Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 480: little devil

? The night is lingering and the scenery is infinite. For Guo Shouyun, the room once lived by the emperors and leaders of Russia or the former Soviet Union is actually not as comfortable as the "kennel" he lived in in the Far East. The main disadvantage is that in It is very unfree to spend the night here. If you want to go out for a while, there will be soldiers from the big ticket guards who will follow you, and you will not be able to leave. . qв5.

According to the news relayed by Hornikova, Acharov only allowed himself to stay in Moscow for two days, and he was not allowed to appear in public, let alone make public speeches. Such a request is a bit excessive, but Guo Shouyun still A wise choice of "obedience". Going head-to-head with the guy with the gun is definitely not a show of strength, but a really mentally retarded choice. Don't forget, this is Moscow, not Khabarovsk. If you change to any place in the Far East, Guo Shouyun will never accept such a thing. blackmail.

"How was your sleep last night? We can see that your eyes are red, you haven't slept all night, right?" After having a simple breakfast in his room, Guo Shouyun invited Polaninov, who lived in a room downstairs. , The secretary's bloodshot eyes made him a little surprised.

"Yeah, I can't sleep," Polaninoff said without being polite to his boss, walking to a sandy bed and rubbing the corners of his eyes with both hands, "Last night I turned over and thought about a lot of things. Very energetic."

"Haha, I don't think you are very energetic, but you are so-called near-nostalgic," Guo Shouyun laughed and threw a cigarette to the secretary's side, "Did entering the Kremlin this time evoke some of you? Memories? Or are you planning to go back to your hometown to have a look? If it's the former, then I can't do anything about it, but if it's the latter, I'll give you two days off, so you can go home and have a look."

"Forget it, I think Mr. has a lot to deal with in the past two days, not to mention that this is not Khabarovsk. I'm a little worried about leaving you alone," Polaninov shook his head and said. "Furthermore, for a person like me, it doesn't matter whether you are from your hometown or not. In this regard, I am not far from my husband's situation.=="

"Hehe, if you don't go back, you won't go back. It just so happens that I can't bear to let you leave at this time." Perhaps because the word hometown was aroused, Guo Shouyun's tone sounded a little hollow. He waved his hand and said.

"Look at you, it's really hypocritical, since I'm not willing to give people a holiday. Then don't mention it." Wearing a purple floor-sweeping silk dress, Hornikova with a beautiful face twisted and swayed gently. Walking over, she put a plate of peeled pears in front of Guo Shouyun and laughed at the same time.

"When is the man talking, when is it your turn to interrupt?" Blinking a glance at the woman beside him, Guo Shouyun pointed to Polaninov on the opposite side, and said, "I don't want to eat it, you can take it for Polaninov, I remember he liked Sydney."

"If you don't eat it, you won't eat it." Hornikova pouted and brought the plate to Polaninov.

"Thank you sir," Polaninov said, taking the plate and placing it on the mahogany coffee table beside him.

"That's right, what are the plans of the President's Office for the next two days? When does our Mr. President plan to formally contact me?" He smiled slightly. Guo Shouyun asked again.

He knew that after his stay in the Kremlin yesterday, those in the President's Office had negotiated with Polaninov about the next two days of negotiations -- the President, it's always going to be a bit airy, even though he is now Wishing to get the support of the Far East as soon as possible, but this specific negotiation and meeting procedures have to go through stylized cuts.

"I'm about to report the situation to Mr. Polaninov," Polaninov said. "According to the arrangement of the General Office, your official meeting with Mr. President is scheduled for two o'clock this afternoon. The place is at the President's office. Office, as for the main meeting topics, they have given four items, you can refer to them in advance."

Saying so, Polaninov took out the notebook from his pocket, leaned over and handed it to Guo Shouyun. ..

"I really don't see any difference between this negotiation and grocery shopping," shrugging, Guo Shouyun took the notepad from his secretary. One side seems to be flipping randomly. One side said disapprovingly, "One side wants to get support. The other side wants to get benefits, everyone sits down and bargains, and a fair deal is just that simple. Is it necessary to make this process so complicated?"

"A bureaucrat, how can you appear to be a bureaucrat without being complicated, and how can you be a bureaucrat?" Hornikova came over and sat on the sand armrest. She stretched her arms around Guo Shouyun's neck and leaned her head towards the notebook. Looking up, he muttered.

