Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 471: competition

? Everyone in the conference room is undoubtedly a master of observing words. They saw Guo Shouyun stand up, and after listening to his last words, they naturally understood that the meeting had come to an end, and according to the past practice, every time After this "government work conference" is over, participants will have red envelopes to take, and at the same time, they can also enjoy a sumptuous meal under the arrangement of the group-perhaps this is also the potential for everyone to attend every meeting. Reason it.

"Okay, that's it for today's meeting." As expected, Guo Shouyun, who got up, looked at his watch, waved his hand and said, "It's not too early, I'm afraid I'll be annoying if I keep going. The group is preparing for everyone present. I bought some small gifts for attending the meeting. When I go down in a while, remember to pick it up at the front desk according to the list. As for the next banquet, I still have some things to deal with, so I will not participate. You are welcome, let alone save for me, and have fun Enough."

After saying this, Guo Shouyun turned around and handed the notebook in his hand to the secretary, and left the conference room first.

"Hurry up, hurry up," Guo Shouyun walked out of the conference room, his steps were very fast, his blue and white cheap sneakers were flying so fast, the whole person seemed to be burned by a fire, "I told you a long time ago. You, remind me at fifteen minutes. I really don’t know how you do your secretarial work. It seems that only Polaninov is the most competent for this job. Not good."

Right behind Guo Shouyun was a slender and enchanting female secretary. Today, Polaninov went to inspect the construction of the first phase of the Komsomolsk High-tech Park, so before leaving, he was transferred from the secretariat. hired such a female secretary to perform the duties on her behalf.

In the face of the boss' reprimand, the little secretary was obviously aggrieved. Everyone in the group secretariat knew that Guo Shouyun was the most taboo to interrupt when he was talking, and in the meeting just now, he talked about a lot of questions. The following governors, congressmen and so on. All of them listened with relish, and I am not a little secretary at all. .... how dare you intervene in that situation?

"It's been five minutes. I don't know if I can still watch the live broadcast," he walked quickly, and when Guo Shouyun rushed to the elevator, he didn't forget to check his watch again, complaining to the secretary who came all the way out of breath. Dao, "I spent a lot of money on this live broadcast, from sponsorship to the buyout of the broadcast rights, and the money was like water. If I don't like the live broadcast at the end, then I'm not losing money? Well? Why are you still dawdling, don't you want this month's salary?"

The little secretary was holding a large pile of documents in her arms, wearing a narrow black skirt that crossed the knee, and the heels of the pair of high-heeled shoes on her feet were three inches. Just like this, she could walk fast as hell. Hearing that the boss said that her salary would be deducted, the little secretary tightened, and she leaned against the wall in the corridor. Take off the high heels on your feet three or two, hook them on two slender fingers, and then hook the skirt with your little finger, open your two slender thighs, and chase after a few steps. come up.

Xu is the quality of the stockings on his feet is too good, and the floor of the corridor is smooth terrazzo, when he was about to run to the elevator entrance, the little secretary slipped on his feet. Almost fell to the ground.

"Hey. Woman, it's really troublesome." He grabbed the secretary's arm and stabilized her, Guo Shouyun shook his head and sighed, "It's not safe to do anything, and it's frizzy all day."

"Thank you, sir," Dare to argue with the man in front of him, the little secretary politely thanked him, and hurriedly slammed into the elevator.


With a melodious sound, the elevator door slowly closed and climbed straight to the top floor of the building.

"Is it new?" In the elevator, Guo Shouyun looked up and down the cowardly-looking female secretary in front of him and asked casually.

"Yes, sir," replied the secretary in a low voice, nodding.

"What do I say," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "How long have you been in the company?"

"Two weeks, signed a contract at the end of last month," the secretary's tone sounded rather vague, without the slightest confidence.

"Well, it didn't take long," Guo Shouyun glanced at the constantly changing numbers on the elevator, and said casually, "It's forgivable that you don't know much about some things about the group. Remember, although my temper is not very good, but you also There's no need to be so afraid of me, occasionally I may yell at you about some issues, like fire or something, but it will be forgotten immediately afterward, you don't have to keep it in your heart."

"Yes, sir," the little secretary hissed, squinting at the famous Far East dignitary beside him, and answered cautiously.

"And..." Guo Shouyun just said a word, the elevator has reached the top floor, and with a crisp ding, the silver elevator door slowly opened.

