Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 487: Know yourself

?As Guo Shouyun guessed, what Khodorkovsky took out of the envelope was indeed the four preferential measures contract that Washington issued for the Guo Group's "Wang An acquisition". Among the measures, the U.S. Department of Commerce stipulates that, after the Guo Group transfers the original 12 patents of Wang An Company, the Ministry of Commerce will grant the newly formed "Wang An Company" including: export remittance tax, commercial tax , import tax, product audit and other four taxation standards and the audit standard "most favored treatment based on local enterprises". /. qb5,

If it is placed on others, these four so-called most-favored treatments are absolutely impossible to ask for, because it means that the entire company can enjoy the same treatment as domestic companies in many aspects such as import and export, taxation, and product market review. condition. But for Guo Shouyun, these four treatments are purely flashy bullshit. Don't forget, his business lies in the government and business, and in the road of politics and business. With the support of political power, the so-called "best benefits based on local enterprises." How can the "treatment" meet his needs? What he needs is more favorable treatment than "local companies".

Because of this, after listening to Khodorkovsky's retelling, he directly defined this diplomatic trap as a naked conspiracy. The Americans both planned to arrange for him to enter the game, but did not intend to use it at all." Good bait", these **** came purely with the purpose of holding empty gloves and white wolves.

"The **** are going to play with me?" Hearing Khodorkovsky's slightly sarcastic "recitation" in his ears, with an unpretentious surprise smile on his face, Guo Shouyun secretly hated, "Well, then Just play. Let's have fun, have fun."

"It's... a generous gift," Khodorkovsky smiled lightly after reading the contents of the document, folded the document several pages thick, and carelessly put it back into the envelope, Then just throw it away. Throw it on the table beside Guo Shouyun. He said with a smile, "Washington really looks down on your Guo family too much, and the shot at this first meeting seems so lavish, tsk tsk, it's amazing.

Khodorkovsky is more casual than Guo Shouyun, and he himself has nothing to do with the Americans, and he has no plans to invest in projects there, so he has no scruples in speaking. Of course, because there is no subtlety in Chinese temperament. He also doesn't care about any diplomatic occasions or occasions. There is only one interest he pays attention to. If you have interests, you will have a good face. If you don't have any words, no matter who you are, you have to listen to the wind and drink the rain.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun is quite envious of Khodorkovsky's greed and hatred, but he knows that he can't do it like others. After all, Guo already has interests in the United States. And wherever interests are involved. You have to pay yourself. Had to make things a little more hidden.

"If you stab it with a secret knife, you can't stab it back. Even if the faces of both sides have been ripped apart, this superficial relationship must continue to be maintained." What is cooperation? That's what he calls him. Mother's cooperation, although very suffocated, Guo Shouyun must also abide by the rules of the game.

"Please tell Mr. Kissinger," he picked up the envelope with a smile on his face, and cautiously put it into his pocket. The interpreter said, "I will cherish this gift he brought me, and ask him to believe that in the not-too-distant future, Washington will be grateful for their support for the Guo Group today. There is no doubt that this will be a landmark decision, both for the United States and for the Russian Federation."

The translator explained Guo Shouyun's original words to Kissinger, who already knew it well. It would be a lie to say that the old man could not hear the sarcasm of the two giants, but the diplomat is the biggest The characteristics of the land are the same as those of politicians, that is, they are thick-skinned and untouchable. (') The only reaction he made to this was to shake hands with Guo Shouyun with a sincere smile, and then he didn't forget to say two official words.

After a first meeting with a conspiracy, it was naturally time for the main lord to appear. After taking his seat, Guo Shouyun thought that the Kremlin must know about this today, and they even played a very important role in it. . A group of people who don't know how to live or die, obviously they are in danger, and they are still thinking about how to harm others. If this grievance can't be reported back to them now, then this trip will really be a source of anger.

Sitting down again in the chair that originally belonged to Baditsky, Guo Shouyun tilted his head and glanced at Khodorkovsky, who was on the opposite side. With a blink of an eye, he sent a hint that the other party could not understand.

Khodorkovsky obviously saw this look, he quietly stretched out his right hand, tapped casually on the table with his middle finger, and then turned his palm away, giving him a thumbs up seemingly inadvertently.

