Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 477: Sao Fox

"Vinogradov is going to take refuge, and Khodorkovsky is planning to flee to the Far East. It seems that the situation in Moscow will not be too optimistic in the future," said Ivan in the Kremlin. In a room on the second floor of the Great Bell Tower, Guo Shouyun muttered while enjoying a cup of coffee, looking up at the living room ceiling covered with colorful murals, while enjoying the cool breeze from the air conditioner, "Originally. His estimate is that he can get the best cooperation plan when he comes to Moscow this time, with the two of them, with the Kremlin, and with the White House. God knows, another Acharov jumped out halfway, he wanted to Those who support Hasbulatov, he's going to see the federation in real trouble, he's going to...he's going to re-establish the so-called red regime in this land, it's absurd and ridiculous idea."

"What are you talking to yourself, dear," when Hornikova opened the bathroom door, Guo Shouyun hadn't finished muttering, she wiped the wet long hair with a pale yellow towel. , walking barefoot on the soft carpet, gently and skillfully turning around, and asked in a coquettish voice.

"I'm worried, can't you see such an obvious thing?" Guo Shouyun turned his head, glanced at the woman who had to live with him in the Kremlin, rolled his eyes and said, "Well, how do you feel?"

"What's it like?" Hornikova went straight to the public player in the living room, flipped the switch, picked a tune she liked, then shook her shoulders, and danced in the center of the living room. Sexy shakes.

"What else could it be, naturally it's the feeling of taking a bath here," Guo Shouyun's eyes lingered on the woman, and he had to admit that this woman was definitely a goblin specially created by God to seduce men. At least he couldn't resist her **** temptation.

At this moment, Hornikova had just finished bathing, and her bumpy body was only wrapped in a pure white bath towel. The top couplet of the bath towel passed through her white and tender armpit, half-covered in front of Bai Nen's towering chest, above the velvet side couplet of the bath towel. The two **** of meat were dazzlingly white, and the deep cleavage hidden between the **** always reminded people of ham and cream. The width of the towel is not too big. Starting from the breast enlargement, it can only cover the woman's flat and smooth lower abdomen, and the two smooth, round, slender and straight thighs are obviously not taken care of, they are so exposed and exposed, and with the woman's buttocks swaying gently. Occasionally, a touch of golden hair sticks out from under the bath towel, forming a group with those two white and tender thighs to provoke the man to **.

"Gudu", swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Guo Shouyun continued: "I thought the Kremlin's bathroom was different from other places, otherwise. Why do you have a soft spot for this place?"

"You are really unfeeling," Khornikova twisted her slender waist and walked to Guo Shouyun's side step by step, "You know, this place has been the power of Russia and even the entire Soviet Union for the past few hundred years. the supreme symbol."

"Have you seen the name column marked in front of the door?" With a pair of legs, Hornikova sat on the armrest of the sand, and she stretched a small white and tender foot to Guo Shouyun's leg, while resting on his thigh Sketch lightly. He smiled and said, "It says Catherine II, Peter II, Khrushchev, which means that this room used to belong to them, but today, no. It should be said in the next few days. . . It will belong to us."

"It should be said that it belongs to me." Guo Shouyun grabbed the woman's ankle and dragged it into his arms. At the same time, he sneered, "Have you forgotten? Whether it is now or in the next few days, the owner of this room should be me, not us as you said."

"Is it necessary to be so clear about it?" Hornikova enjoyed the man's stroking of her feet, and she smiled coquettishly, "You know, I have already given you everything, don't you have the land you have? Can't you share it with me?"

"It depends on whether you are willing to obey," Guo Shouyun held the woman's heel without any calluses with one hand, while gently stroking her smooth and delicate calf with the other, he could feel the delicate skin hidden beneath of soft elasticity.

"Am I not obedient enough?" The very upturned little ** gave a slight twist, and Hornikova turned around on the back of the sand chair, and sat down facing the man, "We are all together like this. It’s been a long time, how do you want to manipulate me, am I not all obedient? You know, in front of the public, I am a strong woman who is indifferent to her bones, but in front of you, I can’t even do things that prostitutes can’t do Did it for you. Darling, don't you think that's not obedient?"

