Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 476: old times

?In today's Russia, Guo Shouyun can not be afraid of the remaining giants, or ignore the Kremlin, the White House, the Congress of Representatives, etc. Of course, he can also ignore the policemen who are full of fat and **** to the core. In his eyes, but there is one thing, that is, the existence of the army cannot but make him feel jealous. If it was in the Far East, the fear in this area would not be so obvious. After all, the power of the Far East Military Region and the Pacific Fleet has been actually controlled by him. The entire Far Eastern Military District went to Khabarovsk to find him. Look at today's Chechnya. Uncle Dudayev dared to dominate his territory with the so-called National Guard of less than 30,000 people. Isn't the Federal Ministry of Defense not taking him at all? As for the Far East, there are hundreds of thousands of regular troops. In order to defend against China and the United States, the former Soviet Union established the most formal and modern 6 sea and air trinity defense system there. Facing such a large-scale armed force, How dare Moscow act rashly?

His power is mainly concentrated in the Far East, and Guo Shouyun has always been very aware of this. Because of this, in the Federation, he will not leave his nest easily. As for why he dared to come to Moscow this time, the reason is also Quite simply, he knew that under the current circumstances, if the Kremlin wanted to maintain its power smoothly, it could not do without the support of his Far East. Therefore, he is very sure of the safety of his trip to Moscow.

But the cruel reality now tells him that after all, human calculations are still better than heaven's calculations, and Lutskoy and others wooed the military some time ago. In the end, it was effective. Acharov, the powerful general who controlled the federal airborne special forces, completely fell to their die-hard government opponents.

In the face of this news, Guo Shouyun also completely understood the reasons why the Ye family was so eager to find him to come to Moscow this time. There is no doubt that he had thought too simplistically about the difficulties of the Kremlin at this stage ---- Mr. Ye Tou is now not only facing a crisis from the political field, but also a crisis of a coup ^^ Take a look at the garrison of the troops around Moscow today: in addition to the Moscow Garrison Military District, which is protecting Gyeonggi, including the Tula Airborne Division, Tower The Man Motorized Airborne Division and the Airborne Special Independent Operations Brigade are all around him, and these airborne troops are first-level leaders. They are all direct descendants of Acharov. If at this juncture, the opposition really rips its face and engages in a coup d'etat, then it is estimated that the Kremlin guards are not even qualified to feed others. In this case, in order to ensure that the power in his hands is not threatened, the Ye family seeks strong support from the military, thereby causing a psychological shock to the opposition, which has become an inevitable choice.

"Hey, are you starting to worry?" After seeing Guo Shouyun's surprise, he kept frowning. Khodorkovsky's depressed mood finally got better----he is just like that people. No matter how happy he was, he would feel depressed when he saw Guo Shouyun happy. On the other hand, no matter how depressed he is, as long as he sees Boss Guo's gloomy face, he can be happy to death.

"It's a little bit worried, though. I'm more depressed now that when I came to Moscow this time, I was obviously put on the line by some people. Well, this feeling of being trapped is more disturbing than worrying. Depressed." Guo Shouyun shook his head with a wry smile and said.

"Hehe, that's not bad," Khodorkovsky clapped his hands and stomped his feet with a smile like a child. "There aren't many chances to see you depressed. Come on, give me a depressed expression, and I'll take a look. What is it like."

"Thank you for being able to laugh," Guo Shouyun said angrily, punching the schadenfreude guy's leg hard, "Do you really want me to keep this little life in Moscow?"

"Don't listen to him to scare people," said Hornikova, who had been sitting beside him all the time laughing and not saying a word, "it's a bit risky for you to come to Moscow this time. ."

He reached out and pointed at Khodorkovsky's face. Hornikova smiled and said: "Acharov may kill Vinogradov. But he will never play such a black hand on you, otherwise, I have already informed you before. Don't come. What you don't know is that three days ago, Acharov came to me specifically for your trip to Moscow, and he gave me an ultimatum to tell you, Moscow, you can Come, but only stay here for two days, and you are not allowed to appear in public during this time, you are not allowed to make public speeches, and especially you are not allowed to make any public comments about the current situation in Moscow. As long as you can do these four If you ask for it, then he can guarantee your personal safety in Moscow and your safe return to the Far East."

"Huh?!" This time it was Khodorkovsky's turn to be depressed. He stared at a pair of bull's eyes and said in surprise, why don't I know? Also, how could that old stubborn Acharov be right..."