"Also, red and black dresses are not suitable for you, especially this kind of knee-length dress," Guo Shouyun said casually as he stepped out of the elevator door, "You should change to a pure black skirt, your skin Very good, very white, that kind of dress can better highlight your advantages. Now go and change this dress, and then come to my office."

Walking out of the elevator behind Guo Shouyun, the little secretary bowed and replied, "Yes, sir."

"We must strive, we must strive, and we must strive," Guo Shouyun muttered inexplicably as he ran back to his office, and couldn't wait to turn on the large-screen TV facing the desk.

For him, the group, and even Russia as a whole, today is a very important day. According to the event arrangement of the Barcelona Olympics, yesterday and today are the final days of the swimming event. In yesterday's individual and team events, the two Russian teams that represented the CIS were wiped out. Xenivykina finally failed to get a good result in her last match before she left the sport, but Judging from the faint smile on her face before she left the arena, she was obviously satisfied with the team's fifth-place finish. Today, it is the last group of duos competitions. The duo of Kiselyova and Brusnikina, who were shortlisted by the Guo Group's strong support, were far ahead in the previous group stage and became a pair that was fortunate enough to enter the final. Newcomer group.

Guo Shouyun really invested a lot of energy and financial resources in order to make this pair of little girls popular. Previously, he joined hands with Gusinski to buy out the live broadcast rights of the Barcelona Olympics in Russia, and in order to allow the Far East people to watch the exciting events as soon as possible, he is also in the main cities of twelve major cities in the Far East. On the square, more than 30 large electronic screens were erected to provide information on the day's events on time.

For a country suffering from a protracted crisis, a wonderful event, a small-scale victory in a war, or even an impassioned speech by a leader can go a long way to boosting confidence and raising awareness among the people. trust in government. For Guo Shouyun, this quadrennial global grand sports event is also a great opportunity for him to expand the group's popularity.

There was a flash of light on the TV screen, and what appeared directly in front of Guo Shouyun was not the game scene in the swimming pool, but the latest medal rankings of the day. From the data provided by the TV station, it can be seen that the CIS representative team within the former Soviet Union The total number of medals won is the first. This achievement is both astounding and regrettable. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as the last elegy that sports sings for the Soviet Union in its own way.

"Damn commercials!" The narrator's notice about the commercial breaks came from the TV. Guo Shouyun fell on the sand and muttered in a depressed mood.

However, his words were obviously a bit premature, because the first sponsor advertisement broadcast on TV belonged to the Guo Group.

"This program is exclusively sponsored by the Guo Group, the full-time sponsor of the Russian team at the Barcelona Olympics." The entire advertisement is not very long. Apart from the initial subtitle, the rest are close-up shots of several Far East attractions. , In these shots, the three major sports training centers of the Far East and several main engineering buildings of the Guo Group are among them. The white bear stood up, holding a four-pointed star, and around the bear and the four-pointed star, there was a circle of three-colored wheat ears.

"Well, not bad, not bad," Guo Shouyun was obviously satisfied with the effect of such an advertisement. He slapped the sand handrail and said to himself with a smile, "I can't tell, this guy Nikita still has two strokes, simple and popular. , I like it. If the two little girls can fight each other, I believe that from now on, my brand new logo can be deeply rooted in the ground of Russia."

The brand new logo of the group is also from the hands of Guo Shouyun. As for the inspiration, it comes from his nickname: "Yellow Bear". Didn't Lao Maozi give him such an indecent but majestic nickname? ? Then he has to use it well. As for why one uses two ends, the reason is very simple, because he likes it, he thinks it looks good...

"Dong dong!"

Just when Guo Shouyun was smug, there were two light knocks on the door behind him.

"Come in," he shouted without looking back, Guo Shouyun's eyes still lingering on the TV screen. At this time, what was broadcast on TV had been replaced by advertisements of some other companies in the Federation. Among them, the banks and companies controlled by the other five giants all jumped out. Obviously, no one will let them go. Now this is a great opportunity to open up the popularity.

"Sir, I've already changed my clothes," the little secretary's voice came from behind. After all, he was still a "newcomer" who was just entering the industry. There was too much shyness and immaturity in the little girl's tone.

"Come here," Guo Shouyun said casually, beckoning without looking back.

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