Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 488: 14 billion

? Maybe no matter what kind of meeting, the big man will always come late. The meeting was originally scheduled for two o'clock, and it was not until half an hour later that Mr. President, who was the main host, hurried over, and the waiting During this time, Guo Shouyun also thought a lot.

It is the Kremlin who urgently needs cooperation now, not himself. Guo Shouyun has the initiative in his hands. He must show this initiative effectively, not to take advantage of others' danger, let alone for the boring pleasure, but to The smooth development of future cooperation. If you want the eagle to catch the rabbit for you strangely, you have to boil it first. This rule applies everywhere.

"Everyone is an old friend, and we don't need to introduce each other," Yeltsin apparently drank a lot today. His hobby for vodka has long been the most powerful weapon for his opponents to criticize him, but he still can't get rid of this weakness. . Sitting on the main seat with a ruddy face, he casually placed his big hand that was missing a finger, his eyes swept over the faces of the two giants, and smiled, "Before I get to the point, I want to First of all, I apologize for the missed appointment today. I was unable to show up on time because of important government affairs. But now it seems that this is not a bad thing. I've already known each other, hehe, this will save us a lot of trouble in the next negotiation."

"Yeah, I promise to save a lot of trouble, at least I can go back to rest early." Guo Shouyun's face showed nothing but a smile, but in his heart, he sneered.

With such a sneer in his heart, Guo Shouyun pretended to look at the opposite side casually. I saw that there, the shrewd Khodorkovsky also did not react at all. He half-squinted his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair, his expression and demeanor, just like a lazy clerk.

"Mr. Guo Shouyun," Probably because he didn't want more people to know about today's meeting, the old Yetou beat all the unrelated people in the meeting room before making the official statement. Even Kissinger's accompanying translator didn't stay. When there were only four people left in the huge conference room, he said to Guo Shouyun, who was always smiling, "The past is between you and your group. There is no need to mention the grievances and grievances today. I believe that the respectable Mr. Viktor Ivanovich should have some degree of communication with you. The current situation is dangerous for us. . Hasbulatov, he is crazy, he wants to create an opportunity for the Bolshevik party's renaissance. Destroy the democratic achievements of the federation with all his might. Not to mention what that means for Moscow, not to mention How harmful it may be. In terms of personal interests alone, the return of ** is probably not what you and Mr. Khodorkovsky hope to see. Because it will directly take away all of your survival. Space. From this point of view. Now we have come to the time to help each other and overcome difficulties together. Let go of the previous hatred and sincere cooperation is the common way out for you and the Kremlin."

"Mr. President said yes," Guo Shouyun said vaguely. He could see that today the Kremlin wanted to turn this meeting into a "dark room negotiation". Since it was a "dark room", no matter what happened in the future, the two old foxes in the seat would not have to take any responsibility. Biography "five ears" to things. In addition to the four parties involved. No one can know, even if the lawsuit is broken. It is still the father who said the public is reasonable, and the mother said that the mother is reasonable.

But having said that, Guo Shouyun is not opposed to this form of negotiation. On the contrary, he prefers the current situation. After all, the old fox doesn't have to be responsible for things, and the little fox doesn't have to be responsible either, and everyone doesn't have to care about the president and the secretary of state. Now that you are a class, open your mind and say what you want. Anyway, when the door opens, anyone can push the words just now. ..

If it was the original, Guo Shouyun might still be worried about the Kremlin installing bugs in the conference room and the like, but after dealing with a lot of political issues, he will no longer be worried in this regard. Trick, unless Lao Yetou doesn't want to be the president, he will never use it.

"Well, the General Office should have sent you a copy of the content framework that was negotiated in the morning." Yeltsin didn't express any displeasure at the cold reaction of the two giants. He looked at Guo Shouyun and continued, "What do you mean? Is there a problem?"

"No," Guo Shouyun was still so cherished, and the smile on his face was still so simple.

