Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 47: government work conference

?In these days, as the work of the Far East and the Guo Group has been fully rolled out in the second half of the year, Guo Shouyun's life seems to be quite busy. Following the plenary meeting of the branch managers of the commercial banks, the Far East state governments and the coordinating meeting of the governors and parliamentarians are also in Habaro. The Guo headquarters in Fuske was held.

The huge exhibition hall was full of seats. The governors and congressmen of hundreds of states gathered together. Next to the long oval conference table in the center of the hall, the governors and speakers of each state were eligible to get a seat of their own, while ordinary congressmen and The heads of various functional departments can only sit on the periphery. But relatively speaking, they are still very qualified to be proud, because Guo Shouyun, the boss, also did not sit at the edge of the table. Not only that, his seat was also arranged in the outermost place. His unique Kuan Dasha was almost leaning against the door.

"If a **** wants to do it, the archway has to be erected. Only then can a good price be sold." This is a standard of conduct that Guo Shouyun has always pursued, even if he has become the actual power in the Far East, even if these meetings will depend on him. He acted with an expression on his face, but when presiding over a similar meeting, he never sat on the main seat. According to the past practice, his position is either in a corner or in the door of the conference room. If someone else does not know, he will definitely be regarded as an audience member at first glance.

"Okay. That's all I'm going to talk about today." Holding a boxy blue leather notebook in his hand, Guo Shouyun leaned comfortably in the sand with his legs crossed, gesturing his favorite The pen, said, "All in all, in the second half of the year. What I need is still the main point: let the funds flow, the market is active, and through the flow of funds, the market is active, and the employment in the Far Eastern states is stimulated. This year I have seen the financial situation of the states in the first half of the year. Although the situation is not gratifying, at least we have achieved a small fiscal surplus, and the fiscal deficit that has lasted for nearly five years has been eliminated to a certain extent by us. , this is a good phenomenon, compared with the economic situation of other parts of the Federation. We are far ahead. In this case, I hope that you will not be conservative, not petty, and do not have financial surplus funds. If you keep it, find a way to spend it. Whether you invest in urban infrastructure or subsidize agricultural investment, even if you invest in the society in the form of social security, medical insurance, housing loans, or even distribute it to the citizens in the form of relief funds, you must also Use this money for me. You have to keep in mind that money is earned, not saved, staring at your two-cent coin all day long, it will never turn into a three-cent in a lifetime. Also. Yes You don't need to pay attention to the latest taxation clauses just issued by Moscow. They are all a bunch of idiots. The meaning of the new taxation clauses is very clear. The taxation standard for income groups, in my opinion, this is a stupid taxation measure. Of course, their thinking comes from Western socioeconomic theory. Well, what is the so-called stable middle class is beneficial to To drive the benign operation of the capital market, it must be admitted that such a theory has a basis for existence, but it is not suitable for the current economic and social conditions of the Federation. What is the reality we are currently facing? Undoubtedly, our reality is the entire The range of low-income people in China is too large, and the proportion of middle- and high-income people is still less than 2%. What can these people do? Therefore, the work we want at present is to ensure the interests of the vast majority of low-income people and ensure that They have relatively spare savings. Make sure they have a sense of a bright future. Never forget a sociological characteristic: the poorer the poor, the greater the demand for consumption, and when they consume, they do not Too much consideration is given to the country's economic situation. In contrast, the middle and high-income classes have formed a very wise consumption mindset. Whenever the economic situation is bad, they will cut back their expenses and even transfer assets overseas. What do we need now? Obviously, what we need is market consumption, and we need to let more people spend money to drive the market to function. Since the consumption of the poor is very strong, then we must tilt tax policy toward them. If the class reduces spending, then we must use taxation as a lever to take money out of their pockets and subsidize the poor who need more consumption. Only in this way can we achieve a purpose, that is It is the concerted efforts of the entire Far East to pull up our market and form a virtuous circle economically. "