Guo Shouyun immediately understood such a simple action of the other party. He knew that the implied meaning was: "It's difficult for you to lead, I will follow up."

With this psychological communication, Guo Shouyun's heart was relieved. At this juncture, as long as there is the cooperation of "Old Comrade Huo", it is too simple to cause trouble for the Americans and the Kremlin. If they come out at random, they can both be prevented from coming to the stage.

In the following period of time, because Mr. President as the main lord had not yet appeared, the two giants and an American guest had a chat that was neither nutritious but full of gunpowder. The two sides talked about the current international relations, the so-called "renaissance" in the Russian Federation, and then talked about the economic and social conditions of European countries and some interesting talks on humanities.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun is not very good at this aspect. What he is good at is "dark room negotiation", not such a diplomatic negotiation in public. That is to say, what he is best at is practical. If he wants to take the right path, he is definitely not as good as Khodorkovsky, who once worked in the Communist Youth League, and of course, he is not as well-informed as Kissinger. So, during this time, he basically just listened and spoke very little. But it was also during this process that he felt that Khodorkovsky's words were very aggressive, and he didn't know what kind of psychology it was. He seemed to be very wrong with Kissinger, and the other party wanted to say something. "White", he had to catch a "black" and ridicule it.

For example: Kissinger, when talking about the construction of Russian democracy, preached the American-style democracy of referendum, and Khodorkovsky immediately threw him back a picture visualized by the "Condoza paradox". "Arrow's Uncertainty Theory" pointed out the inherent drawbacks of the so-called democratic politics; Khodorkovsky would mention Plutarch's quote quoted by Churchill when Kissinger explored the gentleman's demeanor in England. Famous quote: "Ingratitude to their great characters is a sign of a great nation." When referring to the romantic elegance of the French, I will not hesitate to talk about the famous French comedian Louis De Fines' famous quote: "The biggest characteristic of the Gallic rooster is that even if he steps on rotten shit, he will sing loudly."

To be honest, Guo Shouyun was fortunate to hear such a talk for the first time. He had to admit that when it comes to erudition, Khodorkovsky definitely beat him by a few feet, while Kissinger's calm talk, It's not even more than he can match. This kind of conversational artistry is not something that can be achieved in a simple reincarnation. Its source lies in the accumulation of life and the absorption of culture. This is a slow quantitative process, not a natural reincarnation. process can be resolved.

What does it mean to live until you are old and learn to be old? Guo Shouyun has realized it today. It is no secret that he has always had great ambitions for power in the past. Although he is very cautious, he also hopes that one day he will be able to ascend to the altar of power. Try the wonderful feeling of being really on top. But in today's conversation, he vaguely realized his own flaw, and this flaw is quite fatal for a politician who can really make a public appearance - lack of real cultural literacy.

It is true that when it comes to talking about the economy and Marxist philosophy, Guo Shouyun is confident that he can sit down with anyone for a few days and nights, because he understands and specializes in this area. If you want to talk about literature, talk about local customs, talk about those so-called elegant things, he can't do it, he can only listen. Therefore, Guo Shouyun realized that the "party gangsters" he had always hated, despised and even despised had a lot of things that he couldn't compare to, and the work that he was really suitable for was the practical work with high technical skills - fighting An inappropriate analogy is that he can only do the thankless job of the prime minister, but he is never suitable for the leisurely and powerful seat of the president.

After realizing this, Guo Shouyun looked back and thought, is it because of this consideration that Beijing does not give itself the things that need to be dealt with in a formal setting with the Americans?

"It's lucky to get the chance to be reincarnated, but after reincarnation, it doesn't mean you can become a human being. If you don't know yourself correctly, then a reincarnation caused by a disaster is likely to become the beginning of another tragic life."

It is right for people to have self-confidence, but this kind of self-confidence must not evolve into conceit. Recognizing one's own strengths and weaknesses in time is often the key to choosing a life path. In this small but very promising conference room In this book, Guo Shouyun recognized his own shortcomings from one point of view. Although this knowledge made him quite depressed, in general, it had a correct and subtle influence on some of his future decisions.

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