Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 478: filthy court

"Darling, what are you thinking?" On the soft carpet, Hornykova, whose skin was slightly red and soaked, lay half-folded on the man, listening to his rapid heartbeat, and asked softly. , qβ5.c0m

"I'm wondering if we are messing up the palace," Guo Shouyun said casually with his eyes narrowed as he looked at the sculpture with the statue of Peter on the ceiling. If it is placed in our country, it will be beheaded, um, or even executed at the end of the day."

"You were talking about the period of feudal imperial power, which is different from what we are here," Hornikova raised her head, kissed the man's chin, and smiled, "Our federation is now a democratic country, and it has just been representing The new criminal law passed at the meeting has not even removed the death penalty, so what else do you have to worry about?"

"Hum, more often, I feel that the death penalty is more merciful to a prisoner," Guo Shouyun said with a flat snort, "At least if I had to choose, it would be better than spending a lifetime in prison or serving a lifetime of hard labor. , I would prefer to choose the death penalty, once a person dies, once a hundred is gone, you don't have to suffer any sins, and you don't have to suffer from any pain, how good?"

"You, why do you always like to think nonsense, what to die, serve a sentence, it's creepy to hear," With two rows of small white teeth, Hornikova took a light bite on the man's chest, and said angrily. , "Today is a memorable day, can't you think of some happy topics?"

"What kind of happy topic? I sodomized you, you were sodomized by me, is this topic happy?" Guo Shouyun sneered, "You know, just when you were crying and shouting, I suddenly thought of it. many things."

"What?" The man's words were too vulgar. Hornikova's face turned a little blush.

"I'm thinking, the two of us doing this in the Kremlin is tantamount to sodomy, the sacred place, and this opportunity. x is provided to us by the current power of the Kremlin, which means that we and them Together, we slandered this place that symbolizes state power." Putting his head on his forearm, Guo Shouyun snorted, "Extracting this simple question from a deeper angle, the reason why the Kremlin is in power today is It will create opportunities for us because they have to bow to us, more precisely. They have to bow to people like me. From this, it can be said that I and Khodorkovsky, Vinogra Dove and the others joined forces, plus the politicians who have compromised with us one after another, we have sodomized the state power of the entire Commonwealth..."

"Oh, what a mess," Hornikova lost her temper after being "sodomy" on the left and "sodomy" on the right. She said angrily and hilariously, "You have so many bizarre ideas. In my opinion, there is nothing to say about the whole thing. I only know that the feeling just now was very good. Although it was a little painful at first, but later Very exciting, I like that feeling. Well, also, it turns out that when it comes to sex, you guys will never be my match, hehe..."

"Yeah," Guo Shouyun said with emotion after taking a long breath. "It was painful at first, but it felt exciting... In the end, in the end, I'm not your match after all."

Guo Shouyun is probably the only person who can think of a genius from a ** to the road of life and the political chess game.

In Guo Shouyun's eyes, the abuse of several giants and a group of politicians against the regime and public opinion of the Russian Federation is undoubtedly a "game of sodomy". Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, various political struggles have come one after another. Whether it's a politician who sells dog meat on a sheep's head. Or the economic oligarchs who sell dog meat directly, they are all veritable sodomites. On the one hand, these guys blame the regime of the former Soviet Union. They are accused of exploiting the "**" Russian public opinion. On the other hand, under the guise of the so-called "democracy" and "freedom", they go in a crooked way, quietly **** public opinion from another "angle", and do whatever they want. , heartily playing with state power

As Hornikova said, this process is very exciting, enjoyable and fulfilling for oligarchs like Guo Shouyun, but in this process, a wise person should first think of a question: the stronger the pleasure , it means that the lower the durability, no matter how strong a man is, it is impossible for a man to persist in a lifetime of invincibility in the panting and moaning of a woman. A man's masculinity will never be the weak opponent of a woman. And for the giants and the politicians who relied on the chaos, how long will they last? Can they keep playing with the state power and public opinion of the Russian Federation?

