Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 474: Three trips to Moscow

?For a person suffering from altitude discomfort, taking any form of plane is undoubtedly a very painful thing. Correspondingly, if the person is still a big man and needs to do a long journey from time to time , then the pain is obviously doubled in the series. \\

When the passenger plane landed on the runway of Moscow International Airport facing the last rays of the sunset, Guo Shouyun, who followed the flight attendant as he walked out of the cabin, looked pale. This time, flying all the way from Khabarovsk, the passenger plane encountered two strong air currents. , coupled with the lack of stability of the schematic airliner itself, Boss Guo has suffered a lot of living crimes invisibly. As he complained on the plane, Far Eastern Airlines must upgrade all passenger planes as soon as possible, either Boeing or Airbus. Go to hell!

Seeing that the boss's face was not good, and his feet were a little vain when he walked, Polaninov, who had come from the same plane, had to follow him closely, and carefully supported his arm, otherwise, it would make him a mess. Going out of the cabin door and rolling under the stairs, that shame is a trivial matter, and if you don't fall to your death, it will be a big trouble. \\When I saw the newspaper tomorrow morning: "The president of Guo's Group crashed and died on runway 6 of Moscow International Airport." Once the news came out, the Far East would probably be in chaos. After landing, "crash died", who would believe it? The generals of the military region who did not know the truth of the matter, under the fear of fear, might have to rebel.

To say that Polaninov's idea may be a bit unfounded. But by chance, there are quite a few people who share the same thoughts as him, such as Chubais, who came on behalf of the White House, and Barsukov, who came on behalf of the Kremlin. Of course, among the people who came to greet him, there were also guys who hoped that Guo Shouyun would fall to his death as soon as possible. It would be better to say Ampirov who came to the airport to greet him on behalf of Hasbulatov.

When stepping out of the cabin, Guo Shouyun's face was pale and scary, but his consciousness was clear and unusual, and he held Polaninov's arm. He stretched his finger to the crowd standing outside the runway, turned his head and chuckled, "Look at these people below, how many of them do you think are eager for me to die?"

"Half and half," Polaninov obviously didn't expect that his boss was still in the mood to joke, he was slightly taken aback, and then he said in a low voice.

"More than that," Guo Shouyun shook his head and walked down the stairs. Simultaneously laughed. "They all hate me to the core. Everyone hopes that I will die, but some hope that the time of death will be faster, while others hope that it will be delayed a little bit."

"Sir is right," Polaninov chuckled, "but you can't let them get their way, sir."

"Of course. They're not all dead. I mean I won't take my last breath." Guo Shouyun shrugged and laughed exaggeratedly.

"Shouyun, why are you so happy?" Among the people who came to greet him, Chubais and Guo Shouyun were the most "best". The network shook hands and laughed at the same time. "Can you tell me and let me hear it, I think we need one or two good news from the Far East."

"Hehe, my dear Borisyevich, when you saw me getting off the plane, didn't you realize that this in itself is great news for you?" Guo Shouyun The smile looked very real, he slapped Chubais' big hand and laughed loudly.

"Of course. It's not only good news for Borisyevich. It's probably good news for all of us. ****" The Kremlin who came close behind Chubais The representative of the palace, Barsukov, the Moscow police chief and the captain of the Kremlin guards had a relationship with Guo Shouyun.

"Hey, this sentence always makes people feel so comfortable," Guo Shouyun shook hands with the strong man known as the "two-edged iron and blood" in Ye's hands, but his eyes turned to stand a few steps away. of Ampirov.

"But I heard it, it's not the truth," hehe smiled, Guo Shouyun took the initiative to take a few steps forward, shook hands with Ampirov, and smiled, "Otherwise, why would I be in the face of Chairman Comrade Ampirov? Can't you see the slightest smile?"

Ampirov is currently the secretary of the Central Committee of the Russian Workers' Party and the chairman of the "Labor Russia" Movement Coordination Executive Committee. Guo Shouyun knows that his strategic alliance with Hasbulatov, Zyuganov and others has already been established. It's very solid. In the face of the current situation, a character like him went to the airport to greet him, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"If there is an opportunity to smile, I naturally don't want to let it go," Ampirov was born in the media industry, and his language is quite skillful. Facing Guo Shouyun's ridicule, he said calmly, "But for now The situation in Moscow obviously did not give me this opportunity. ^^^^ As for the main reason why I came to the airport today, I also hope to get some light from Mr. Guo and see if I can find a reason to laugh."

