Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 475: crazy capital

"Look at your pale and haggard appearance, you are a veritable little white face." In the spacious and luxurious RV, Khodorkovsky handed a glass of red wine to Guo Shouyun's hand, and beat him on his knee. He punched and said with a smile, "No wonder our strong woman can't wait to rush over to pick you up as soon as she finds out about your flight. \\Haha, if I hadn't reminded her just now, she would have even been here with Ampirov. Nothing to worry about."

Tasting a sip of red wine from an old friend, Guo Shouyun smiled, looked at Hornikova who was sitting beside him, and joked, "Really? Do you really miss me that much?"

"Yeah, I think you can't eat or sleep every day, and the wrinkles on your face come out. Is this the end?" Crouching on the man's shoulders, the peerless Hornikova said softly. Said, "My little white-faced man?"

"Little white-faced man?" Guo Shouyun laughed, rubbed his tight cheeks, and said, "Is my face really as white as you say?"

"That's not true, at least it looks much better than Vinogradov's current appearance," Khodorkovsky couldn't stand it any longer, and the pair of dogs and men on the opposite side were considered prominent figures in the Federation, but this As soon as they met, they became entangled, and they didn't even know how to take care of them.

"That's right," Guo Shouyun realized that there was one less person in the car today. Based on everyone's friendship, it was impossible for the old man Vinogradov to not come to the airport to meet him, but today he was bizarrely absent. When he arrived, Khodorkovsky said that he seemed to be ill, and he was seriously ill.

"Where did our grapes go? It's not because of the hot weather in Moscow, he's wilting too, right?" Guo Shouyun smiled softly, pretending to be nonchalant, reaching out and stroking the delicate and smooth thighs of the woman beside him.

"His condition is much worse than slumping, but it has nothing to do with the **** weather in Moscow." Khodorkovsky sighed, lying on the back of the car seat, "Last night, he came from me After the sparrow club left. Was assassinated on the way back to the villa."

"What?!" Guo Shouyun was taken aback. He guessed that there might be a problem with Vinogradov's health, but he never expected that he was assassinated. In Moscow, Vinogradov is very low-key. Apart from his close relationship with "Old Huo", he is basically a character similar to Smolensky. Now, some people just want to go Assassinate him, no doubt about that. This behind-the-scenes black hand is aimed at the alliance of the three giants.

"It was nearly eleven o'clock last night," Khodorkovsky said in a disappointed tone, shaking his head. "On the North Garden Ring Road, the other party killed his leading bodyguard convoy. If it weren't for the police's quick dispatch. In addition, the bulletproof car you sent is thick and thick, and his life is probably not recovered."

"The other party made a lot of moves?" Although he didn't know the situation at the time, Guo Shouyun could also guess that the scene of the assassination was definitely not small. After all, there were many good people hired by Vinogradov, and these people were definitely not Ordinary little guys can do it.

"It's more than big, it's just daring," Khodorkovsky said with a cold snort, "A rocket hit the back of the Vineyard car, and the man and the car rolled out a dozen meters on the road. When the police dragged him out of the car, he was completely in shock. From this, it can be seen that your interior protection facilities still need to be modified. The design of the anti-collision airbag is good, but the impact foam is too unsafe. , that thing fills up too fast, and there is no channel reserved for breathing. If there is an attack of a similar scale unexpectedly, the rescue team will come later. It won't wait for the other party to start. Let's bore ourselves first. died."

Guo Shouyun nodded, he knew best what weaknesses his protective car had. In this new car, in order to protect the safety of the people inside the car to the greatest extent, the Gongqingcheng Design Institute added a condensable plastic foam to the car body. This kind of foam is filled in the isolation layer of the elevator with high pressure. Once the car body encounters the high pressure impact of the load, the liquid foam will be quickly filled into the interior of the car like a liquefied gas leak, and it will condense into solid foam in less than a second. entity. Guo Shouyun has seen this kind of solid foam before. This thing is very soft, like a sponge. Under normal circumstances, if a person is wrapped in this kind of thing, he will not be injured. But a big problem is that in order to prevent smoking and burning, this solid foam is not breathable at all. If a large living person is completely wrapped in this substance, it is estimated that it will take less than five minutes to suffocate to death. .

