Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 511: olympic female

"She was my best friend and the only friend in my life," Yelena said in a somber tone after taking the document, "In the past ten years, the Academy of Military Affairs and Diplomacy would say that there is a person who is better than me. Even better, that's her.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun tilted his head and thought about it. He was thinking about what a woman who was better than Yelena would look like.

"Are you curious about this woman, sir?" Ye Liena seemed to be able to really see Guo Shouyun's thoughts. She raised her head slightly and asked.

"Forget it," Guo Shouyun said with a shrug, "but if you don't want to say it, I won't ask."

"Hehe, there's nothing that can't be said," Yelena laughed. "Actually, the reason why I can know the connection between Mr. and the Cheka Club is thanks to my good friend. Mr. still remembers the Moscow State Psychiatry. Rehabilitation hospital?"

"Huh?" The name Guo Shouyun felt a little familiar, and he remembered it after a little thought. When Sanariva was assassinated some time ago, a former KGB agent seemed to be imprisoned there, that time it was Polanino. The husband personally went to bring this back to the Far East. "

"What do you mean, this Anfisa is also there?" Guo Shouyun asked tentatively, thinking of an amazing coincidence.

"Yeah, she's there too," Yelena said with a slight smile, "this may be a coincidence, but through it, I know that when my husband and I were in a previous life, maybe there was some kind of inseparable relationship. The connection of this destiny leads us, and we have to come together in this life."

"Past life? It's fine if I have something to do with you in my previous life," Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly in his heart, "Then I'm afraid I won't go to the point where I'm crushed on the execution ground."

"Hehe, maybe," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, rubbing his nose, "but I probably wasn't a good person in my past life. I don't know if you were my enemy or a comrade-in-arms with the same aspirations as me. ==== "

"Who knows," Yelena said with a cute shrug, "but we don't seem to have to care about that. Because..."

She seemed to have something to say, but finally swallowed it back.

"Because it's time for us to go out," she said with a smile, "Aren't you in a hurry, sir?"

When the long motorcade drove into the apron of Khabarovsk International Airport, Guo Shouyun was still thinking about the woman beside him, and he didn't know why. He always felt that Yelena had such a mysterious charm all over her body, which made it difficult for people to understand and see.

"Is it because I haven't touched her yet?" When he got out of the car, he looked at Yelena's two **** long legs that were exposed outside the skirt, and pondered with a gloomy forehead, "Is it necessary? If you want to fully understand a woman's mind, you must first test her depth? It's really interesting and dirty thoughts that make Guo Shouyun feel a little excited, but this excitement is more from the nervousness of meeting an opponent, he thought, there is such a With a woman by my side, my future life may really not be lonely anymore.

Khabarovsk International Airport is very busy today. In order to welcome the arrival of the Olympic delegation, the perimeter of the runway of the entire airport apron was filled with rows of flowers. At the end of the pre-booked runway 6 of the plane that the team members took, there were still a large group of children holding flowers and smiling innocently. There is no doubt that these children were specially selected by the municipal government from various elementary school campuses, and they belonged to the first batch of teams to welcome the triumph of heroes.

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo, as the biggest sponsor of the Olympic delegation, may I ask you..."

"Mr. Guo, I'm Kamchatka Al Jazeera..."

When Guo Shouyun and his party just appeared at the end of the runway. ==== A large group of people with microphones or cameras on their shoulders flocked to the center. Good interview topic.

In the face of these interviews that rushed to block his way, Guo Shouyun always had a humble smile on his face. He selectively answered some of the questions from Far East TV according to the drafts he had memorized. As for those who said these words roughly means. It is nothing more than "The Guo Group has always attached great importance to various public undertakings including sports", "The Federal Olympic Team has performed well in this Olympic Games. The achievements they have achieved are enough to make every Russian citizen proud", "I personally believe that the proud achievements of the Olympic team in Barcelona this time are a sign of the general renaissance of the Federation" and so on. This kind of nutritious, unfounded nonsense.

