Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 499: Destroying people spiritually

?Since the battle between the British pound and the Mark, Guo Shouyun can guarantee that none of the six giants of the Federation have entered the international foreign exchange market. The foreign exchange market is originally a high-yield and high-risk existence. No matter who you are, as long as you enter this place, there is a great chance to become rich overnight. Of course, there is also a great chance to become one of the best overnight. The most important thing is that, as a bookmaker, it is easier to forge feuds with people in this.

In a sterling and Mark sniper battle, the Big Six smashed tens of billions of dollars, and countless retail investors went bankrupt. While accumulating wealth, they also offended a large number of hedge fund organizations and powerful Germans. In this case, They will never take risks in the short term.

Without the ups and downs of the six giants, the exchange rate of the ruble has plummeted in the short term. What does this mean? There is no doubt that this shows that there is news about the spread of the ruble in the world. Guo Shouyun can guess where the news of the spread comes from without careful consideration - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In order to be able to strike down political opponents to the greatest extent possible and guide the people against the current Kremlin regime, some people have fallen into complete madness. After the political struggle has entered a fever, the strong negative impact on the economy has been revealed.

In the memory of Guo Shouyun's previous life, it is a recognized fact in the society that after entering the second half of 1992. The entire factor that caused the ruble to plummet hundreds of times in just two months is the massive privatization reform implemented by the Russian government and the complete loss of the ruble's credit. But now it seems that the truth of the matter is obviously not that simple. In the context of the economic environment, the emergence of this historical fact obviously hides a lot of human factors, which can also be said to be political factors.

"Look, can a country be handed over to such a bunch of so-called politicians?" The news on the TV switched, and the expressionless announcer began to describe another latest news from Moscow: the opposition parliamentary bloc "Russian Unity" An open-air meeting was held in Moscow's Red Square. Its spokesman claimed that the right-wing and left-wing opposition had united to fight to overthrow the current Russian president and government. Look at the big-mouthed, fat-headed speakers on TV. Think again about the faces on the screen that were filled with despair as the ruble plummeted again. Guo Shouyun's heart was full of disdain.

In the eyes of everyone, these extremely speechless politicians are obviously the saviors of the country and the representatives of true public opinion. But actually? No one will think about it carefully, at such a critical juncture in the country. Are these guys who don't think about solving practical problems first, and don't think about how to cooperate with the government to reverse the national crisis, are they really as righteous and dignified as they say? In other words, if there are not so many oppositions, not so many power blocs, and not so many power struggles, will there be unrest in the country? Will local fragmentation emerge? Will there be room for oligarchs who steal the nation's wealth? Even if they did, would they dare to be so reckless? Obviously, the only answer is no. Guo Shouyun is an insider. He knew this best, and had more say than anyone else.

When the water is clear, there are no fish. But if the water is too muddy, the life of the fish may not be easy, because a large number of people who fish in the muddy water will swarm immediately.

Moscow TV 6 is controlled by Berezovsky. It seems that he is now very close to Hasbulatov and this group of opposition. In the news program, the speech of the political elite of the opposition gave The long live broadcast time, until Shana Riva wiped her wet head and walked back to the bedroom, the chubby, pleasant-looking guy was still talking non-stop.

"Hey, dear," she said softly when she walked to the edge of the bed, Sanariva sat lightly on the edge of the bed, and wiped the man's sticky lower body with the warm towel in her hand, "I've finished washing, Hurry up and wash yourself too.”

"Well, wait a moment, I haven't finished watching this show yet," Guo Shouyun pointed at the TV screen, pushing the woman's head away from his eyes, and said, "Do you know who this guy is? Didn't you notice him?"

"You don't know, how could I know who he is," Shanariva glanced back and shrugged. "Why, his speech involves us? Then I'll find someone to kill him."

"Kill him, kill him, you can't think of anything else in your mind?" The **** tone of the woman around him made Guo Shouyun angry and funny, he laughed and scolded, "Anyway, you are also a mother now. Now, so that kind of temperament can't be restrained a little?"

"I've restrained a lot, don't you feel it?" Shana Riva chuckled, "Sarah said, I've changed a lot now, and that ruthless style is about to disappear from my body. ."