"That's good," said Mr. President, nodding slightly. "Actually, that thing didn't come from my own intention. From my own point of view, I am opposed to this almost bureaucratic approach. But you also We know that the democratization process of the federation has just begun, and the various bad habits of the former Soviet Union cannot be completely cleaned up in a short period of time. In many cases, in order to unite more forces, we have to turn a blind eye on some issues Close one eye to seek compromise from all sides."

"Understandable." Guo Shouyun's answer was simpler. He even omitted the most basic introductions and pronouns, and just two dry Russian words popped out of his teeth.

To be honest, in this situation, the use of such extremely irregular ellipsis is itself disrespect to the interlocutor, not to mention that this interlocutor is a dignified federal president. But now Guo Shouyun has his own ideas. For a person who does not give him the necessary respect, even if he respects the other person, or even sets up a tablet of longevity for him, people will not appreciate it. Therefore, instead of posting it with a warm face Zhang Leng **, might as well replace him with a sharp steel needle, try to stab him, and he will bleed. I will see if he will dare to use ** to meet people next time.

Furthermore, it is now a "dark room negotiation", which is not about identity but strength, President? Without real ability, the king and Laozi would have to become two hundred and fifty when he came to this room. If he didn't see Khodorkovsky, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Since Mr. Guo can understand, it would be great." Facing the rudeness of the two young people, Old Man Ye showed great self-restraint. He didn't even frown and smiled, "Then Let's talk about today's topic."

Saying so, the old man bowed his body, pushed several documents in front of him to Guo Shouyun's hand, and said, "This is the draft that I came up with after preliminary consultation with Mr. Victor. You can discuss with Khodolko. Mr. Fsky, this is the best price I can pay, given the power I have in my hands to make a decision directly."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak. He flipped through the six documents that the other party had pushed over, and found that the top and bottom three were duplicates, so he gathered up and pushed the following three duplicates to Khodolko on the opposite side. in front of Fsky.

"Before opening these things, I would like to know exactly what His Excellency the President wants from us," said Khodorkovsky, who slapped the three documents and swiped them in front of him. This guy didn't rush to look at the content, but asked in a leisurely manner.

"It's very simple," Ye old man was unequivocal, he didn't mean to be sloppy, he said straight to the point, "First, funding, second, military power, third, public opinion, these three points I hope that the two of you can be in the future for a period of time. Inside, give the Kremlin maximum support."

"This statement is too general," Guo Shouyun shook his head and said disapprovingly, "We would like to hear more detailed explanations, such as: how much funds are needed, what are they going to be used for, can we intervene in monitoring, and what do you do with military power? Whether it’s the Far East Military Region, the Pacific Fleet, or the North Sea Combined Fleet, how do you plan to get their support, what kind of support, how to guide public opinion, what kind of content to guide, and what purpose do you plan to achieve? Wait, wait, we have to be clear about these things."

These questions were obviously what Khodorkovsky wanted to ask, but Guo Shouyun took the lead, so he didn't say anything more, instead lowered his head and fixed his eyes on a few documents.

"The required amount of funds is very large. I also mentioned this in the document for you." Old Man Ye finally frowned. He vaguely felt that today's negotiations would not be so smooth, whether Leningrad or the United States Regardless of people, the pressure that can be caused on these two giants is obviously limited. It's a clear sign that they ask the Kremlin's demands without looking at the documents. Exchanging mutual understanding glances with Kissinger, who has been silent, old man Ye said: "Previously, imf asked us for next year's loan issue, and their proposal was that before the first quarter of next year, We must control the national fiscal deficit below 5%. Facing this requirement, we are obviously very difficult, especially after the central bank's dominance is controlled by the representative conference, the possibility of achieving this goal is very difficult. Even more slim. And according to the calculations of the Washington Economic Expert Advisory Group, if Gaidar and the others want to control the budget within the target, then we need at least nearly 14 billion US dollars in government loans.”

"14 billion?" Guo Shouyun's heart skipped a beat. He didn't think the money was too much, nor was he worried that he, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov could not afford the money. , What he considers is that the Kremlin borrows so much money at one time, what conditions can it use in exchange?

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