"Have a side with this kid?" Pointing at Guo Shouyun's nose, he shouted.

"Go," Guo Shouyun said boldly, looking at Hornikova, "Going," he slapped off the big hand of the bad friend, "then needless to say, this is naturally because the boy's nature is pure and good, we are not the same as you. Comrade Acharov can also see this."

"Cut," Khodorkovsky said with contempt on his face.

"Haha, it probably has nothing to do with whether your nature is pure or not," Khornikova covered her mouth and smiled. She took out a pure white envelope with the seal of the Federal Ministry of Defense from her pocket and handed it to Guo Shouyun. , said, "Our comrade General is planning to repay the favor he owed more than ten years ago in this way. Well, it can be regarded as a life-saving grace."

"I see," Khodorkovsky said angrily, patting his forehead, "you are indeed much luckier than me, at least you have a virtuous person who can help you connect with the military. Wife, hey, the old man won't die, Acharov really can't hold back his face to move you."

Ignoring the annoyance of the injured friend around him, Guo Shouyun took the envelope, opened the letter sign, and gently poured the envelope down. "Xi Xi Su Su Suo" sounded softly for a while, and a few old yellow pieces of paper fell out of the envelope.

"Acharov told me that he hoped that you could pass these things over to General Semyon, and at the same time convey a sentence for him: I still remember the words that Comrade General said to me fourteen years ago. The world has changed and cannot be guessed, but no matter whether it is successful or not, I will go down this road eventually. My steps and my actions will strongly prove the defense made by the general in the Security Committee. Love Vladislav Alexievich is by no means a traitor to the party and the country, let alone an American spy, he was not in the past, he is not now, and he cannot be in the future." Seeing Guo Shouyun looking at the A few pieces of yellow paper were stunned, and Hornikova explained, "I checked a little, when Acharov was the commander of the Eighth Guards Army in Germany fourteen years ago, because of his private relationship with NATO's U.S. Fifth Army Commander Colin Powell had written correspondence and was detained by the Security Committee for a period of time. This matter was not exposed to the public at that time, but now there are relevant records in the secret files released by the Security Committee. At that time, Acharov The reason why he was able to survive the catastrophe safely was because 16 senior military generals came forward to vouch for him, and the person who took the lead at that time was General Xie Miao.

"I see," Guo Shouyun could guess a thing or two from the yellow paper in his hand even without Hornikova's explanation, and in some conversations with Nina in the past, he had also heard that, Xie Miao had the opportunity to be promoted to general in the 1980 awards, but the list of awards that had been finalized was changed later, and his name was removed from the list of generals by Brezhnev. Judging from the current situation, it is likely to be caused by this incident.

Holding these old "old accounts" in his hand, Guo Shouyun couldn't tell what he thought of these old generals. Speaking of which, these are all old grudges of old sesame seeds and rotten millet. Thanks to Aqia Love can still keep these things so intact. The most terrible thing is that this old general is going to repay his kindness now. In the face of such a tense and complicated situation, he actually intends to let go of his "Far Eastern bear". Does he not know the danger of this decision? How big is it? Really, really incomprehensible.

"Well, how should I put it, from my personal point of view, this seems to be a good thing, doesn't it?" After reloading the letterhead in his hand, Guo Shouyun raised his head, smashed his tongue, and said with a leisurely expression, "As the saying goes, predecessors planted trees and later generations enjoyed the shade, hehe, I've borrowed a little divine light from the old man."

"I don't know if you realize it or not, you look so rude now," Khodorkovsky snorted and said angrily, "I can't help but want to slap your face hard. One punch."

"According to your good wishes," Guo Shouyun shrugged, and sat back next to Hornikova in a flash, he stretched his arms around the woman's shoulders, and said with a smile, "After all, a punch in the face will not kill you, and eating Compared to a gun, I think your soft fist can only be described as gentle."

"Don't get too happy too soon," Khodorkovsky said embarrassingly, "I have already thought about it anyway. After this Moscow negotiation is over, I will go to the Far East with you, um, even if it is to seek Political asylum is good, you won't deny me, right?"

"You're going to the Far East? What about Vinogradov?" Guo Shouyun asked in surprise.

"He made that decision a long time ago," Khodorkovsky said with a shrug, "he has a soft spot for going to Australia to cool off in the summer, and when the final agreement on the cooperation between the three of us is finalized, he will go there to avoid the limelight. already."

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