Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 54: Elena

? "Ugh..."

With the sound of a long whistle, the frigate Kuibyshev broke through the waves and sailed out of the naval port where it had stayed for two days. \\. qβ5.c0m

"Why didn't you remind me of these things earlier?" In the spacious captain's lounge, Guo Shouyun stood in front of the oval ship window, looking at the boundless blue sea outside the window, and said in a gloomy tone, "When is it now? Now, what's the use of you talking about it?"

"Sir," Yelena said calmly, standing behind him a step away, "it's not that I didn't want to remind you before, but that I didn't have a chance at all. From our accommodation to the train box, you can It is said that in any possible place, the North Koreans have installed bugs or even covert monitoring facilities. In this case, any of our actions may cause unnecessary trouble. Of course, the most important thing is that from your From the moment you set foot on the peninsula, this influence has lost its chance of redemption, and I remind you that it is no different from now."

Perhaps the open line of sight can keep people sane and calm. The anger in Guo Shouyun's heart soon subsided. He realized that now is not the time for his temper, but the time to think about countermeasures. This trip to North Korea, whether Moscow, Beijing, or even Washington, which is thousands of miles away, must have received news, and he must find a way to deal with the troubles that may come at any time.

"Forget it, I didn't say what I said before," Guo Shouyun glanced at the soldiers walking on the deck outside the window with his hand on his chin. With a sigh, he said, "After returning to Khabarovsk, remember to contact Moscow. Let the club inquire about it and see how Moscow and Washington react on this matter."

"Yes, sir," Yelena nodded in response, and then asked tentatively, "I take the liberty to ask, does sir intend to adopt a strategy to dispel the concerns of Moscow and Washington?"

"What do you think?" Guo Shouyun said without looking back.

"I can guess what Mr.'s intention is. ^^^^^^^" smiled slightly. Yelena said, "However, if Mr. has this plan, then I would like to advise Mr. to consider it from your standpoint. The best way now is to do nothing and wait for everything to change."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun asked with an absent-minded snort. "Why? Tell me your reason.\\"

"Of course I have a reason for saying that," Yelena said. "But sir, can you give me a minimum of respect, let's sit down and talk face-to-face? Haven't you realized that since I followed you, I have spent far more time in front of the back of your head and lower abdomen than I have with you? You are facing the time face to face, and that is unfair to me."

"Fairness has never been around me," Guo Shouyun turned around despite saying so. He smiled. Pointing to a chair opposite the bed, he said. "But since you are interested in my face, I can also give you this chance."

"Tell me, what's your reason?" He walked to the bed and sat down, Guo Shouyun raised Erlang's legs and made a random gesture, saying.

"Sir, can you answer me a question before asking my reason?" Shi Shiran sat on the chair, Yelena stretched out two beautiful black legs that were exposed outside the short skirt, and during the time on the boat , her two **** thighs, I am afraid that they have long become the best fantasy objects of the whole ship's officers and soldiers when they read themselves.

"Hey, you have a lot of requests," Guo Shouyun snorted coldly and said, "Well, I'll make an exception today, you can ask."

"Is Mr. a saint who is unmoved in the face of supreme power? Do you really have no illusions about the independence of the Far East?" The problem that comes out is obviously more acute.

"You doubt me?" Guo Shouyun sneered. \\j.\\

"Yes, I just doubt you, because considering the thinking of any normal person, it is impossible for you not to have ambitions in this regard." Yelena said calmly.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun apparently heard something from the woman's words, and the trace of anger he had just raised quickly died down.

"So what?" Guo Shouyun asked, taking out a cigarette from his pocket, playing with the cigarette case.

"Not so good," Yelena smiled with a very **** shrug, "Second question, what method do you think you can use to dispel my suspicions in this regard? Or, what method can you use? Prove to everyone that you have no ambitions for supremacy in the Far East?"

Guo Shouyun was silent, he understood what the woman meant. Indeed, he couldn't think of a way to prove it, because now all the power in the Far East was actually in his hands. Under such circumstances, any guarantees and oaths he made were ineffective.