"Sarah? She's a lunatic, don't you know?" Guo Shouyun curled his lips and said with disdain, "In her eyes, habitual murderers are all kind Jesus, and only the evil Satan is a small character not worth mentioning. , How credible is the evaluation I heard from her mouth? It's thanks to me that I didn't listen to you and introduced her to Shouyun, otherwise, it will take a long time for something to happen, either she kills Shoucheng, or Shoucheng Kill her, it won't end well anyway."

"So you're very satisfied with the current Miss Li Shengyan?" She turned over and lay on top of the man. Sanariva fiddled with her wet head and dropped a drop of scented water into the man's belly button. Said with a smirk.

"Hey, don't make a fuss, look back and have diarrhea, be careful I'll make you look good," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, shaking off the woman's head, "Well, Shengyan is a pretty good kid in my opinion, at least..."

"Child?" Before the man could finish speaking, Shanariva reached out and slapped his slightly bulging belly and laughed, "I don't see how she looks like a child."

"Her thoughts are childish everywhere, don't you feel it?" Guo Shouyun sneered, "Do you know what she thinks of me behind my back?"

"How do you evaluate it?" Shanariva asked enthusiastically, resting her chin in one hand.

"She said to Shouyun, I'm the biggest liar she's ever seen in the world," Guo Shouyun laughed, "Look, what's this not childish? Am I a liar? To be precise, the word liar can sum up me Do you get up? She can't see it, my big brother has already gotten rid of the low-level taste of deception and sublimated to the high-level realm of speculation. Small deception is in business, speculation is in the center, a person who can't even distinguish between deception and speculation Man, what is she not a child?"

"Thank you for being able to tell so many great truths," Shana Riva almost laughed out loud, she turned over, resting her whole head on the man's chest, and after thinking for a while, said, "Oh, but seriously, I always feel that Shoucheng and Shengyan are not suitable for the two of them. Although the two of them are fighting together now, once they get married and get along for a long time in the future, it is estimated that this relationship will be difficult to maintain for a long time. After all, After all, the two of them don't have the same ideology, or even a common interest."

"Emotions? Feelings are used for shit?" Guo Shouyun said with a disdainful snort, "Tell me, how many of you, including Nikita and Larissa, have some **** feelings when they follow me. What are the same ideas and common interests between us? Now? I don't know what you think in your heart. Anyway, I can't live without you. Feelings can be summed up in a comprehensive way, after all, feelings are illusory and cannot feed people, in addition to feelings, there is a word called life that is real."

Passing the cigarette **** in his hand to Shanariva and letting her put it in the ashtray beside the bed, Guo Shouyun curled up and changed his posture before continuing: "Do you know why I am going to Pyongyang in person this time? And you have to bring a big-name general like Terryomenko?"

"Didn't you say it's for Shoucheng's sake? You also said that the eldest brother is the father, you have to meet Shengyan's family as the head of the family or something." Shanariva fiddled with her head without thinking. replied.

"That's just a secondary aspect," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, "I've already seen it, Sheng Yan looks slack, but in fact her idea is very positive, especially in the environment of the Northern Dynasty. I grew up with a brainless generation, and I worry that after she gets married in the future, she will challenge me because of those **** ideological issues. What kind of liar, evil capitalist, vampire, parasite, etc., I don’t want to be at the top of the group. She appeared at the meeting, especially she couldn't tell me in front of those department managers. So, I had to make her feel taboo and let her always understand that I am a liar that her great motherland respects three As an international friend, let her understand what to say and what not to say, and let her change a little bit in the dilemma of being loyal to the motherland and loyal to her ideas. In general, there is no human heart that cannot be corroded in this world. There is no outlook on life or values ​​that cannot be changed, the key depends on what method you take.”

"You are so despicable." With the viciousness of Shanariva, she couldn't help but feel cold after hearing these words. What she is good at is only to destroy a person from the top, and now it seems that she The man who is good at destroying a person spiritually.

"Huh?" With a tense face, Guo Shouyun snorted in a long voice.

"But I like such a despicable man," with a chuckle, Shanariva rolled over and threw herself on the man, and said softly.

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