, after all, "Admiral Lazarev" is a main battle nuclear-powered missile cruiser still in service in the Pacific Fleet, but for Guo It seems that it is not difficult for the Group to find an excuse to sink it. This old-fashioned thing has been in the water for almost ten years, and the necessary maintenance has been lacking during this period. If Guo's proposal to rebuild a similar warship for the Pacific Fleet, Sironov is estimated to be beautiful.

As for the third condition, not to mention, the land area of ​​140 hectares is definitely not small, but there is not much else in the Far East, that is, there is a lot of land. It is certain that as long as Guo Shouyun speaks, Habaruo The Fusk municipal government completed all the formalities in half a day. As for whether this would involve demolition, Guo Shouyun didn't even need to consider it.

"That's all," Yelena said with a slight smile. "These things may not be possible in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of Mr., they should be just three small things, right?"

"It's just because it's a trivial matter that I have doubts," Guo Shouyun said calmly, "It seems that the price of your contract of sale is low, which makes me feel like I can't see through you."

"Hehe, sir, you should say that this is exactly what my value is," Yelena laughed. "If I were the kind of woman who could see through my husband at a glance, would you still value me? Besides, on this issue , sir don't have to think too much, as I said just now, I'm just a brain, you don't have to give me any power, I'm not like Shana Riva and the others, they all share the power in the hands of Mr., and I'm not , I only play the role of a military advisor. In the future, in addition to getting along with my people, I will never interact with any interest class in the Far East. Well, it is more appropriate to say that we are invisible in the Far East People, as in life for the past ten years, no one will know we exist and no one will care about us."

Speaking of the last two sentences, Ye Liena's face unconsciously showed a look of loneliness, but this inadvertently revealed emotion disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the confident smile reappeared in the corner of her eyes.

The problem Ye Liena said was exactly what Guo Shouyun thought. According to the way the woman said, they did not have the conditions to covet power.

"Okay," after thinking for a long time, Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said resolutely, "Tell me, besides the necessary funds, what other arrangements do you need?"

"A place with a relatively closed environment," Yelena said. "Besides, it needs some necessary equipment. These are trivial matters. As long as Mr. accepts my proposal, everything will be easy."

"Your offer is so generous, and the reward you need is so meager, do I have any reason to refuse?" Shrugging, Guo Shouyun smiled, "When you return to Khabarovsk, you can just let it go and make arrangements. You can speak at any time if you need anything. Hehe, although I am very suspicious, I can still do it with the standard of not having to be suspicious and not being suspicious of people, so you can rest assured."

"I didn't see it wrong, sir, you are a trustworthy cooperation just like the current Cheka club," Yelena smiled, "Ah, no, for me, you are no longer a cooperation, but that The man who can rule my future destiny."

"I love hearing that last sentence," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, reaching out to embrace the woman's slender waist, "Well, since I am the master of your destiny, then you can honestly answer my last question."

"Well, let me guess," Yelena seemed very interested in trying to figure out the man's mind, she tilted her head and thought, and said, "Mr. these two questions... Well, first, you You must be asking me what kind of relationship I have with the Cheka club. Second, you want to ask who my four remaining enemies are. If it is these two questions, I can only answer part of you. I It's really just a partnership with the Cheka because at this stage we have a common goal, to get rid of Barannikov."

"Balannikov is also your enemy?" Guo Shouyun said in surprise.

"Yes," Yelena curled her lips and hummed, "I have been working hard to get rid of him all these years, but because he holds an important position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is far away from the core of Moscow's power, I have never had a chance. Calculate him. But when he took the post of Minister of Security, I knew that my opportunity was coming, so I took the initiative to find the Cheka club, and came up with an excellent strategy for them to seize power, and the condition was to let They introduced me to Mr.

"You planned that plan to deal with Barannikov?" Guo Shouyun suddenly said, hissing.

"Yes, the trick is to make a joke of Mr. Ye Liena." Ye Liena said lightly.

"Then besides Barannikov, who else is on your revenge list?" Guo Shouyun asked immediately.

"I can't tell Mr. for the time being," Yelena shook her head and said, "but you can rest assured that I only gave up the Cheka club and started to cooperate with Mr. The main reason is that Mr. is destined to be with these three people. conflict, so help me, I have no choice."

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