Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 489: have opinions

"I think Your Excellency the President has probably made a common misunderstanding," Khodorkovsky said with a mocking smile, "Don't forget, since the commercial bank we set up is a commercial bank, then It will never be able to replace the role of the central bank, and it will never be possible to use it as a central bank.”

What he said was rather obscure. His general meaning was that the private commercial banks of several giants were not government ATMs, and the Kremlin could withdraw as much as they wanted. Private commercial banks under the capitalist system are not equivalent to state-owned commercial banks under the public ownership system. Since they are private, no matter who lends money, they must have a mortgage, even if the lender is a public institution.

Faced with Khodorkovsky's unpleasant tone, the old man Ye was still very patient. He didn't seem to intend to make any entanglement on the issue of funds at all, and then continued: "On the issue of military power, On... well, that can be said to be the focus of this negotiation."

Seeing that the old man didn't make any statement about his objection, he just went to the next question on his own. Khodorkovsky seemed to be quite dissatisfied, but in the face of Guo Shouyun's eyes, he hesitated and didn't say any more. Say more.

"Since the independence of the Federation, the domestic military has been in a state of fragmentation, or even extreme anarchy, and what is hidden in this is a series of crises of splits and coup d'état," Old Man Ye said, "Therefore, , I plan to sign a presidential decree in the near future to bring the military power of several major federal military regions back to the Kremlin. Each military region must be directly accountable to the president and obey the direct leadership of the Kremlin.**

"Humph. This seems to be contrary to the American-style democratic model of separation of powers," Guo Shouyun hummed indifferently, and said, "As far as I know, according to the democratic model of separation of powers, the only objects of the military are the country and the rest of the country. The Congress that expresses the national interest is our current representative conference. Mr. President has always advocated Western-style democracy, especially the American-style democratic model, and the federal people have obviously accepted this model in the long-term propaganda and agitation. Now. You are going to go against the spirit of American democracy and advocate that the military, as a violent state agency, is responsible for the president alone, have you thought about it, and how should you explain it to the people?"

"Special treatment for special circumstances," Old Man Ye replied without hesitation, "There is no doubt that under the current tense situation. Only by grasping military power in our hands can we best meet the opposition, especially the ** As for how to explain it to the public, it depends on the power of the media, and this is why I need the support of public opinion.

"What a face of a democratic politician," Guo Shouyun said with fierce contempt in his heart. "Electing the Bolshevik Party is the general trend of democracy. Electing you is a special case and special treatment. It's really a two-faced person. And you are justified in the face of the face."

"I know the taboos in your hearts," Old Man Ye couldn't have guessed Guo Shouyun's thoughts, he rubbed his rosy cheeks and said, "Because I am a common interest party and a comrade-in-arms who help each other in the same boat, I have nothing to change your vested interests. Meaning, from you guys. I just want to get a word of mouth commitment and use that to drive the big picture. So you're never going to lose anything on those two points."

The old man's meaning is very clear, he does not really want to seize the military power controlled by the two giants, nor does he want to dispel their influence on the two fleets and one military region, he just needs an opportunity, a sign that drives the "big trend" .

since the collapse of the Soviet Union. With the successive independence of the republics. In particular, the financial situation has become increasingly tense, and the powers of the various military regions in the Federation are severely divided. Moscow Central has long lost its effective control over the local garrison. \\Frankly speaking, the Ministry of Defense's control of the local garrison mainly relies on the personal prestige of the military generals. It is precisely because of this that although Shaposhnikov repeatedly collided with Yeltsin, he did not even attend the conference held by him. After the defense meeting, there was no way to get him.

But the country is still there after all, and the Federal Central Committee is still recognized by the people. Therefore, although the generals stationed in various places have increased autonomy, they are still a piece of grass. When Yeltsin issued the presidential decree, he only needed to work part-time in the largest Far East Military Region. And the two major fleets came forward to express their support, which in itself can cause psychological pressure to the troops stationed elsewhere to a large extent, forcing them to take a stand and stand on the side of the Kremlin. This is a domino effect question, the effect of which is indisputable.

Guo Shouyun sneered in his heart when he saw Mr. President who was talking eloquently beside him. He knew that when the old man faced power, he finally couldn't help tearing off the mask of the so-called democratic land, and showed his political muscles in the form of sweeping away military power. What the **** is democratic and undemocratic? If you have a gun in your hand, you will have the greatest political guarantee. In the case of political chaos, if you have a soldier under your hand, you will have the power of a soldier, and if you have a division, you will have the power of a division. , In today's Russian Federation, if there is no support from the military behind it, it doesn't matter how many national votes a politician has. ***** You are elected, I will kill you with a coup d’état, and I will tell you later that you cheated in the election, and you are directly pulled out and shot. In the absence of international interference, I am a symbol of democracy, and I am elected by the people. Leader, who can do it?

