Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 485: meet

?The formal meeting with Guo Shouyun, Khodorkovsky and others was arranged in a small conference room next to the Sverdlov Hall in Building 1 of the Kremlin. Respect, the two giants entered the conference room at 1:30. After all, they are still members of the Federation in name, so they still have to do something like this. . qb5.

Guo Shouyun had a certain understanding of the Kremlin in his previous life. In his memory, when the Russian government entered the late 1990s, it opened this place, which had symbolized the highest power center of the country for hundreds of years, to the public. No matter who it is, as long as you spend a sum of money, you can come in and visit. However, relatively speaking, this kind of opening is not unlimited. For example, Building No. 1 is not included in the classic list of open visits. There are too many secrets here, and too many things that cannot be known by the world.

For example, in the Soviet military parade in 1941, there is a little-known secret in the historical record of tens of thousands of Red Army soldiers who went to the Soviet-German battlefield to defend their homeland after being reviewed on Red Square. In the military parade that the Soviet government has been publicly broadcasting for decades, Stalin has a live video of his generous speech, but this video actually does not have a direct record of the scene. The whole process is Filmed in the Sverdlov Hall, all the scenes appearing in the video, in addition to using a large number of props, have also undergone precise editing.

In a previous life, Guo Shouyun learned about this history through some declassified files of the Security Committee, but he never thought that one day he would be able to sit in this almost sacred place and sit directly in the in the "Tianzihao Conference Room" where he is now.

To be honest, when he first entered this unremarkable conference room, Guo Shouyun didn't realize where it was, but when he was waiting in the room, he was bored. When I accidentally saw the old photos on the left that almost covered the entire wall, I suddenly realized where I was.

The photos are clearly old, and although they are protected by clear glass on the outside, the corners of the photos are still wrinkled and yellowed. And below each withered photo, there are some brief notes in Russian, which explain that the person in the photo is in this room, and at the same time. Also marked the specific time and the name of the person.

Anyway, he was idle and bored. Guo Shouyun started from the top one on the left, until he saw the last one, and when he saw the last one, he always understood. This small and unremarkable conference room actually has a lot of history. It was not only the decision-making point of the "three-person military team" in the early days of the Soviet Union, but also the main meeting of the Soviet Army's Supreme Command during World War II. room.

In these photos, Frunze, the founder of the Soviet army, discussed military strategies with the two marshals Voroshilov and Budyonny, and there were also "Red God of War" Tukhachevsky and Krylenko and Budyonny. The three Bonovs discuss the photos of the reorganization of the Red Army. In addition, there are similar photos of all members of the Soviet military committee in 1927, and photos of the military conference organized by Voroshilov in 1936. . There are even photos of Zhukov's first military meeting after defeating Meretskov in a military exercise and being promoted to chief of the Soviet army's general staff. All in all, almost all of the famous generals who could be named in the history of the Soviet Army attended meetings in this room.

On a photo in the third row on the right, Guo Shouyun saw a photo taken at the 1943 Soviet winter counteroffensive strategic decision-making meeting, and on this photo. More than a dozen Soviet marshals like Zhukov, Cuikov, Yeremenko, and Bagramyan were all present. Stalin seemed to be speaking to the marshals with a big pipe in his mouth.

According to the number of seats on the ground in the photo, Guo Shouyun turned his head to look and found that the seat Khodorkovsky was sitting was exactly the seat that belonged to Beria back then. The stinky boy seemed to be sitting quite comfortably on this one. Both his elbows were pressed against the table top covered with red silk velvet.

Rubbing his chin, Guo Shouyun smiled. Walk straight to the left of the oval conference table. After sitting down on the second chair diagonally opposite Khodorkovsky, he said: "I really can't see it. This humble small conference room is quite interesting, it looks like Mr. President did not mean to despise us, on the contrary, he had high hopes for this meeting."

"Oh?" Not knowing why the other party said such a thing, Khodorkovsky cast a puzzled look and asked, "What do you remember?"

