Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 486: battle of wits

?Guo Shouyun may not know that his cautious attitude of speaking fits the basic rules of diplomatic occasions—too many words must be lost, and any gaffe in such occasions often means a war. Great storm. \\

In the face of Guo Shouyun's simple and concise answer, but the meaning is quite accurate, a smile of approval flashed on the old man's face, he let go, turned his head and said a few more words to his translator.

"Mr. Kissinger came to Moscow this time to prepare a gift for him." The translator put the black briefcase in his hand on the conference table, took out a very delicate purple wooden box, and handed it to Guo Shouyun with both hands. Said, "He said it could be regarded as a simple greeting or a disrespectful reward for the kindness of Mr.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun first glanced at the old man suspiciously, then took the box and opened the lid to take a look.

There are no exquisite handicrafts or symbolic national gifts in the small wooden box. In the box covered with gold velvet, there is only a flat envelope with neither on it. There is no writing on the name, not even the most basic letters.

"This is?" Guo Shouyun pinched the envelope with **** and asked in confusion.

The old man obviously didn't mean to say anything to clarify the confusion. He smiled and made a gesture of invitation, which meant that Guo Shouyun would take it apart and look at it himself.

"What's in it?" Guo Shouyun's heart was full of doubts. He naturally picked up the slightly heavy envelope and placed the wooden box on the conference table next to him. This is ready to unpack.


At this moment, Khodorkovsky, who had been standing in silence across the street, suddenly coughed inadvertently, which was this sudden cough. This made Guo Shouyun suddenly raise his vigilance. He raised his head subconsciously and looked towards the door of the conference room. It doesn't matter at this point, the cold sweat on his back almost didn't flow out directly. I saw it right at the door. I don't know when two guys with cameras and blue markers hung on their chests, and looking at their posture, as long as they take out the contents of the envelope, the "click, click" flash will come on immediately. .

"Bastard!" Guo Shouyun cursed in his heart before he almost threw the envelope in his hand, "No wonder the old man just wanted to make it clear that he should make friends without any political stance or interests. Emotions are the first trap of friends. The one who hits the back with the front foot will follow."

By this time. Even if Guo Shouyun didn't open the envelope, he could probably guess what was inside. Obviously, it was definitely a treaty document that was very beneficial to the Guo Group, making it difficult for him to give up. It might even be Wang The final payment of some kind of acquisition contract of the company. Kissinger gave it to himself as a gift in person, and once he took it apart at this time, at the same time. This scene has also been recorded, then tomorrow, maybe not until tomorrow, some news will be published in some newspapers in the United States and even in Russia. , Mr. Kissinger, the special envoy of Washington, conducted friendly consultations on the issue of XX and reached a cooperation intention of XX. How can the atmosphere of the two sides negotiate harmoniously. And behind those reports. Then add the photos of the scene that Guo Shouyun took when he flipped through the documents. This further proves the authenticity of the report.

Speculations like this are by no means chasing the wind, in diplomatic and political situations. Such traps can be said to be numerous. Guo Shouyun often saw such reports in his previous life: often the news of a certain country was published on the media, and then another country involved in the news immediately came forward to refute it. , the final result is that there are many people who believe, and there are also many people who do not believe.

Guo Shouyun is already careful enough, and every step he takes is thoughtful, but even so, he would have almost fallen into a trap today, if it wasn't for Khodorkovsky's timely voice Cough, the trouble he faces this time is probably going to get bigger.

As for what these troubles are, Guo Shouyun can understand it almost without thinking. What does the fact that an American politician like Kissinger came forward to solve the problem of commercial interests for the Guo family, and the place to solve it, is still in the Kremlin? What kind of agreement has Guo Shouyun reached with Washington behind his back, or what kind of political conspiracy are they instigating? There will be all kinds of speculations in Leningrad about things like this, and there will also be various speculations in Beijing, and this kind of speculation is undoubtedly very unfavorable to the Guo Group. ^^^^ Of course, in the face of this situation, Guo Shouyun can also come forward to deny it, but the fact is, not to mention whether his refuting rumors can completely dispel the concerns of all parties, let’s talk about the things in hand, if the envelope contains What is the value of his denial? Is he willing to give up Wang An completely? This is obviously not possible.

