Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 483: Kissinger

"Interesting? What do you mean?" Guo Shouyun heard the problem in these words, he turned his head and asked. , qв5,

"The President's Office has also set my meeting time at two o'clock in the afternoon," Khodorkovsky said, throwing the towel in his hand on the tray of the girl beside him, and shrugging, "And I also know that at this time On the paragraph, there may also be a few people from Leningrad who attended the meeting, such as your wily father-in-law, and a friend from the United States... Hehe, let's call it a friend Bar."

"This is normal," Guo Shouyun tilted his head for a while, and said casually, "In my opinion, there is only one thing our Mr. President needs the most—military power enough to suppress coup d'etat, whether it is you or me, or Whether it's my old father-in-law, we all have one thing in common, and we have absolute influence over the garrison in a certain place. In this case, it is not surprising that they brought our meeting together."

"As for the Americans," Guo Shouyun frowned, pondering for a moment before saying, "Who is this American you're talking about? Is he an acquaintance?"

"Familiar, why not, even if you haven't met, you should have heard his name," Khodorkovsky smiled and said, "This person is in your China for a long time. Considered a friend, well, an old friend. **** He did a lot for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and he became famous all over the world.”

"Oh, I see." Guo Shouyun knew who this person was. For a Chinese before the 1980s, if he didn't know who Kissinger was, he would be too ignorant. Establish diplomatic relations. The former US Secretary of State who directly arranged for Nixon to visit China is indeed regarded as an "old friend" of the Chinese.

"He's not honestly the chairman of the US-China Association, so why did he come to Moscow? And it was chosen at such a sensitive time." With a slight smile, Guo Shouyun rubbed his nose and said, "Isn't he afraid that Acharov will put him He is detained in Moscow, so that he will never be able to return to the United States in his life?"

"Hehe, Acharov is not a lunatic, what is he doing to move such an American?" Khodorkovsky reached out and slapped Guo Shouyun on the shoulder and laughed. "As for why he came, it's not hard to guess. Now that the KGB is gone, the spies that the Americans have arranged on our side are everywhere, and they are almost not listed and licensed to work, so things in Moscow are mostly concealed. But they. ^^^^ Mr. Yeltsin is the most democratic and personable politician Russia has ever known. This is what Mr. Nixon said. Just imagine, how could Americans want to see him ousted by the Communists? So Ah, this time, he is estimated to have two purposes. First, to mediate and try his best to alleviate the possibility of an armed coup. Second, to put pressure on Berezovsky and the others to force them to give up their relationship with Hasblato. Of these two goals, I think the second point is more important. Of course, this is just my guess, and we have no way of knowing the specific situation.”

"This kind of guess is very reasonable." Guo Shouyun thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "This old man is definitely a figure in the United States, and he will personally attend our official meeting with the Kremlin leadership today, which itself is released to the public. A clear signal: Americans are dissatisfied with Berezovsky and their actions, and the Pentagon is paying attention to the recent situation in Moscow. This is a typical implicit diplomacy, and it is easy to understand.”

"Hey, implicit diplomacy. It's a good word to use," Khodorkovsky said with a light smile, "but I think your incomparably smart mind has overlooked a problem. ^^^ ^"

"Oh? Let's hear it." Guo Shouyun raised his eyebrows and said.

"There are so many politicians like Kissinger in the U.S. government, and to deal with similar issues of U.S.-Russian relations, why didn't Washington send someone else. It just sent a nationally recognized expert on China? You have considered this. No?" Khodorkovsky laughed.

Take a breath. Guo Shouyun suddenly said, "I understand. Washington is not meant to be a drunkard... No, it should be said that it is preparing to kill two birds with one stone."

"Haha, thought of it?" Khodorkovsky said with a smile, reaching out and patting on Guo Shouyun's knee. "Even if I think about it," Guo Shouyun nodded and said, "but I still don't understand what Washington is going to do in China-US relations. Could it be that they..."

"Don't make random guesses," Khodorkovsky waved his hand, turned his head and glanced at Hornikova, who was standing on the side of the probe and eavesdropped, and smiled, "Be careful of being heard by our loudspeakers, and then turn back to give Throw it on the newspaper, and at that time, it is not only Washington who will be thinking about it, maybe Beijing will come to you to trouble you.”