"It's not that I remembered something, it's that I saw something," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, pointing to the opposite wall, "Did you see it? Those are the medals of this conference room. You can tell from the photos. It can be seen that every seat in this room has a lot of history, um, it can even be said that each seat represents an identity and a history."

"Really?" Khodorkovsky smiled, and he asked jokingly, "Then what kind of identity does the chair you choose represent? What kind of history does it contain?"

"This is mine?" Guo Shouyun smiled, he reached out and stroked the somewhat faded armrest of the chair, and said unhurriedly, "My chair was seated by Marshal Batitzky back then, hehe, Hua One of the three brains of the army, I feel honored to sit here."

"You are honored, then why don't you sit there? I think it belongs to Comrade Stalin, right?" Khodorkovsky sneered and said, "Sitting there, shouldn't you be more honorable? What's up?"

"Of course, if you didn't sit there, I might really consider taking a seat," Guo Shouyun said with a wicked smile, "But now, is it more honorable to sit here?"

"Huh?" Khodorkovsky snorted suspiciously at first, but soon realized something. He quickly sat up straight, then moved his body and ran to a chair in front of him. Glancing at Guo Shouyun, he said with dissatisfaction, "You still keep talking about friends, you can't forget to count me on such a thing."

Guo Shouyun smiled, just about to say something, a Kremlin plain-clothed guard wearing a black suit with a communicator attached to his ear has walked in, his eyes swept around the conference room, and casually turned to the two giants Made a simple gesture.

Although the guard didn't say anything, Guo Shouyun and the two immediately understood. There is no doubt that the protagonist of today's meeting is here, and this guard is standing in front of him.

Instantly put away the smile on his face, Guo Shouyun stood up solemnly and looked towards the door of the conference room with bright eyes.

Surprisingly, after about two or three minutes, as the footsteps approached, the first person to enter the main entrance of the conference room was not the famous Yeltsin, but a burly guy with a surprisingly big face, because his face Because of the wide pair of sunglasses, Guo Shouyun couldn't see the face of the other party accurately, but in his consciousness, he still quickly recognized the person who came.


That's right, it's this old Jewish man, and the Americans have indeed stretched their hands into the Kremlin.

Standing at the door of the conference room, the old man didn't go in directly. He first got off the sunglasses in front of him, then turned around the two giants with a deep gaze, and finally landed on Guo Shouyun's face. , murmured some English that Guo Shouyun couldn't understand.

"Are you Mr. Guo, President of Far East Guo Group?" An interpreter who was standing outside the door heard the sound and followed up. He held a notepad in his hand and said to Guo Shouyun.

"Guo Shouyun," with a slight smile, Guo Shouyun replied with the simplest words.

As his words fell, and the translator didn't speak, a smile appeared on the old man's face. He walked around the long conference table in the hall, walked straight to Guo Shouyun, stretched out his hand first, and murmured at the same time. said something.

"Mr. Kissinger said that he heard your name before he came to Moscow. He expresses his sincere admiration and gratitude for what you have done in the past and are still doing some good deeds." The translator came to the table , with every pause in the old man's tone, he did on-site translation, and at the same time, he flew to make notes on the notepad. "He said he would love to be friends with Mr. and hope that when you go to the United States in the future, you can give him a chance to host him."

Perhaps because he was not satisfied with the translation, the old man held Guo Shouyun's hand and turned his head to repeat the sentence twice.

"Mr. Kissinger said that he wants to make a personal friendship with you, a friendship without any political stance or interest." The translator explained hurriedly.

It can be seen that, as an excellent diplomat, Kissinger understands Russian, and it can even be said that he is quite proficient in this aspect. He can speak directly with Russians without an interpreter. Of course, Guo Shouyun also has some understanding in this regard. In diplomatic occasions, a diplomat participating in a conversation cannot talk in a foreign language at will. They have their own systems and regulations to abide by. Otherwise, the transcripts made by these translators are likely to cause them unnecessary trouble.

"It's definitely my honor," Guo Shouyun has never attended any formal diplomatic meetings, and he doesn't even know how to word it in such a situation. Therefore, his answer can only be as concise as possible, so as not to avoid somewhere There is a leak.

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