Guo Shouyun felt a little dry in his long speech. He took the teacup from the secretary and took a sip of water to moisten his throat before continuing, "Of course, I also know that similar taxation measures will bring you There is a lot of pressure. After all, in the political structure of the country, the middle and high-level people are the ones who really have the right to say. The taxation standards we implement ourselves will definitely be fully opposed by them. But it doesn’t matter, you You should know that in the Far East, as long as I support you, it is enough. Whoever has any objection to our taxation standard, whoever wants to be angry, whoever wants to scold the mother, you can ask him to come to me, and I will calm them down. I have no objection that Moscow wants to engage in democracy, but in the Far East, where the Guo clique is based, there is absolutely no soil for democracy to survive. What I want is economic development, and what most people can do. Live, and live better and better. Since you are all sitting in this conference room, you need to follow my sails. Whoever has any objection to my decision, you can keep it, or You can get out of here, but you can't object, and you can't play bureaucrats and mud for me behind my back. Do you all understand what I mean?"

"Understood." The Bailai officials who were present answered in unison. For these officials, when they first started following Guo Shouyun a year ago, they were more for money, to live a life without food and clothing, and to enjoy power easily. But with the final announcement of the results of the financial investigation in the first half of this year, their attitude towards this young man has changed from initial fear to undisguised awe, and there is still more respect.

What an unbelievable reality. After several years of economic downturn, the devaluation of the ruble, and the huge impact of privatization reforms, in the first half of this year, there were eight states and borders in the Far East, and there were government financial problems. Turning losses into profits, and in the entire federal scope, so far, only these eight states have no fiscal deficit. Of course, there is still a lot of water in this turnaround. The main reason is that the private investment of the Guo Group in Far East infrastructure has replaced the policy investment that should have been funded by the government. At the same time, The taxation power is still in the hands of the state governments.

For example, take the three major sports training centers invested and built by the Guo Group. These three huge engineering projects directly invested more than one billion US dollars. Although the Guo Group did not pay the government a cent in terms of land occupation, However, the tax department has received tens of millions in taxes from the construction party. In addition, the cement, stone, steel bars and other building materials used in the project are all driving the profits of the corresponding enterprises in the Far East, and they are also creating tax revenue for the government. Going back further, these construction parties, building materials providers, and building materials enterprises have benefited, and they can pay full wages for their employees, and their employees go to consume, which in turn drives a series of related industries, thereby stimulating the Far East market. , Once the market is active, the government's tax revenue will increase to a certain extent. In addition, with the three major physical training bases as the center, corresponding small economic circles are also being formed, and these small economic circles are potential tax sources for the government. This cycle of healthy economic operation has been completed. The billions of dollars invested by the Guo Group for the project have been added through a series of labor added value. What are the investment benefits of large-scale infrastructure projects in the three major links of society and the market including Guo's? There is no doubt that its role is here.

There are very few officials who are not greedy. For ordinary people, whether an official is a good official is often not based on whether he is greedy or not, but whether he can do a good job in the economy and whether he can let the people live a day. Better than a day. To put it simply, which one do you prefer compared to a "giant greedy" who can lead the common people to a well-off society and a "giant incorruptible" who can only lead the common people into poverty? It is estimated that there are not many people who like it.

From the point of view of officials, being greedy is certainly good, because it is directly related to their own "benefits", but from another perspective, if they can benefit one side of the people while being greedy, it will be even more icing on the cake. , after all, that is a good thing for "both fame and fortune". Therefore, for officials of all parties in the Far East, they absolutely support Guo Shouyun. Even if they don't have that fear, they hope that this young man can continue to sit in the Far East, because this person can not only lead them Lai Li, at the same time, is also likely to bring them fame.

"It's good to understand," Guo Shouyun closed the small notebook in his hand, patted his knees and stood up from the sand, and said, "I'm going to Moscow tomorrow, and our Mr. President has come with an invitation letter. We don't need to listen to his words, but I still have to give face. Well, this time I have been there for a maximum of four or five days, and a minimum of two or three days. When I come back, I hope you can submit a very detailed and feasible government work plan for the second half of the year. "

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