Turning his head subconsciously, he glanced at the woman standing behind him, but found that this curious guy who could get bored was staring at Khodorkovsky.

"Didn't you see the man talking?" With a cough, Guo Shouyun said with a stern face, "Don't you plan to go around by yourself?"

"What's better, people like to listen to you." Hornikova giggled and rubbed the man's back with her pretty little cock, and said gruffly.

"I'm afraid you like to hear what I have to say?" Guo Shouyun snorted lightly and said, "Go, stay away from us, or be careful I will kill you."

"Go and go, what's the big deal," Khornikova snorted as she twisted her slender waist, ripped the slice of orange from her champagne glass, and threw it on Khodorkov with a flick of her wrist. On Skye's back, he said, "You talkative guy, I'm going to borrow your villa for a birthday party after a while, is that alright?"

"As long as you go far away and don't eavesdrop on our conversation, it's fine," Khodorkovsky didn't mind, he said with a smile, "I might even lend you a place or two. Yue, anyway, I plan to go to the Far East for a while. ^^^^"

"It's more or less the same," Hornikova didn't thank her either. With a satisfied smile on her face, she wiggled a seductive little **** and walked towards the flower conservatory on the other side of the pool.

"This fox," Guo Shouyun cursed in a low voice, rubbing his chin with his hand as he watched the woman's back.

"Hehe, to be honest, this is the only one among your many collections... ah, no, the second treasure that I envy. Of course, compared with your precious Victor, she can only be regarded as A concoction for a stressful life, it is your luck that you can get two such excellent women." Khodorkovsky pursed his lips and said.

"Cough," Guo Shouyun said in a dissatisfied tone with a cough, "you pure-bred lecher, can you stop staring at my woman?"

"It doesn't matter," Khodorkovsky shrugged and said, "I really don't understand what you men think, women are nothing but another form of wealth, if necessary, they are not the same. In exchange? Like my woman."

Pointing at the bikini girls dangling by the pool, he said, "You can enjoy whatever you like, I don't mind."

"That's their bad luck, and you are such an irresponsible guy. As for me, my women are part of my dignity. Anyone who touches them will be spitting on my face, which is the greatest humiliation. ." Guo Shouyun said coldly with a straight face.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this," Khodorkovsky naturally understood the temper of this friend. He is a typical yellow-skinned polar bear. He is both domineering and arrogant. Interested, but when he talks about his woman, he can turn his face with a few more words.

"Do you know why I am so clear about the purpose of Kissinger's visit to Moscow?" Without losing the time to change the subject, Khodorkovsky leaned over and said almost in front of Guo Shouyun.

"I'm not the roundworm in your stomach, how can I understand your thoughts so clearly?" Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, but soon he thought of something, and then asked again, "What, is it? And with you over there in Beijing..."

He didn't finish his words, but with the shrewdness of the other party, the meaning of these words can definitely be guessed.

"The answer is basically correct," as expected, Khodorkovsky said with a smile, "Washington has a large number of staff to make suggestions, and in Beijing, there are also a large group of problem experts who are watching with wide-eyed eyes. The two parties are like the qin and the best audience, one is the meaning and the chord, the other is to hear the sound of the chord and understand the meaning. To tell you the truth, as early as two days ago, the Consulate General of Beijing in Moscow had already contacted me, They want me to come forward and get in touch with Kissinger, who is visiting Moscow, to hear what Washington has to say, and then think about the next step."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun snorted lightly, without making a clear statement. To be honest, at this time, he felt a little bit of loss in his heart. He should obviously be more suitable than Khodorkovsky on the issue of paving the way for Sino-US contact, but Beijing's actions are equivalent to He bypassed him directly, without even a little bit of basic tone. This specifically shows that Guo Shouyun can ignore it, but then again, now that Khodorkovsky has revealed the inside story, it is impossible for him not to feel blocked. To use a common slang to describe it, this is the toad crawling to the ground. On the feet, don't bite people, it's boring and crooked.

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