Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 50: Conflict between generals

?The ocean under the night is deadly dark. Nearly 15 nautical miles away from the outer port of Dakamen, the guided missile frigate "Kubishev" drifts quietly on the quiet sea, like a hidden head in the sea. Steel behemoth in the dark. The whole novel network

"Ding" the wind-resistant zippo flashed a fire, illuminating a small spot on the front cabin watchtower.

"General Sironov," lit a cigarette for the two generals in front of him, Guo Shouyun patted the barrel of the night vision observation goggles in front of him, and said, "As you said, the average number of boats coming out of Dakamen port is average every day. There are only twenty-eight ships, but can you be sure which channel they will choose?"

"Of course," Sironov replied happily, standing beside him, "Sir, because of its special geographical location, Da Kamen has always been the main cruising area of ​​our Pacific Fleet submarine force, so I will come tonight. It is said that the submarines cruising in this area include two Kilo-class strategic nuclear submarines 637 and 639, and four diesel-electric attack boats. Because of this, we have always imposed strict restrictions on the routes in this area. , and among them, two are assigned to commercial ships, and three are assigned to passenger vessels. According to Mr., since they intend to smuggle 4,000 spent fuel rods, it is bound to use large Only cargo ships of tonnage can be transported away at one time. In this case, why don't they go to sea, as long as they go to sea, I can be sure to keep them. *****"

Sironov's black-and-white admiral's uniform shuddered under the sea breeze, and his straight body looked unusually tall and straight in the night. But for him, in the **** just now, he had already made a very serious disciplinary error. In his words, the operational secrets of the Pacific Fleet's submarine force have been leaked. If these words are heard by spies from other countries, it is easy to infer the underwater activities of the fleet's submarine force in the short term.

"Yeah. That's good," Guo Shouyun was obviously not interested in such news, he nodded and probed the cigarette in his hand, "Although you have a good grasp, you still have to be careful, it's best to talk to Tiao Liaomenko. The general maintains intelligence interaction... that's right, General Toryomenko. How's the arrangement over there at the twenty-three air station?"

"Don't worry, sir," Leaning on the guardrail of the watchtower, Tiao Liaomenko held the general's hat in one hand and a cigarette in the other, looked at the sea, and smiled without looking back, "Since you gave notice this morning, After that, I have already arranged it properly, our high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft must ensure the monitoring of the Kula nuclear base for more than 12 hours every day. ^^^^ In addition, the 19. 27th electronic reconnaissance battalion has also been deployed to this site. In the region, we can guarantee that as long as they have any troubles, we can get the news as soon as possible."

"It's not enough to do these things well," Sironov thought for a while and said, "Spent fuel rods are too radioactive, and it is impossible to guarantee 100% safety by any means of transportation. I suggest It is best for your military region to transfer a company from 501 to deal with the possible ground sudden situation at any time."

The "501" mentioned by Sironov is actually the missile unit stationed in the Skarovo area. In the former Soviet Union, this unit was specially responsible for conducting nuclear explosion tests in the Far East. They are experienced in dealing with nuclear radiation.

"It's up to you to say that," Toryomenko snorted and said, "I have already prepared for this matter, and now the troops have moved to the periphery of Dakamen."

Don't think that the contradiction between the Navy, the 6th, and the Air Force exists only in the US military, and the Russian military also has this problem. ****The specific performance is that the Navy looks down on the 6th Army. The 6th Army also dislikes the Navy, and the people on both sides only need to get together. There are definitely conflicts. Thanks to the fact that the two generals are both in their 60s and 70s, this competitive temper has not changed at all.

"Excessive self-confidence often means conceit." Sure enough, facing the disdainful tone of his old foe, Sironov said indifferently, "I remember that some people always like to be conceited. Still making mistakes for seven years, hum, I really hope that this time God blesses, don't let anything go wrong with this."

When the other party opened the scar in front of the "boss", Tiao Liaomenko was very annoyed, he straightened up suddenly, and blurted out.

