Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 484: first priority

?However, this kind of heart-blocking feeling did not stay in Guo Shouyun's heart for too long. He quickly thought of two other possibilities: First, the reason why Beijing bypassed him was probably because A means of provocation--to provocate his relationship with Khodorkovsky through a kind of jealousy that is most common in people's hearts. \m/Secondly, Beijing has scruples about his role as a bridge-builder, and may even be worried about bringing him unnecessary bad influence. After all, his identity is sensitive, and he has a large investment business in the United States.

The same two unpredictable possibilities have a fundamental difference between good intentions and malicious intentions. Guo Shouyun thought it was funny when he thought about it. He thought about the difficulty of understanding between people. .

"I received the letter yesterday about this matter, and I have been thinking about it in my heart," Khodorkovsky didn't know what he was thinking about. His eyes looked carefully on Guo Shouyun's face for a while before continuing. , "I don't think it's appropriate for me to come forward on this matter. The most suitable candidate for Beijing should be you. You are a Chinese immigrant, and at the same time, you have a good relationship with some people in the United States, so... ."

"Hehe, needless to say, I understand what you mean," Guo Shouyun laughed first before the other party finished speaking, he poked his finger on Khodorkovsky's thigh, and said, "Tell me honestly. , are you afraid of what I have in mind? At the same time, you are also worried about the provocation set up by Beijing, so you came to confess to me here?"

"Don't you believe me?" Khodorkovsky was stunned for a moment, then smiled relievedly, "To be honest. When dealing with Beijing, I've been on guard and guard, careful and careful, you Chinese brains. There are too many crooked ideas here, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the trap."

"What you see is not a trap. Only what you don't see is a trap. ^ Guo Shouyun smiled and said, "You can rest assured, although I am not so smart, I am not stupid and always make one. Wrong, now, since Beijing trusts you more, I hope you can play a bigger role in this matter. Then you can come forward to match them up, I will never have any ideas. "

"Really?" Khodorkovsky asked tentatively.

"The truth is, it's more true than real gold." Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"Hey, it's useless to be more sincere than real gold. This time, it's really impossible without you to participate." Hearing Guo Shouyun's sincere words, Khodorkovsky finally put it down. But he turned his head and shook his head again and said, "Now Washington obviously can't trust Beijing either. Of course, they can't trust me either. The most important thing is that Kissinger seems to have a good impression of you this time. When I came to Moscow, that is, the afternoon before yesterday, I publicly stated that I hope to have a good talk with you, a young man with a very humanitarian spirit, and be a good-for-nothing friendship. "Well, be loyal to him. length. I have admired it for a long time. Guo Shouyun smiled. He knew that what Rilke had done, especially the large amount of money he spent on Jews, had already begun to take effect. The Guo Group has begun to enjoy a certain reputation in the American Jewish community.

In his previous life, Guo Shouyun's understanding of the situation in the United States was quite limited, and he knew about the top politicians in American politics who could turn their hands into clouds and turn their hands into rain. He didn't even know much. But in this, Kissinger as a Jewish politician. It is a very special existence, Guo Shouyun still has a little understanding of this person. In his opinion, among the Jewish politicians in Washington, if there is anyone who is the strongest supporter of Israel, and who is the most staunch adherent of Zionism, then this person is undoubtedly Kissinger. And this man's claims and his attitude towards the Jewish state can be traced directly back to his childhood. As a Jew born in Germany in the 1820s, the old politician has thirteen immediate family members in Nazi concentration camps. He was killed in the gas chamber, and this almost pathetic childhood also directly affected his political stance throughout his life. **

In fact, in Guo Shouyun's view, it is not difficult to understand a politician's ideological position. If you can start from their childhood, especially their growth process, you can easily grasp some profound things. These things are absolutely real Yes, nothing fancy.

"What do you admire or not," Khodorkovsky apparently dismissed Guo Shouyun's words, he curled his lips and said, "I know what your wishful thinking is in your heart, and tell you frankly, an old fox like him It's not that easy to deal with. Of course, if you can completely get rid of the links with those leftists, and get rid of the involvement with Beijing, then with this big tree, you can find the safest place to stand in the United States, but these two Can you do it? Obviously, you can't, so let's go back and talk about more realistic issues."