"It's not necessarily bureaucratic, my guess is that there are several different combinations of interests in the Kremlin," Polaninov laughed. "So our President wants to do this deal. If it succeeds, you have to consider the opinions of various places. You have also seen that the negotiation contents listed in the President's Office in the book, including the financing of twelve medium-sized enterprises in Yekaterinburg, these are all trivial matters. It is absolutely impossible to discuss with the president in the meeting. Therefore, most of these things are proposed by some key officials of the Kremlin. As for the most important terms of the agreement, they are not listed here at all. It's not even possible to list at all."

"Well, this kind of argument makes sense," Guo Shouyun nodded after reading the record in the notebook, and then smiled, "At least I didn't see any important content from it, the four major issues before and after, There are nineteen small issues divided into categories, and there is no other aspect except asking for money, and now, the suffering of our Mr. President cannot be solved with money alone."

"Money, money, money, I think these guys are poor and crazy." Taking the diary from the man's hand, Hornikova glanced at the contents of the pages before and after, and pouted, "They It is clear that it is extortion and extortion, and these guys don’t think about it, how long they can stay in the Kremlin without our help.”

Hornikova's anger is justified. In her opinion, the money of the man beside her is also her money, and if the Kremlin forces want to blackmail her men, it is equivalent to blatantly taking money out of her pocket. stolen money.

"I've kept this thing, and I have to report all their names when I go back." She tore down the pages of records and shoved them gently into her chest. Hornikova was indignant. said.

"You dare!" With a slight tilt of his head, Guo Shouyun frowned and said, "Honestly return the things to Polaninoff, can these things be published in the newspapers casually?"

"Why not?" Hornikova argued forcefully, "Have you ever thought about it? If you accept these conditions, there will be tens of millions of dollars thrown into the ditch, inside and out. If you don't feel bad for me, I still feel bad. I've been working desperately in Moscow for months, and I haven't earned that much so far. It's good that they want to take it away if they want?"

"Women's opinion!" Holding the woman's collar, Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and took out the records from her neckline, "Give me this unreasonable trouble again, be careful I'll shoot you out! Tens of millions, Is tens of millions of dollars also called money for people in the Kremlin? They can take it from me today, and they can send it back to me in double the amount tomorrow. You have no brains, can't you think about this problem? ?"

"But this money is too easy to give?" Seeing that Guo Shouyun was really angry, Hornikova was also timid, she hummed submissively, "You have never been so generous to me."

"Here," Guo Shouyun said, ignoring the careful woman, and handing the record to the secretary, who still carried the warm and fragrant record on Hornikova's chest, "You can take time to talk to the office this morning. Contact them again and tell them that I support these negotiated issues in principle, and the specific work arrangements will be started when I return to Khabarovsk."

Facing the record handed over by the boss, Polaninov did not reach out to take it. His nose was very sensitive, and he could smell the fragrant aroma on a few pieces of paper. For a bodyguard and secretary like him, several taboos in daily work are always in front of him, especially when it comes to women, he is even more careful, and he can't let go of every tiny detail. Can't be wrong.

Polaninov knew that Guo Shouyun trusted him very much, but at the same time, he also knew that most of the women around him, except Nina, were resentful towards him, among them this Hornikova was the most. If she picked up the scraps of paper that went into her neckline today, it might cause trouble later, so this caution is absolutely necessary.

"Since Mr. agrees with their request in principle, then these things are useless," Polaninov said with a smile, "but it is obviously inappropriate to take it to the newspaper. If Mr. is unwilling to keep it, then Just burn it, at least be safe."

The secretary's prudence, Guo Shouyun, naturally understands it. In fact, when he handed out the things just now, he already felt inappropriate, because there was nothing in Hornikova's silk skirt, and these things came from her deep ravine. out of the cleavage. If Polaninov took these pieces of paper over, his boss might not think much about it, but he would inevitably have an uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

"Well, that's fine," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, putting a few records in his pocket, "Since they have arranged the meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon, wouldn't we have a very leisurely morning? Just in time, let's go to Hodor. Erkovsky, go around."

"Right, I heard him say yesterday that he bought a new villa and built a private club. What's the name of it?" Having said that, Guo Shouyun touched the woman beside him with his elbow and asked.

"Finch Mountain Club." Hornikova shrugged and replied.

Mountain Club? ! "Guo Shouyun was stunned.

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