In other words, the envelope in front of him is undoubtedly a Pandora's box to Guo Shouyun. As long as he opens it, piles of troubles will haunt him like the devil's curse. There's no better, safer option -- and that's what Americans want.

Almost at the moment when he was looking at it, Guo Shouyun realized that he must have this envelope, and at the same time, he must not open it on this occasion. But having said that, this kind of idea is very good, but it is not so easy to do. Just imagine, he can't just wrap the envelope in his pocket, and then say "I'll look back at the contents" with a smiley face. ? This kind of approach is too naive, not to mention other things, this kind of foreign appearance on diplomatic occasions will be spread out, he Guo Shouyun should not lose face? Don't forget, this is a basic diplomatic occasion, and he, Guo Shouyun, is also a person with status, and he can't do any kind of behavior that is inconsistent with his status. \\The most important thing is that such an approach is equivalent to retreating, and it is equivalent to deserting in the face of challenges. This is a cowardly performance, and Guo Shouyun also disdains it.

"What should I do? How did I cope with this troublesome and embarrassing scene?" Guo Shouyun's mind was spinning like an F1 wheel, trying to figure out a solution in the shortest possible time to deal with the problem in front of him.

"Damn it!" When he was thinking about countermeasures in his mind, Guo Shouyun didn't forget to curse the two records standing in front of the door. He was sure that the two records in front of the door were definitely American. If it was a Russian record, No matter which newspaper they belonged to, they would never dare to come in and participate, unless they felt that they were living too well and wanted to die early.

Although Guo Shouyun's thoughts were very fast, he had a flash of inspiration, and after thinking about the danger, he thought about the countermeasures. This whole process took more than ten seconds. During this process, the entire conference room, including the Kremlin's arrangements Including the service staff, more than a dozen pairs of eyes were fixed on him, and everyone was waiting for him to make the next move. In this case, he simply didn't have much time to think.

"Hehe, it seems that Mr. Guo has encountered a problem," Khodorkovsky, who was standing opposite, spoke when Guo Shouyun was thinking hard and had no good idea. It was probably the first time he had been in such a long time. Using the formal title of "Mr. Guo", "It seems that he can realize that the weight of this gift is not light. How about it, do you need me to open it for you?"

Khodorkovsky said this, turned slightly sideways, and smiled calmly, as if he made a suggestion very casually.

Holding the heavy envelope in his hand, Guo Shouyun looked at his friend opposite, and suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart. He knew that he had just gotten into the horns, but the problem in front of him was not difficult to solve. In the conference room, there is also a friend who can cooperate with him. Handing the envelope to Khodorkovsky to open, and then reading it out through his mouth, the actual effect is not much different from opening it himself. Don't forget, this guy Khodorkovsky is about to become a partner of the Guo Group now, and he is also one of the shareholders of the group. At the same time, he is also one of the important roles in this meeting and negotiation. Fully qualified to show existence in this situation. Of course, the most important point right now is that the two reporters at the door only have cameras, but no **** video cameras. Even if the letter contains the agreement text of Wang An's company, they have no ability to record what a person said.

"That's really great," Guo Shouyun smiled calmly as he walked down the slope, "The weight of the gift is of secondary importance, mainly because my English is really poor. Mr. Kissinger has an interpreter. As for me , seems to have to rely on Mr. Khodorkovsky's help."

Maybe it was inspired by an idea of ​​"daily enlightenment". The moment Guo Shouyun opened his mouth, he thought of a reason for himself. The appearance of this reason made it a pity for him to come here. If he could think of it just now, then there is no need Dolkovsky came forward to finish. He could use this as an excuse to find someone to open the letter at will. In this case, if Kissinger came forward to stop it, or claimed that the documents inside were written in Russian, it would be a bit blatant.

However, the regret afterwards was of no use. At the moment when he handed the envelope to Khodorkovsky, Guo Shouyun felt a deep sense of exhaustion and powerlessness. Brains and wisdom are absolutely not enough. It seems that the Guo Group really needs to form a real think tank.

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