"That's impossible," Guo Shouyun could see even without the common sense of his previous life.

As a political veteran who has been in politics all his life and has experienced Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, and Gorbachev successively in the four central political circles, the old guy Viktor obviously knows this. One point, therefore, in the face of the complicated political situation and the power struggle in Moscow, he seldom came out to express his views openly. This is for no other reason, just because he knew that these people who are currently playing tricks in front of the stage are not too far-fetched. In the future, when this country becomes stable, when hundreds of millions of Russians wake up from the lies of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the establishment of a democratic state, the humiliated public opinion of the country will overturn all these people who are now doing things wrong, let them Never live.

The common sense of the past life tells Guo Shouyun that this future is not pure speculation, but a living reality. Let's go back and see, in Russian politics after Putin came to power, like Hasbulatov, Lutskoy, Chubais, etc., do they still exist? The answer is obvious, they don't exist anymore, they are all swept out by the new regime, and at the round table of the new regime's conference, these people can't even get a maza.

It can be seen from the above that the statement that Putin "killed oligarchs" after he came to power is one-sided, because what he cleaned up was not as simple as a few oligarchs. Field cleaning.

Big cleaning, big cleaning, since there is destined to have such a big cleaning in the future, what kind of future does this old Victor plan to arrange for himself now? Throw it away like a rag, or put it away like an old photo, or arrange for yourself a decent and warm finale?

Guo Shouyun can't think of or guess the answer to this question now. To be honest, he doesn't even want to guess or dare to guess, because if he spends too much time on this issue, many of his decisions will be rejected. Disruption may even bring an otherwise unnecessary disaster to the Guo Group.

Guo Shouyun feels that the only thing he can do now is to continue to walk according to his established policy, just like when he sold his entire family business and resolutely entered the Far East - live impassionedly, and die. Vigorous, at least this reborn life should be worthy of himself. Life is only a few decades in the world. If you can't step on the head of this world, wouldn't the value of walking in this world be lost at all?

"Why, aren't you angry?" Seeing that the man didn't speak for a long time, Hornikova seemed a little worried, she was afraid that what she said just now would hurt the man's self-esteem

"How could that be?" Maybe it was because of the random thoughts just now that Guo Shouyun had a new sense of life, and he was very gentle at the moment. Reaching out and gently twisting the woman's straight little nose, he smiled, "I'm just thinking about a very important question."

"Oh, what is the question, can you tell me about it?" Hornikova asked with interest. She is very interested in every question Guo Shouyun thinks, because every thing in this man's mind means coveted benefits.

"No," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled.

"Come on, come on, I'm really curious." Leaning on the man's chest and rubbing against his ribs with those two huge dicks, Hornikova said coquettishly like a little girl .

"It can't be said," Guo Shouyun's eyes flashed a mischievous smirk. He shook his head solemnly and said, "The consequences of speaking out about this matter are very serious. I am worried that the news will cause a storm in Moscow."

It's good that he didn't say that. After saying that, the little rabbit in Hornikova's heart jumped even more happily. She was tired of the man, grinding hard, and humming and begging.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble," Guo Shouyun said with a smile as soon as he grasped the woman's trembling ball, "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course, hurry up, or I won't let you take advantage of me again in the future." Hornikova held her chest out, letting the man's big hand rage on her proud cock.

"Okay, cough, I'll tell you," Guo Shouyun said with a serious look, "I was thinking, um, thinking..."

"What are you thinking?" Hornikova couldn't help urging. "Come on, what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, if we did that just now, I wonder if you will get hemorrhoids in the future?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "This problem is very serious, if the news spreads out, it is said that it is the strong woman Miss Hornikova. ill..."

"I'm going to die!" Before the man could finish speaking, Hornikova couldn't listen anymore. She sat on Guo Shouyun's lower abdomen with parallel legs, stretched out her hand to tug at his mouth, and said coquettishly, "Let you say these boring things and see how I tore your mouth to pieces!"

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