Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 52: go to North Korea

? Guo Shouyun's trip to Pyongyang did not use the aircraft, which made him feel uncomfortable, but took the water 6, from the Pacific Fleet base in Vladivostok, to the north by the guided missile frigate "Kubyshev" , took the Dakamen port directly, made a short inspection for a few hours, and then turned south and went straight to the Xingnan port in the East Korea Bay.

Since the Far East region fell directly into the hands of Guo Shouyun after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, neither the Far East Military Region nor the Pacific Fleet cut off contact with the North Korean military. The effect is good. In the past period of time, the mainstream media in North Korea, including the "Rodong Sinmun", "Democratic Korea" and other newspapers, frequently published content criticizing the deterioration of the Russian revolution and the proliferation of corrupt ideas of the bourgeoisie. Interestingly, each of these reports has When the name "Russian Federation" appears, it is always suffixed with the word "". It is under the guidance of this kind of public opinion that those North Koreans who are concerned about international affairs now have a very vague concept - the "Far East" is not the same thing as Russia. On this land next to North Korea, There is now a "revolutionary", "socialist" "progressive regime". However, it is a bit bizarre that this "revolutionary leader of the progressive regime" seems to be Chinese from the name, and seems to be called "Guo Shouyun".

These misunderstandings have caused many ironic embarrassments. For example, after Guo Shouyun climbed to Xingnan 6, when he was driving to the hotel, he saw a lot of local government decorations on Tongtong Street, the main road in the city. 's welcome banner, the writing on it is very stylized, similar to the slogan "Warmly welcome Comrade Guo Shouyun, a staunch comrade-in-arms of the proletariat". Seeing these things, Guo Shouyun didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He wondered if Li Shengyan's girl could see this thing. I don't know how she will feel. ^^^^^^^

The guiding ability of public opinion propaganda is quite terrifying, and the deception ability is even more terrifying. Misunderstandings like this. It brought a lot of trouble to Guo Shouyun's trip to Pyongyang. Of course, it also made him fundamentally aware of the most basic considerations of the Far East military and the North Korean government-they all hope that the Far East can be truly independent, because then best serve their fundamental interests.

It is quite a distance from Xingnan to Pyongyang. Under the strict protection of a guard camp of the Korean People's Army, Guo Shouyun took a special train prepared for him by the North Korean side, traversing the Dafeng Mountains, crossing Xinchengchuan and Jiangdong, which took almost a whole day. , and finally set foot in Pyongyang.

to be honest. As a "local prince" on the side of Russia, Guo Shouyun received a high-level reception this time in North Korea. Although the nature is similar to the Diaoyutai State Guest House, the occupancy level restrictions are quite strict. As for the reception of people, North Korea has also made high-level arrangements. Since Pacific Fleet Commander Sironov also temporarily appeared in the list of the entourage, coupled with the Russian General of the 6th Army, Guo Shouyun and his party were equivalent to two generals. And there is another way of saying this in international relations.

Guo Shouyun had not been clear about the particularity of this kind of visit before. Therefore, when Sironov proposed to accompany him. He didn't feel any abnormality either. In his opinion, the reason why the admiral made such a request temporarily is nothing more than to fight against Tiliamenko. The two old men are fighting for everything. On the issue, of course, all are not far behind. But in fact, he overlooked one point, that is, the identities of these two old men are really extraordinary---Sironov needless to say. ^^ Commander, Pacific Fleet. All the things that can fire at sea in the Far East are under his control, within the entire fleet. It leads more than 20 generals, large and small, and hundreds of school officials. As for Tiao Liaomenko, his identity is even more stated. Currently in the Far East, in addition to the Far East Military Region, he also nominally administers the huge 23rd Air Force Group Army, hundreds of thousands of frontier defense troops, and a large number of original air force. Refers to the Homeland Defense Air Force. In this way, his identity has been transformed from the original general of the 6th army to the general of the Far East 6-air.

Guo Shouyun thought very simply. As the president of the Guo Group, he came over to act as a matchmaker for his younger brother, but what he didn't expect was that an economic oligarch who actually controls Far East government affairs would go around Pyongyang with the Far East with him. 6 The supreme commander of the navy and air forces, what does this fact mean? I am afraid that a country can't gather so many important characters for a visit, right?