"Okay, okay," Guo Shouyun hurriedly stepped in to smooth things out when the two old men were about to start a fight again, stood between the two, put one hand on one's shoulder, and smiled, "You keep arguing with my head. It’s about to explode, everyone is their own, is it necessary to be like the enemy? Let’s go for a walk, let’s go for a drink. Speaking of which, I brought a few bottles of good wine this time. Well, the authentic Peter the Great, I Someone got it exclusively from Ladoga at a high price.****"

"Hey, that's not bad, I haven't tasted this for many years," Toryomenko laughed, "but this is on a ship, I remember some people just said two hours ago that they drink alcohol while traveling on a warship. It's against military law."

"What I'm talking about here is military law," Sironov said indifferently, "I just drank this wine today. If you have the ability, go to military law and sue me."

"Well, today we don't care about military law or any kind of military law. We don't talk about it at all."

"That won't do," Sironov said solemnly after hearing the words, "Today happened to be an old guy like Ryomenko. I have to talk about some things, Shouyun, be an arbitrator and give me one. exact statement."

"Oh? So serious?" Surrounded by two old generals walking into the cabin passage, Guo Shouyun nodded to the sailors and smiled, "The old general, just say it, I'll listen. ==="

Sironov didn't directly say what it was. He first ordered the captain who was closely behind him to turn to set sail and set the course, then he turned his head and said, "Shouyun should know that my Pacific Fleet has not only been responsible for the It has the task of guarding the country's sea frontiers, and at the same time, it also has the power to assist the border guards and customs in conducting maritime inspections."

"Yes, yes," Guo Shouyun nodded and smiled, "Why, is anyone planning to take these two powers away from the general? Hey, I don't think that's possible, let's take General Liaomenko Under his command, there are only dozens of river cruise gunboats. I'm afraid he can't get all of them. It's not enough for a frigate like you. Besides him, who else in the Far East can pose a threat to you? Is it possible that you are still afraid of those The police came to grab a job for you by paddling a sampan?"

"When it comes to stealing the power of our fleet, I'm afraid some people don't have that great ability." Stepping into the transparent general's dining room, Sironov nodded to Yelena, who was standing at the long dining table. , then dragged a chair and sat down, and handed the general's hat to the guards. Then he pointed at Liaomenko and said angrily, "But this old thing is less and less concerned about us. It's just that In just one month last month, my local people caught twelve smuggling ships holding their special passes for the Far East Military Region."

Piece of lips, he pushed away Sironov's finger that almost touched his nose, and said with disdain: "Before accusing others of mistakes, please wash your body first. I No matter how rampant the smuggling is, they only use civilian freighters. What about you? What are you doing? Hey, don't think I don't know anything. In the past four months, you have demolished four ships at the Kamchatka military shipyard. All military supply ships have been converted into large cargo ships. Furthermore, how many transport ships do you have to undertake commercial business between Kamchatka and Vladivostok, or even Chongjin and Dalian?"

"But after all, we didn't load tons of **** ammunition on board!" Sironov said angrily, "Do you know how much joint responsibility we will bear if this kind of news leaks?"

Guo Shouyun listened on the side, and he couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. To be honest, even though he was powerful in the Far East, he couldn't manage such a black business like "military collapse". The army is a very special existence everywhere. It is a bundled interest group, and it is also an interest group that is not bound by social justice. The situation is the same in all countries. Although everyone knows that there are many shady things in the army, very few Someone is moving in this direction. In the Far East, the fundamental reason why the Guo Group can maintain absolute control over a large military region and a large fleet is not its absolute control over the brains of the military region and the fleet, but the fact that his control can ensure this The best interests of two violent machines. From the military region, the fleet brain, down to the grass-roots officers, everyone knows that following him Guo Shouyun will bring more benefits, and can only ask for money, money, and power, so everyone will follow Guo obediently. The group ** ran behind. On the other hand, if the Guo Group cannot guarantee their collective interests, then Guo Shouyun will also lose absolute control over the military region and fleet—he can control the high-level officers, but he cannot control the lower-level officers. If he controls this officer, he cannot control the next officer. All in all, he will lose his authority in the Far Eastern military.

It is precisely because of this that although Guo Shouyun knows that there are many problems of one kind or another in the army, he rarely comes forward to ask questions directly. He prefers to turn a blind eye when he can go over. Forget the past. Looking at the world, which country's military does not have problems? But how many people have come forward to ask?

Everything is about power, and those stingy things can pass.

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