Ampirov's words are a bit vague, but the meaning is very obvious. He really asked Guo Shouyun if there is still a chance to change the final position of the Guo Group.

"Hehe, I'm really sorry, Mr. Ampirov, I have a poor sense of humor and few elements of happiness and creativity. If you want to find a chance to laugh in me, it's probably... hehe, some Suffering." Guo Shouyun rubbed his nose and said bluntly.

"Really?" Ampirov didn't care, he smiled slightly and said, "But why can Mr. Chubais, who has always been serious, find reasons to be happy in you? Look, how impressive his smile is now. envy?"

"Oh, I think it's his own reason," Guo Shouyun said with a shrug, "that's how people are, some are easy to be happy. Some like to be sad, and more like to be a person with a straight face all day long, um, yes, more Find the reason from yourself, it will be easier to find the problem.”

"I understand," Ampirov could naturally hear the meaning of Guo Shouyun's words, he nodded and said, "Although there are some regrets. ^^^^ But I have to admit that I didn't have a trip to the airport today. Bai Lai, finally, I wish Mr. Guo a happy time in Moscow."

"Thank you," Guo Shouyun said with a faint smile.

These two simple conversations with Ampirov at the airport heralded a complete break with the Kuo clique and the leftists led by Hasbulatov and Zyuganov, as well as the democratic extreme right led by Rutskoy , from now on, the Guo clique can choose only the so-called moderate centrists led by the Leningrad faction and the democratic centrists led by the Ye clan.

Looking at the figure of Ampirov who resolutely walked away. Guo Shouyun had a premonition. In the future, there are still many wars that the Guo family will face, and it can even be said that there are too many to count.

"Is the problem solved?" Chubais quietly walked behind him at some point, he snorted, and said with a smile. "It's resolved," the evening wind at the airport was a bit strong. A gust of breeze passing over the top blew Guo Shouyun's head, he raised his hand and put the ground in front of his forehead, and smiled without looking back, "A former friend, half a friend who is not a friend has left, and Next, I'm facing an enemy who I don't know if I can be a friend, dear Borisyevich. Tell me honestly, will you disappoint me?"

"Contrary to your concerns," Chubais stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Guo Shouyun. He looked down at the airport lawn under his feet and said meaningfully, "Including the Kremlin and the White House, we are now What's more worrying is whether you will let us down."

"Oh? It seems that the prospects for our cooperation are very good?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "Can I think so?"

"As you like." Chubais shrugged and smiled.

"You two, this is not a place to chat." Barsukov said with a serious face when he walked to the two of them, "If you don't mind, let's get in the car now, as you know, Moscow is not like the surface. It looks so peaceful, Mr. Guo's safety is a very difficult matter, and I don't want him to have any accident here."

"Hehe, I feel like you're scolding me in person," Guo Shouyun turned around, tapped the Moscow police chief with his finger, and said with a smile, "Are you trying to tell me that in Moscow, I am rich and unkind. The guy is more like a mouse than a street mouse?"

"That's what Mr. himself said, and it has nothing to do with me." Barsukov spread his hands and said in a helpless tone.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you," Guo Shouyun waved his hand to a large extent and said, "Come on, let's get in the car, I heard that His Excellency the President has arranged a special place for me to stay in the Kremlin, huh, then I am Can't wait to see it, after all, this kind of opportunity is not for everyone."

After saying a word, Guo Shouyun took a step and planned to walk in the direction where the convoy stopped, but before he could take a step, Chubais next to him grabbed his arm.

"Don't be in a hurry," Chubais said, pulling Guo Shouyun's shirt sleeve, pointing to a Mercedes-Benz commercial RV that was speeding towards this side of the airport runway, "How many friends do you have? Come here, Ampirov was there just now, it's not easy for them to come forward."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun stopped and looked at the brand-new RV subconsciously.

The RV stopped at a distance of more than ten meters from the crowd. When the door opened, a long and beautiful leg with graceful lines protruded from the car, and then a woman with wide-width sunglasses on her face got out from the door on the right side. . At the same time, in the left door, Khodorkovsky, wearing a black short-sleeved shirt, jumped out gently and skillfully.

"Hey, that black-headed boy, why do I look familiar to you?" Khodorkovsky shouted in the direction where everyone stood with his arms on the door.

"Hey, that gray-headed boy, why do I feel a little beaten when I look at you?" Guo Shouyun laughed loudly, he shouted.

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