Of course, the questions raised by those reporters are not all on the right track, and there are also some “noises” that make people feel uncomfortable. Many female athletes in the country have had sexual relations, and even said that he used the three major sports centers in the Far East as a private playground, and held several ** dances in it.

For these, Guo Shouyun gave neither a positive answer nor a negative negative answer. Whenever there was a question, he would always answer "no comment".

Potential is to be created, love is to be done, otherwise there is no such thing as "pretentiousness". Guo has invested so much money before and after, and the body building training center is also paying for sponsorship fees. Isn't the purpose of this time today? Taking advantage of this opportunity, if he doesn't make a good appearance, he will gain the popularity of the Russians. If you agree, then this transaction will not be a big loss. As for those romantic lace issues, it is also a major aspect of hype. Russians are relatively open about gender issues. The news reports about how many celebrities slept with a certain rich man and how many mistresses he took care of are often people after dinner. Jokes talk about information, and will not attract much impact. The most important thing is that Guo Shouyun is a businessman himself, and he is not a politician. Even if his personal style is corrupt, he will not attract widespread criticism from public opinion.

With the help of bodyguards, Guo Shouyun was already sweating profusely. It was mid-August, it happened to be dog days, and he was used to enjoying himself, so how could he bear such a living crime? . Compared with him, those government officials who didn't know how long they had waited on the airport runway were obviously unable to hold it. fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the flight from Barcelona was on time. Guo Shouyun had just finished greeting the officials who had arrived earlier. A white speck from south to north had already appeared over the airport.



When the plane finally landed on the runway, the cabin door opened, and the first tall and strong man in a yellow and white sports suit appeared at the cabin door, all kinds of cheers suddenly sounded in the huge airport. Among them, there is no shortage of sharp whistles.

"A ruffian is a ruffian. I want them to welcome them, not to coax them," Guo Shouyun said to Yelena who was with him while following behind the officials with a smile on his face. I really don't know how Shanariva does things, doesn't she know it's a formal occasion?"

"Hehe, I think Mr. is being too cautious," Yelena said softly without tilting her head, looking straight ahead, "Don't you think this kind of scene looks more natural?

Guo Shouyun only frowned, then stretched his smile again, he nodded slightly, and said, "Well, what you said makes sense, this is my negligence."

"Such negligence is irrelevant," Yelena smiled as she looked at the beautiful and beautiful woman not far ahead who was slowly walking down the stairs while looking around, "but if you ignore the pair of eyes searching for you, some I'm afraid people will be sad."

"Thank you for reminding me," Guo Shouyun raised his head sharply, his eyes happened to meet Xie Niweijina's eyes with a hint of joy. To be honest, he didn't have much affection for this woman, maybe for someone like him, Enjoying a woman's **** is far more direct and exciting than enjoying their feelings. But I don't know why today, when he first saw Xenivagina, who had been cut off, an inexplicable love arose in his heart.

"No, I'm very happy to do this kind of good deed to fulfill others." Yelena said with a light smile.

"Let's do it," Guo Shouyun said in a low voice, grabbing the small hand of the woman beside him and patting the back of her tender hand gently, "Do you know the two news that I will announce in public later?" "Is it about the establishment of a sports support fund? The news of the meeting and the establishment of the Far East Sports Equipment Corporation?" Ye Liena was slightly taken aback and said.

"Yes, these are the two," Guo Shouyun took out the speech script from his pocket, stuffed it into the woman's hand, and said, "The specific situation is all there, think about the words, and put it for me later. The news is out."

"Well, sir, aren't you afraid that doing this will give me too many chances to get ahead?" Yelena's expression looked a little weird, she said with a half-smile.

"If you have an opportunity that doesn't come out, you can do it." Guo Shouyun let go of the woman's hand, said absentmindedly, and then took big steps to greet Xie Niweijina, who had been looking at him. go up.

"What an interesting man, don't you know that women can't be easily trusted?" Holding the speech in her hand, a rare trace of doubt appeared in Yelena's eyes. She stood there for nearly half a minute. , Then shrugged and said to himself, "But fortunately...I'm probably not a woman anymore."

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