"Obviously, Mister has no way to prove this at all," Yelena obviously knew that she had successfully attracted the man's attention, she smiled charmingly, and continued, "The current situation is that Mister is in control of the Far East on the one hand. On the one hand, you have never planned to hand over this part of the power, and at the same time, you have made this trip to North Korea. In this way, no matter what method you take to remedy and express your loyalty to Moscow, you will not be able to Alleviate their concerns in this regard, and the more likely consequence is that all the measures you take can only lead to an association between Moscow and Washington - there is no silver tael here."

"You learn Chinese very well," Guo Shouyun said, frowning, "Go on."

"The reason why I advise Mr. not to take any countermeasures is not only because of the above, but also for a more important reason, that is, this approach may have an impact on Mr.'s interests in the Far East." Yelena Go on.

"Oh? Tell me more." Guo Shouyun raised his eyebrows.

"First, sir, you must see the interests of who you represent," Ye Liena laughed, "Actually, from many perspectives, the reason why the club chooses to cooperate with Mr. Guo is not just the existence of the Guo Group. , what we value is this entire interest group centered on you. This group, um, it can be big or small, in a small way, it is your Guo clique and the military group, political group that unites around the group Group and economic interest group, these three groups constitute the entire power framework of the Guo Group, and at the same time, they also constitute the entire upper-level social system of the Far East. Speaking of Dali, this group is actually the Far East, in fact, it is the Far East, big and small. more than a dozen states."

"Mister may not know," Yelena paused when she said this, and then gave Guo Shouyun a meaningful look, "Actually, in our club, there were two completely contradictory views about Mr. One side believes that Mr. is not very ambitious, at least in your mind, it is impossible to have the idea of ​​promoting the independence of the Far East, while the other side of the conflict holds the diametrically opposite opinion. Hehe, as a woman who does not have a high status, I am in the club There is not much chance of speaking, otherwise, I will tell them, whether you have this ambition sir or not, as long as you exist in the Far East and continue to develop in this place, then as you grow step by step, the final result, That is, the tendency of separation in the Far East intensifies, until one day the situation is completely out of control, and you can't control it yourself. Therefore, the conflicting views of the two sides of the club actually point to the same ending, and there is no essential difference between them."

"Hey, what's your reason?" Guo Shouyun's heart moved and he asked.

"My reason is that there is an inevitability of the simultaneous development of the interests of the husband, the interests of the Far Eastern power group, and the interests of the Far Eastern people," Yelena said.

"What do you mean?" Guo Shouyun asked casually.

"Can you give me a cigarette, sir?" Without answering directly, Yelena looked at the cigarette case in "Master"'s hand and said.

"You smoke? Why haven't I seen you smoke in the past two days?" Guo Shouyun threw the entire cigarette case and wondered at the same time.

"Because any of my qualities can only be shown in a specific environment. This is the first lesson I learned in the Military Diplomacy Academy." Yelena took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it for herself. laughed.

"I see," Guo Shouyun naturally heard that there was something in her words, this woman was telling herself that her strengths must be shown at a specific time, such as now.

"Mr. is a very dangerous hero and a master of economics. When you show a positive image, your mind can bring a happy life to many people, and when you show a negative image , you are the biggest black hand to subvert the national economy. This is not my compliment to you, but the unanimous opinion of all the members of the decision-making committee of the club." Smoking a cigarette very seductively, Yelena continued, "The reality of the Far East now is that despite the The wealth of most people in the Far East has been nakedly exploited for a long time in the past, but because you have realized the capital operation from government investment, group investment, internal consumption of the army and many other links, the employment situation in the Far East Well, on the premise that there is a job guarantee, the consumption** of the people drives the operation of the market, thus making the economic situation of the Far East far better than any other part of the Federation. To put it bluntly, within the current CIS , apart from Belarus, only Mr. Far East is in the best condition. In the past period of time, the club has conducted a special survey on related aspects, and the data obtained in fact shows that Khabarovsk has been in the best condition in the past six months. The number of inhabitants has increased by nearly 120,000, Vladivostok has increased by 80,000, Kamchatka has increased by 140,000, etc., and these new populations have all migrated from the federal regions outside the Far East. And this reality shows that the economic performance of the Far East has gone beyond the level of the federal system."

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