There is no doubt that the entire military of the Far East has never given up on the issue of independence. They are used to living a happy life in the Far East, and they no longer want to be restrained by Moscow: Terryomenko feels his position as the commander of the Far East Military Region. Sitting is not very comfortable, he has to pass the foreign addiction of being the Minister of Defense; Sijahov is probably not satisfied with his position as the Chief of General Staff of the Military Region, and he is thinking about how to become the Chief of Staff of the General Staff Headquarters; Needless to say, Ronov, he reckoned that it was not good enough, and the authority of the Minister of the Navy should be his own. From them to the bottom, all the top-ranking people in the Far East military circle have their own ideas. Once the Far East becomes independent, they can get the greatest benefits from it. These people form a huge interest group, in many At that time, although Guo Shouyun's authority could hold them down, he couldn't scare them back. People can die for wealth, not to mention when wealth and power appear together?

In the previous episode, Guo Shouyun carried out a radical reform of the Far East Military Region. The original military power system was largely planned. A group of generals who were originally ambitious were deprived of real power, and some middle-level generals were transferred. A new batch of generals was promoted. In this case, Guo Shouyun thought that he had done a good job, and the independent thought within the military should be completely dispelled. Catalytic deterioration of a person in time. Those middle-level generals who have changed positions will still retain their independent ideas, and those newly promoted generals will also covet even greater power after they have tasted the deliciousness of power. For these people, it is too slow to gain more power by climbing step by step in the army, and promoting the independence of the Far East is obviously a faster and better way, after all, it is equivalent to killing Moscow with one knife. The topmost part of this power is cut off.

Compared with the independent ideology of the military, the independent tendencies of the key departments of the Far East government can be said to be more serious. The generals of the military are still from all over the Federation, and the main officials of the Far East government departments are truly native Far East people. Since people from other places are planning to become independent, let alone those from the Far East. . It's just that these government officials are all literati. They don't have any tools of violence in their hands. Therefore, in the face of Guo Shouyun's strong pressure, they don't even dare to put a fart. Well, after all, these guys all rely on their brains to eat, and there are flowers in their stomachs.

It is precisely because Guo Shouyun's entourage included the heads of the 6 naval and air forces in the Far East, the North Korean side immediately raised two levels in the reception, and the two generals Wu Kelie and Jin Dounan, who should have appeared in the list of reception staff, were eliminated. Instead, there are Bai Helin and Cui Rende, the two second marshals of the People's Army. In North Korea, there is only one person who has reached the rank of marshal in the military. I don't know who it is. As for Li Yixue, that is nine. Five years later he was promoted to marshal.

Guo Shouyun didn't understand the international conventions like visiting overseas, but Ye Liena from the Cheka Club knew it very well. When she saw that the North Koreans who were responsible for the reception were actually the two second commanders of the People's Army, she immediately realized it. There is a problem, because according to international diplomatic practice, this arrangement is very unreasonable, and the North Koreans cannot make mistakes in this regard, unless they don't even want the state system.

But when she realized there was a problem, she had no chance to speak to Guo Shouyun.

Because Guo Shouyun did not plan to stay in Pyongyang for too long before coming here this time, he had to rush back to Khabarovsk before the 25th, because that day the Federal Olympic delegation would take a connecting flight back with Far Eastern Airlines. Fund sponsors must rush back to pick up the plane. Such an excellent hype opportunity cannot be missed no matter what.

In view of this, the North Korean side will also schedule various meetings with him very tight. They have coveted this "Kun Ye" North Korean for a long time, but they have never found a good opportunity to stab him. That's definitely when it's time to shoot.

On the afternoon of Guo Shouyun's arrival in Pyongyang, the two second commanders of the People's Army negotiated with him for a full four hours. They knew that the 23rd Air Force in the Far East had installed new Su-27 fighter jets not long ago, and the DPRK was not interested in this kind of aircraft. Although I am very interested in the new model, it is limited by financial resources, and there is no purchase intention in this area for the time being. However, some of the fighters replaced by the twenty-three empty sets, such as: Su-25, MiG-29, they are very interested in buying, but the premise is that Guo Shouyun can give "a certain degree" of discount.

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