In response to this weakness, Guo Shouyun also asked professional security personnel such as Polaninov. The answer they gave was: It doesn't matter. After all, no matter how well designed and safe the bulletproof vehicle is, it can only defend against sudden Attack, if in the face of high-tech assassination, bodyguards and backup cannot establish a safe defense point within five minutes, then the car owner will never have any chance of survival, even if he is not suffocated to death. Killed by assassins.

"How is he now? Is his life in danger?" Guo Shouyun continued to ask without entanglement in his bulletproof car.

"It's not life-threatening, he doesn't even have any trauma, but the biggest problem is...his heart is not good, he was suddenly frightened, he had a sudden heart attack," Khodorkovsky said. Shrugging his shoulders, he said helplessly, "I went to see it at noon today. It's not a big problem, it just needs to take a while to rest."

"That's good, that's good," Guo Shouyun snorted. No matter whether there is a real friendship with the two giants, he never hopes that Vinogradov will have any problems now. He must know the alliance of the three giants. I can't do without this old man. Once he is missing, many things will be troublesome.

"Well, let's go see him later, even if it's a condolence." Guo Shouyun thought about it, and then said.

"Forget it tonight," Khodorkovsky shook his head and said, "you just arrived in Moscow, and you need a good rest yourself, not to mention the safety issues are not guaranteed in this big night. The three of us, now it is estimated that all It's on someone's must-kill list. Some people don't want us to take a breath. Old Grape is very safe now. The Kremlin guards are in charge of his security work. Turned up, didn't you see that even Barsukov personally came to the airport this time? To tell you the truth, just for your trip to Moscow, the city's 60,000 police and security forces started last night. Busy, everyone is afraid of accidents."

Guo Shouyun nodded knowingly. He knew that this incident was not just a manifestation of the deterioration of public security in Moscow. Of course, it did not mean that the three giants were like rats crossing the street. In the final analysis, this was the power struggle between the two "central" Moscow. The result of the intensification----the Kremlin needs to come to Moscow by itself, and it needs to come and go safely, but on the other hand, there are also people who don't want to come by themselves, and even if they come, they don't plan to make themselves safe and sound. Go back to the Far East. This is power struggle. When it comes to this, laws and regulations, social ethics, etc. are all cheaper than shit.

"Hey, seriously," Pushing Hornikova, who was lying on her greasy shoulders, to one side, Guo Shouyun lifted her ** and sat down in front of the opposite sand, next to Khodorkovs Ji, smiled, "Tell me about this person, sometimes his fate is really unpredictable. Take me as an example, including this time, I have come to Moscow three times before and after, but every time I come here, , the situation is different. The first time, it was run away under the scolding of countless people. The second time, it was similar. Yes, at least tens of thousands of police have escorted me. Well, I now have a hunch that this time our cooperation with the Kremlin will definitely get a perfect ending, maybe for us, this is overshadowing Berezovsky has the best chance for them."

"I hope so, too," Khodorkovsky said, not looking optimistic, he shrugged, "but I'm more concerned about safety now, maybe you don't know, since returning to Moscow, I've I have been thinking about whether I should move to Khabarovsk for the past few days. It is too unsafe for me and Vinogradov. I don’t dare to stay in any place for twelve years now. Hours, rest every night, and most of the time I live in the basement, I'm really afraid that after such a long time, I really become a big mouse who can't see the sun."

"Haha," Guo Shouyun was amused by the "scared bird" beside him, he stretched out his hand and patted the other person's shoulder hard, and said with a smile, "The problem is not so serious, look at your courage..."

"You don't have to gloat over the misfortune, right?" Before Guo Shouyun finished speaking, Khodorkovsky said with a bitter face, "It's not that I'm timid, it's that you didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, tell you A piece of news I just got, Acharov Alexenayevich, you know who it is, right?"

"Oh? What's wrong with him?" This man, Guo Shouyun, naturally knew that the old man was the former commander of the Soviet Airborne Forces and is now the deputy minister of the Federal Ministry of Defense. actual manipulation.

"He has already gone with Hasbulatov and the others," Khodorkovsky said with a wry smile, "The information I got shows that the people who assassinated Vinogradov last night were affiliated with Serving soldiers of the Moscow Garrison."

"Hey!" Guo Shouyun sucked in a breath of cold air, and he realized in a trance that he had come to Moscow in a hurry this time.

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