"But you also got a lot of things that prostitutes can't get in their entire lives. Well, it should be said that most women can't get things in their entire lives," Guo Shouyun's big hand stroked the woman's round thighs, and then followed the soft lines. , all the way to under the half-covered bath towel, and finally stabbed with a finger, the whole **** was submerged in a hot and moist secret realm.

"Yeah!" Despite some precautions, Hornikova couldn't help but snorted, she stretched out her leg and kicked the man's knee lightly, and said angrily, "Why are you so rude? Not for your fingers."

"Saucy fox!" Guo Shouyun's breathing was a little short. To him, the woman who charmed all beings in front of him was like a saucy fox. She was born to charm men, and she would probably die to charm men sooner or later. For a woman like her, youth and beauty are the greatest assets in life. Although her intelligence is also very good, as her man, she obviously cares more about her sex.

"You're in love," she reached out and grabbed the man's wrist that was under the bath towel, and Hornikova put her foot between his legs, rubbed lightly on the bulge, and chuckled, "Let's. …”

Sao Fox's pink face rarely showed a hint of ruddy, she leaned down, leaned close to Guo Shouyun's ear, and said in a charming voice, "Let's fuck, I'm very excited."

"Do you think so?" Guo Shouyun insisted, "Why do I think you look like a dissatisfied slut?"

"Whatever you say," Khornikova said excitedly while squatting and riding on Guo Shouyun's thighs, "Tell you, I've stood up since the day I was sensible. Aimed to be a virgin on the red carpet of the Kremlin in this life, unfortunately, it seems that this wish cannot be realized now."

"But it doesn't matter," Guo Shouyun's belt was "loose", and Hornikova took it off without much effort. Reaching out and pushing the man's trousers through a gap, she chuckled, "I have another place to replace it, which can be considered a compensation."

As a man whose life style is not very decent, Guo Shouyun naturally knows what the other place the woman is talking about. From the perspective of personal preference, he doesn't have much hobby for that kind of perverted **** method, but then again, if he has the chance to try it occasionally, he won't be too resistant.

"Wait," just as the woman took out her own curse and was ready to put it in her mouth, Guo Shouyun stopped her and said solemnly, "It doesn't matter if you plan to keep some souvenirs here, but you have to be honest first. answer my two questions. "Oh? "Hornikova, who had just squatted on the ground, was taken aback for a moment. She looked up at the man in front of her and said in surprise, "What's the problem?" Can't we finish it? "

"No," Guo Shouyun replied neatly, "because only after listening to your answer can I decide whether to let you stay, or just bury you in the garden outside the window."

"Well, I wouldn't mind too much if I was chased away after I was done, or if I was buried after it was done," said Hornikova with a smile, looking up.

"What a mad woman!" The probe hand pinched the "little cherry" on the woman's chest, and in her snowy pleading, Guo Shouyun said with a stern face, "Tell me honestly first, you and Ha What is the relationship between Sbulatov and the others? Why did Acharov approach you before? What little things did you do behind my back in Moscow during this time?"

"These are three questions, and it's time-consuming to answer," Hornikova said with a scowl, resting her chin on the man's lap.

"Huh?" Guo Shouyun snorted, and there was a strong sense of threat in that long tone.

"Okay, okay, I said," a small hand held the man's high-spirited baby, and Hornikova pouted while rhythmically rhythmically saying, "Between me and Hasbulatov and the others , is a short-term cooperative relationship. I provide them with some news and public opinion support, and they provide me with some business opportunities. Of course, this cooperative relationship has ended a week ago, and you broke up with them I don't know why these snobbish guys don't have to give me any more cakes. To be honest, I don't know why Acharov came to me. I can assure you that before that, I Never had contact with him, never even met him. As for the last question you asked, it stumped me, you know, nothing I did in Moscow was a secret I know you have a lot of eyeliners in Moscow, and when you leave the villa every day, I even wonder if you are being followed. In this case, what else should you worry about?"

"It's all true?" A smile appeared on Guo Shouyun's face, he reached out and stroked the woman's thin lips and said.

"If you don't believe me, go check it yourself," Rolling his eyes, Hornikova said in a fit of anger.

"Well, I will," nodded, Guo Shouyun smiled, "Now I'll ask the second question. Well, has your place been cleaned? I don't want to make myself stinky."

"Hee, needless to say." Hornikova giggled and plunged into the man's cock.

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