Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 51: stop fussing

"I can't see the importance of the crime between the dismantling of warships and the sale of firearms." , said sarcastically, "Why don't you do this, General Sironov will make a calculation for me, how much luck do I need to get my guns and ammunition to buy your supply ship?"

"But one of the most fundamental problems is," Sironov said angrily, "the fleet has now put an end to this serious violation of discipline, and I have also dismissed several key figures involved in this matter. But what about you? Your people are still working on it, and starting this month, all the firearms shipped out have been replaced with new ones, which have just been produced by the Gongqingcheng Military Factory."

Guo Shouyun couldn't help laughing to himself when he heard this. He finally understood what Sironov meant. The old general said so much, but he was actually jealous. He looked at the arms business of the Far East Military Region. Feeling red. You must know that the biggest difference between the 6th Army and the Navy is that the main weapons used by the two sides are completely different. The Far East Military Region owns seven or eight military factories of various sizes, and it is only a military factory in the Communist Youth League. Once it is fully activated, the monthly output of AK assault rifles and their bullets is absolutely astonishing. The most important thing is that Lao Maozi's AK has a simple structure and low cost. The military region can smuggle tens of thousands of rifles and tons of bullets, not only to earn back the cost and shipping costs, but also to make a lot of profit in the end. As for those landmines and anti-tank rocket launchers Such things, the profit is higher. In this case, the military region can purchase and smuggle at the same time, and finally form a virtuous capital cycle.

And the Pacific Fleet obviously can't do this. They don't have any light weapons production plants at all. The only ones that exist are shipyards and repair shops. In this case, they can't sell very much. The worst thing is that the influence of privately selling warships is too great, and the production cycle of those things is too long, which is not suitable for them at all. used for smuggling. ****

We are all troops stationed in the Far East, the 6th Army has to sell, but the Navy does not, and the smuggling ships of the 6th Army pass by the Navy all day long. To say that Sironov, the commander of the Pacific Fleet, would not be jealous of this, it would be a bit of a stretch.

"Humph, why don't you say that you are incompetent, and you can't find a way to do your own business?" Guo Shouyun could hear something. Tyomenko could naturally hear it, he sneered and said. "So now I plan to reach out to me."

"So what?" Sironov stopped talking, he said directly, "Since the responsibility needs to be shouldered by everyone, the benefits must be shared equally by everyone. There is no reason for your military region to eat alone. But let us bend over. Wipe you."

"I just won't give it to you, I won't give you anything. What can you do?" Tie Liaomenko fiddled with the cigarette **** he had just snuffed out, and said calmly, "If you have the ability, you will detain my boat. , you see if I dare to transfer people to Vladivostok and let you all go into the sea to float."

"What's the matter, why are you guys going to start a fight?" Guo Shouyun couldn't listen anymore. He felt that these two generals were not even as good as children. "Well, our navy is at war with the 6th Army. That must be very interesting. Come on, let's talk about your battle plan. Let me, a layman, also open his eyes."

Hearing the dissatisfaction in "Boss"'s tone, the two old generals stopped talking, but their eyes were still very interesting and vicious, just like seeing a ninth-generation enemy.

"Why don't you fight? What about the battle plan?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Do you want the Navy to cut off water for the 6th Army, and the 6th Army to cut off food for the Navy? This method is good, you can try it."

"Hey!" The orderly who brought the dishes to the wine table obviously couldn't bear it anymore, and the young man laughed out loud as soon as he put down a plate of side dishes.

"What are you laughing at? Get out!" With a sudden look of his head, Sironov reprimanded.

"Yes, General!" The orderly was startled, he was stunned for a second or two, then gave a military salute and ran out of the door murmuring.

"No more beating, right?" Holding up the white-labeled wine bottle, Guo Shouyun poured wine for the two generals, and then smiled, "That's right, everyone is their own, and you can't look up without looking up. , did you make such a fuss for so many banknotes?"