"Hehe, that's a good thing to say," Guo Shouyun smiled, stood up from the white reclining chair, glanced at the girls who were playing in the pool, and said casually, "We shouldn't think too far about the problem now, It should be more realistic. But for me, the biggest reality right now is that Beijing has no intention of letting me intervene in the communication between China and the United States, which means that I am a bystander in this matter, um, downright Bystander. You think, I'm already too busy now, no matter what, since I have the opportunity to sneak in, I'm naturally happy and relaxed, why should I rush to ask for trouble?"

"It sounds like angry words to me," Khodorkovsky said with narrowed eyes and a half-smile, "our Mr. Guo Da doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes to shake his hands with anger."

"It's an angry word, but it's also the truth," Guo Shouyun shrugged, walked unhurriedly to the edge of the pool, and then squatted down on a ladder by the pool, then said with a smile, "In my opinion, The relationship between Beijing and Washington is far from being eased, and they must both continue to fight, even for a few years. This time Mr. Bush appointed Kissinger to explore the way, and it does not prove that Washington Ready to end the nearly three-year-old Sino-US tension, of course, this does not mean that the Americans are ready to end the three-year global economic blockade against China. To put it bluntly, this is a political strategy of Washington. In the presidential election, Mr. Bush needs to attract more votes and get support from those large US export companies. And whether he can be re-elected in the future, Washington's China policy will not change much, who should treat them If you have hope, it is better to go directly to the road and cast a net to catch a fish.”

"Oh, you mean, you're not optimistic about Washington's engagement with Beijing?" Khodorkovsky frowned. To be honest, he really hadn't thought about it carefully.

"It's not that I don't like it, but I'm too lazy to look at it," Guo Shouyun sneered. "The centipede doesn't exist anymore. Who can expect the poisonous snake and the toad to live in harmony? In the same way, since the Soviet Union has disintegrated and disappeared, who can expect it? The continuation of the Sino-US honeymoon? So, if you want to grab a bright spot in this matter, then I advise you to die as soon as possible, because what you get is just a meaningless and useless effort."

Guo Shouyun's remarks were not fabricated out of thin air, but learned from what he knew and heard in his previous life. In the history that he is familiar with, the ten years from 1979 to 1999 was the real honeymoon period of Sino-US relations. How good was the Sino-US relationship at that time? In terms of military, in 1984 and 1985, because India installed the T72 main battle tank provided by the former Soviet Union, the Chinese side felt that the domestic use of the Type 79 main battle tank had lost its advantage, so the United States at that time People took the initiative to cooperate with the Chinese side to jointly develop a new type of tank with better performance than the t72, so as to make China superior to India in military power. In order to be able to further clamp down on India, the Americans even decided to provide Pakistan with F16 fighter jets. The military cooperation between China, the United States and Pakistan has been going on for several years, and the Americans have also established a "temporary research and joint 6-army mobile combat weapons center" in Pakistan.

However, the honeymoon period like this disappeared completely overnight with the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Starting from the first year, there was a United Nations sanctions proposal, followed by the "Galaxy" incident that shocked the world, followed by the Taiwan Strait crisis. , the Yugoslav embassy incident, the Sino-US plane collision, etc., etc. It is rude to say that ten years after the honeymoon period is followed by a ten-year period of tense relations.

Guo Shouyun is not interested in the so-called game of great power politics, but he knows that if the Russian side can't relax, then the relaxation of Sino-US relations will be an extravagant talk, whether it is Khodorkovsky or Kissinger, If they want to make a bright spot in this, it is purely fantasy. Guo Shouyun is now very valuable. It can be said that the money in his hand can be used for a hundred years. Under this circumstance, it is impossible for him to have no interest in the "name" thing at all, but then again, the things he is interested in have to be done. What a waste of strength.

"Then what do you mean..." Khodorkovsky thought about the words of an old friend, and after a long time, he asked tentatively.

"I mean, what should we eat at noon today," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, turning his head from the pool, "Well, by the way, I have to take a good nap. In the afternoon, I have enough energy to deal with the Kremlin. It is the most realistic, and it is what we urgently need to do well.”

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