Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 53: revolutionary wedding

? Guo Shouyun himself has no opinion on the demands put forward by the North Korean military. The four major aviation complexes in the Far East being integrated have the official arms export license of the Russian Federation. Moscow's restrictions in this regard are mainly limited to sensitive technologies. And high-end equipment, and outdated fighter jets like the Su-25 were exported by the Soviet Union ten years ago, but the price at that time was relatively expensive.

But this statement is divided into two parts. Although Guo Shouyun holds the decision-making power of this business, Guo Shouyun does not intend to let go so easily. He really understands the temperament of these North Koreans too well. These guys are living "white-eyed wolves." "It belongs to the kind of animal that takes advantage of you with its front feet and kicks you aside with its hind feet. This can be seen from the United Nations vote on economic sanctions against China at the beginning of the year. The North Koreans have benefited a lot from China. They were able to join the United Nations a few years ago, and Beijing has also contributed a lot in the back, but what is the final result? In the vote on the issue of economic sanctions, in the face of negative votes cast by countries such as Pakistan, they unexpectedly abstained from voting. In the face of such "white-eyed wolves", there is only one principle to deal with them, tie him up, let him stay away from you all the time, let him know that he will not be able to live without you, only then, this kind of " The angle" only knew where to "stand" and "what to say".

It is out of this consideration. When Guo Shouyun responded to the North Korean military's request, he spoke very calmly. He made it clear that the Far East can give what the North Korean side needs. And they will try their best to meet their requirements, but because they choose the model, they are all eliminated by the twenty-three empty sets. At the same time, the four major aviation industry complexes in the Far East are undergoing rectification. Therefore, some spare parts may be insufficiently prepared. If necessary, the North Korean military can renew the order for a long period of time in the future. What he means is very clear, that is, he wants a fighter plane, yes! For critical parts, no! These fighters are bought back, if they are not intended to be used for only two or three years. Then 66 must be ordered from the Far East, and the Far East does. Find various reasons at any time, cut off the purchase channels in this area, and make these fighters completely scrapped.

While raising this point of view, Guo Shouyun also stated twice that the Far East is currently facing huge economic difficulties, and the financial budgets of the Far East Military Region and the Pacific Fleet are very close. At a level acceptable to both sides, such as the semi-aid standard in the former Soviet Union. if not. There is no need for this negotiation.

The meeting with the North Korean military lasted four hours until the two sides had finalized a series of issues. It was five o'clock in the afternoon. After that, the North Koreans arranged a brief meeting with the head of the Ministry of Commerce. The general content of this meeting is that the North Korean side hopes to start trade cooperation with the Guo Group in the next period of time. , import the rice produced in North Korea into the Far East market, and at the same time, I also hope that the Guo Group can invest in North Korea and establish some industrial enterprises with high technology content. In order to increase Guo Shouyun's investment interest, the North Korean Ministry of Commerce gave him a lot of preferential conditions, such as preferential policies, tax reduction and so on. However, in addition to the preferential conditions, North Koreans also have their own requirements, that is, in similar industrial enterprises, North Korean workers must account for a considerable number, of which labor workers must reach 90%; skilled workers must reach 100%. Fifty percent; senior technical managers must reach 30 percent. In addition, in these industrial enterprises, the DPRK must hold 40% of the land shares, and after the 30-year operation period, the company's shares should be transferred to the DPRK for free.

Guo Shouyun has no opinion on these business requirements. On a global scale, North Korea can be regarded as the only undeveloped "virgin land". The labor price here can be said to be astonishingly low. According to their current The salary level, the salary of an ordinary employee a month, is only a matter of one or two dollars. Guo Shouyun thought that with the support of the DPRK's policy, he could transfer some industrial entities with some technical content and serious pollution to this place, such as oil processing, chip manufacturing and so on. The intention of the North Koreans is very clear. What they want is technology, and they also hope to obtain foreign investment to prosper the market. In this regard, the Guo Group can provide a lot of things, and he doesn't care about being stolen by others. In the past, after all, technology was continuously developed and updated. If you didn't have your own research strength, you would never be able to keep up with the times if you just wanted to learn from others.