Picking up the wine glass in front of him, he drank the whole glass of vodka in one gulp, Sironov said with a wry smile: "If it was just for these few banknotes, naturally I wouldn't have achieved this step. As the current head of the fleet, I, Siro, said with a wry smile. No matter how careful Novo is, it is impossible to hold on to such a trivial matter. But the problem now is that the people below are dissatisfied. Shouyun, you are a person who rolls around in social situations all day long. Naturally, you can understand it very well, and you can see some problems very clearly. That said, people are not afraid of being poor, but are afraid of comparison. If there is no comparison target, then no matter how poor we are, we will not be able to eat. Not many people are resentful. Just like before you didn't come to the Far East, their military region couldn't eat, and my fleet couldn't eat. Although everyone complained, the mood of the troops was basically stable. But later, you After providing funds to the military region to support, my people began to be impetuous, and some people even planned to unite to make me stand up, and then negotiate with you on conditions. That's how I was finally forced to make all the decisions that I have made today. Well now, the fleet is rich. From the captains and captains of each boat, to the first and second mates, and even the officers and soldiers at the grassroots level, everyone's treatment is good. Although the monthly salary is not very high High, but far more than other federal troops. But even so, there are still some people who have opinions, and they have their own reasons for dissatisfaction. Our budget is allocated on a quarterly basis. At the same time, the budget of the fleet has to go to the general logistics department of the military region. This shows that the status of the fleet is lower than that of the military region. Of course, such contradictions are easy to solve, and the big deal is to do more. The ideological work is done. But the biggest problem is that every time the cargo ships smuggled by their military region have to pass through our defense zone, those guys who follow the ships are all bastards. Tobacco and alcohol should be taken out to show off. Shouyun, do you know what people in their military region call us who are floating at sea? They are called poor ghosts, skinny sea lions. I don’t care, anyway, if not this time Once the problem is solved, I will issue the order, and next time whoever is so sarcastic will shoot me and sink his ship."

"How dare you!" Tie Liaomenko snorted, lifting his eyelids.

"See if I dare!" Sironov counterattacked rudely. In an instant, the smell of gunpowder became strong again.

"You don't want to solve the problem, do you?" Guo Shouyun coughed, turned his head and waved to Yelena who was standing beside him, motioning her to pour wine for Sironov, and said at the same time.

Yelena was stunned for a while, then took a step forward and poured wine for the general. To be honest, she was a little stunned to see it. In the past, she had only seen the people's representatives slap in the face at the representative meeting, but she had never seen two generals guarding one side go to war. Tonight, she was an eye-opener. The power of love is really huge.

"If you want to solve the problem, just listen to me honestly." Holding the wine glass, Guo Shouyun took a sip of the spicy vodka and said, "The things you said are actually small. The question, let's take the smuggling of firearms as an example. Tell me honestly, General Ryomenko, how much can you earn after deducting the cost and shipping? One trip is enough to open an extra one for each division you have on hand. monthly salary?"

"How can there be so much profit?" Tiao Liaomenke was still very jealous of Guo Shouyun. After all, he didn't have much real power in his hands, and the big boss could rectify him at any time. Playing with the huge diamond ring on his finger, he muttered, "If there is really such a high profit, I have used it so hard that every penny will be split in half."

Sironov almost wanted to scold someone again, this old man with such a big diamond ring even said "It's a hard life", and what if he broke a penny into two and spent it in half, compared with the facts, this is really too much. Convincing.

"That's right," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "So, your business is not worth it. Apart from disturbing the morale of the army, you won't gain much at all. So in my opinion, from now on you Don't do this kind of petty business, it will save me trouble."

"But..." Liaomenko was stunned for a moment, and then he was about to argue.

Without giving him a chance to speak, Guo Shouyun continued: "I believe you all know that Moscow has already transferred the four major aviation industry complexes to our Guo Group in the form of a shareholding system. I have already thought about it, there are at most two more. In a few months, after the formal completion of the joint-stock restructuring, it will officially enter the international arms market and fully undertake international arms orders. In addition to 30% of the profits being turned over to the state treasury, 30% If you leave it outside the group, the remaining 40% is yours, you can calculate how much profit this will be?"

"Shouyun's words are true?" The two old men's eyes lit up and asked in unison.

"Hey, it's up to you to figure it out for yourself," Guo Shouyun picked up the glass again, hehe smiled, "Come on, let's drink."

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