"Two," old man Ye explained his requirements again, turning his eyes on the faces of the two young giants, and said with a smile, "These three requirements are not difficult for you, right? After the conditions I can give you, I think you should be able to accept it."

"Well, yes, I have to tell the two of you that these three requirements are also what Washington means." Finally, the old man did not forget to add a sentence, "They don't want to see the situation of democratic decline in Moscow, so, Willing to support us with power in every possible way.”

"Mr. President, although I still don't know what you can give us, I must make a statement here carefully," Guo Shouyun said in a somewhat lazy tone, looking down at the three documents in his hand. "Washington means Washington, we mean ours, Washington won't look at our faces, and we don't need to bow down to them. ** After saying a word, Guo Shouyun pointed to the opposite side without raising his head. , said: "I believe this is also what Mr Khodorkovsky meant. "

"I don't look at anyone's face, because at this time, I still have many choices." Khodorkovsky nodded and smiled, "Capitalism can't threaten me, and ** can't threaten me, of course, Most importantly, exiled businessmen will always be more comfortable than exiled politicians."

"Well, this is indeed a good statement," Guo Shouyun's eyes fell on the first document, which was enough to make his heart skip a beat, but did not affect his words.

"Actually, I've been thinking about it before. If the two parties in this negotiation cannot achieve a mutually satisfactory result, then I will prepare to apply for immigration in the short term," Guo Shouyun said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Sydney, etc. It's Ottawa, London, anywhere, I think it should be much better than Khabarovsk."

"Let's go to London then," Khodorkovsky held a pen in his hand, not knowing what to draw on the document. Hearing Guo Shouyun say this, he couldn't help but raised his head and pointed at him with the pen Point, and said, "It just so happens that I also intend to immigrate there, and we may be able to be good neighbors in the next half of our lives, ha, what a desirable leisurely life."

The attitude of the two giants singing one another made the two old men present very uncomfortable, especially their remarks that they did not take Washington seriously, which made Kissinger uncomfortable and embarrassed at the same time.

"Why, aren't the two of you still not satisfied with the price I paid?" Old Ye Tou asked, frowning slightly. He intuitively believed that the reason why the two giants had such an attitude should be influenced by Beijing. During this period of time, Beijing has been secretly communicating with Hasbula for a lot of information about him. Tov and Zyuganov are in contact, and they seem to have reached some kind of agreement with each other.

There is no doubt that political radiation from Beijing is what Yeltsin is most worried about at present. In his eyes, leaning to the left is more terrifying than leaning to the right, because leaning to the right only covets the power in his hands, while leaning to the left wants to to his life.

Neither Guo Shouyun nor Khodorkovsky answered, they were weighing the conditions laid out in the document.

In Guo Shouyun's view, in the face of this passive situation, the Kremlin has already begun to formally sell its national interests to the oligarchs. In the three documents, the Kremlin authorities have decided to continue to offer several oligarchs in the process of large-scale privatization. In addition to the preferential policy, several major commercial banks have also formed written provisions on the policy of exercising tariff exchange on behalf of the central bank in some regions. At the same time, in order to get as much government loans and political support as possible from commercial banks, the Kremlin also decided to issue a brand new short-term bond to federal citizens after addressing the threat from the Congress of Representatives. The exercise of the bonds will be handed over to commercial banks, who have the right to withdraw bonds from the central bank at a price of 20 to 30 percent of the face value of the bonds, and then release them to the public at the full price. Specifically, that is, 100 million rubles of state bonds, commercial banks can get it at a price of 20 million to 30 million, and then resell it, and finally make huge profits from it.

As for how to deal with the huge deficit formed in national bonds, it is not a problem for these authorities. First, they have the power to levy taxes. The huge deficit of unknown finances can be gradually filled with taxes. . Second, they have the power to account for the fiscal deficit, and the deficit formed on the bonds can easily be added to the fiscal deficit. Third, they can continue to issue national debt, and use the next year's national debt income to subsidize part of the previous year's national debt deficit. All in all, economic problems need to be solved slowly. If this leadership team can’t solve it, it can be pushed to the next leadership team. Everyone gets involved and muddled. Just don’t let the common people know about it.

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