Out of this consideration, Guo Shouyun made it clear during the negotiation that he would consider coming to North Korea to invest and build a factory in the future, and he could even set up some of the chip production bases of "Wang An Hardware" here. Well, in order to "support North Korea's computer technology industry" to a certain extent, the Guo Group will also consider recruiting North Korean technicians to the Far East base for further study when necessary. However, the premise of this cooperation is that the North Korean side must guarantee the commercial interests of the Guo Group in North Korea, and the students they select to go to the Far East base for further study must also be reviewed by the Guo Group.

There is no doubt that Guo Shouyun's "enlightenment" has surprised several representatives of the Ministry of Commerce. You must know that although North Korea's comics industry has deep roots, their computer industry is quite lagging behind. Until this time, Pyongyang even had a message There is no Ministry of Industry, and the only thing they have in this area is a computer research center. And this so-called computer technology research center located in Guangfu Street, Wanjingtai, is not even a provincial institution, so its actual research ability can be imagined.

However, the seriously lagging state of computer technology research does not mean that the North Koreans are not interested in this global emerging technology. They are just under the blockade of the Americans and have no ability or opportunity to seek development. Previously, when the Soviet Union disintegrated, especially when the Guo Group was aggressively recruiting Russian computer talents, the North Korean side also made a move in this regard, but their national conditions were placed there, and the Far East was very **** high-end talents. So nothing worked. With the full development of the Guo Group's acquisition of Wang An Company, the North Koreans' attention has long been turned around. Therefore, in this matter, even if Guo Shouyun does not mention it, they will sooner or later follow the deepening of cooperation between the two parties. , a little by extension.

Just imagine, in this case, Mr. Guo Da, the president of the Guo Group, took the initiative to offer the North Koreans the terms of cooperation in this regard. How could it not surprise them?

With this consensus that is enough to make the North Koreans feel overwhelmed, the subsequent negotiations will naturally proceed quite smoothly, and the atmosphere of the negotiations between the two sides is also extremely friendly. Perhaps, in the eyes of the North Koreans at this time, Guo Shouyun's actions The guy who never suffers in business and who only cares about interests and not public morality in everything has become a true "international friend" of the North Korean people.

Guo Shouyun didn't realize that just because of today's business negotiation, the North Korean government convened a cabinet meeting and quickly formulated a five-year key project support plan. The computer research center of china became a popular institution overnight, and its hierarchy was promoted to the provincial and ministerial level, and it was directly under the leadership of the cabinet. A large number of children of high-ranking officials and officials poured into this department, thus turning this highly technical research institute into a "battalion" in a substantial sense.

After the meeting with the North Korean Ministry of Commerce was over, it was time for the opening of the dinner. According to the previous arrangement, this was the time for Guo Shouyun, the male representative, to meet with Li Shengyan's family. During the meeting, the two sides also joined a young couple. People's marriage is finally finalized.

However, it may have been stimulated by the previous negotiations. What should have been a simple private banquet was suddenly replaced by a grand diplomatic banquet by the North Koreans. The list of candidates who came to the banquet was expanded three times in a row. The venue also had to be moved to the grand banquet hall of Baiyuan Garden.

It is conceivable that those who are qualified to attend are mostly leading cadres above the vice-ministerial level. If nothing else, even the dignified secretary of the Pyongyang Municipal Party Committee of the Workers' Party and members of the People's Committee can only accompany the last seat, not to mention. others too.

Therefore, when Shoucheng and Li Shengyan's family rode two old-fashioned red flags into Baiyuan Garden, except for a couple of newcomers, Li Shengyan's family was almost blocked. When discussing the specific wedding date and how to arrange it, the person who talked to Guo Shouyun was not a relative, but a serious and expressionless government official. The old man said a lot of nonsense and shouted in high morale. He chanted some slogans, and then, in front of everyone's eyes and Guo Shouyun's stunned mouth, hung a "great leader" badge on Shoucheng's chest, followed by announcing that the two young people were "under the witness of the revolution", Officially married.

At that time, Guo Shouyun wondered, the wedding of his precious brother to his daughter-in-law was so simple? This process is too revolutionary, right? Could it be that this is the meaning of Shoucheng or his sister-in-law's family? However, shortly after that, Guo Shouyun dispelled the last guess with a word that his brother whispered during the banquet.

"I'm going to take Shengyan and her family to Khabarovsk," Shoucheng said in a slightly annoyed tone, "Brother, you have to help me with this, I know these people don't dare to give you this face now."

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