Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 472: The president also loves sports

?Similar to Guo Shouyun's mood at this time, in the entire Federation, there are still many people watching the live broadcast of the match staring at the TV screen. The whole novel network

In the Kremlin, Yeltsin, as the president, turned off all official business today, and he sat in front of the TV far longer than those real sports fans. After all, for those sports fans, today's game said In the end, it is just a game, and for him, this game is also rich in sufficient political value. It is not easy to play the role of president in national life, especially in today's federal environment, the interpretation of this role is even more difficult.

During this period of time, "Lao Ye" has been devastated by the attacking opposition, and the currency reform plan instigated by Hasbulatov and others has almost pushed him to a dead end. To be honest, if It is not the strategy of retreating to advance that he had played before. If the Leningrad faction and the Far East faction had not chosen to form an alliance with him at a critical moment, he might have chosen to resign at this moment.

Perhaps it is because of this battle that today's "Lao Ye" has thoroughly seen a problem: the shock therapy promoted by the Gaidar government is very unfeasible. economic entities, so as to realize a free market economy in the true sense.” Such an idea may be very good, and it may be fundamentally feasible, but on the other hand, this pain is not only suffered by hundreds of millions of Russian people , but also the core of his current Kremlin power. "Shock", "shock", the country's economy is in shock, and all the people are in shock, so does the president who is standing in the foreground still have a chance to continue? More so so far. The reality of everything shows that the economic reforms that Gaidar presided over with shock therapy as the main content have completely failed. The reform plan, which focused on liberalizing prices and raising the wages of public servants, was declared bankrupt where it was implemented. After completing this step, the only gain they got was that prices continued to rise, and public servants became popular. In the second step, the coping strategy of the fiscal and monetary "double tightening" policy and the price reform was carried out simultaneously. The final result was the prevalence of financial speculation, the shrinking of corporate production, the crazy devaluation of the ruble and the surge in the national unemployment rate. In the third step of privatization reform, Gaidar and the others have created a group of capable and powerful oligarchs to compete with the central government. \\Only won a piece of scolding that hurts to the bone.

To be honest, although "Lao Ye", a political background, doesn't understand economics, he can also see that the reforms of the Gaidar government have been thoroughly defeated. The only thing they can do now is to wait, wait for the situation to continue to deteriorate, and then Find a suitable opportunity to pack up and leave.

Gaidar and the others can go, the problem is after they go. Who is this government entrusted to? as Federal President. Who can you appoint to the hot prime minister's post? Chernomyrdin? This person seems to be a good person, he is a mild-mannered centrist, but the problem now is that he is also very close to Hasbulatov and others. Now that I have neither the leadership of the conference nor the full support of the military, if I lose the White House position again. Then the Kremlin was tantamount to being completely empty, and the self at that time seemed to be no different from the Gorbachev of the year.

Gaidar can leave, his government can be dissolved, but the final timetable must not be set at this time, because "Lao Ye" has not found a better cooperation, and has not found a place to provide him with strong support." pillar". It was also at this time that he recognized a giant like Guo Shouyun for the first time. Recognizing the huge political power in their hands, just taking the situation in the past two days, the mere dozen or so representatives of the Far East have already made Hasbulatov devastated, and these guys have completely upheld them.” "Master"'s disposition to play cards out of order, they would use any excuse that could be used to attack their opponents without hesitation. The entire congress was turned into a "vegetable market" by their vixen-like behavior. The scene of several people's representatives poking and fighting is absolutely unique.

Since the status quo of the rise of the giants of all parties is irreversible. At the same time, his political future has also come to the edge of a precarious cliff. Then "Ye's" began to think about whether it has become necessary to cooperate with the oligarchs of all parties in a real sense? After thinking for a long time, he finally gave himself an affirmative answer. The cruel and passive reality told him that in today's Federation, without the support of these giants, he would have no place to stand.

Under such circumstances, "Lao Ye" has been busy contacting several giants in Moscow these days. At the same time, he also sent an invitation letter to Guo Shouyun in the Far East in the name of holding the Federal Economic Seminar for Entrepreneurs. You need to sit down and talk with these people, tell them what they need, and listen to what they want.

The signal of the Kremlin's invitation has already gone out. Apart from Berezovsky and Gusinsky, the four giants holding economic and political power have also received basic responses, but Guo Shouyun is thousands of miles away. The time to arrive in Moscow will be a little later, and during this period of time, "Lao Ye" has to find a way to deal with the demonstrations instigated by the representative meeting.

When a regime is facing a crisis, the best way is to find a hot issue to divert public attention, and the Barcelona Olympics currently being held has obviously given "Lao Ye" such an opportunity to divert attention. He had long thought that when the Russian national team won the tenth gold medal of the Olympic Games, he would personally come forward and give a televised speech, taking the outstanding performance of federal athletes as the starting point to boost the confidence of the people. For the heart and national pride, it is best to cooperate with a one-day national vacation to delay the time. ^^^^ After this day's holiday is over, several giants should also sit in the Kremlin. After the simple round of negotiations, I can at least get two from the Far East Military Region, the Leningrad Military Region, the Pacific Ocean, and the North Sea. With the support of the fleet, at the same time, it can also get political support from several giants. At that time, his crisis will be over initially.

It may seem ironic that a dignified president has pinned his political destiny on a sports event where nothing can be done. The "Old Ye" may not know yet. For this cooperation, several giants have already arranged a lot of problems. As president, what he needs is solid and effective political support, and a few greedy giants need obviously more, and much more.

In the spacious and clean performance pool, the slender and powerful thighs of the two girls floated on the water. They danced waves and performed difficult movements to the melodious and rhythmic music. . In front of the TV, Guo Shouyun, who is "sexy", is also doing performances, but compared with the complex and varied performances on TV, his movements are boring and single, but his performance is different. The accompanying "music" is quite catchy. The shy and uncontrollable moans of the fresh little secretary will definitely make every audience excited, and it will also make those sane judges play a high "" 1o" cents.

Standing straight behind the back of the sand chair, Guo Shouyun tugged at the little secretary's two white and tender wrists and rammed into her hot and humid body, while staring at the two girls standing upside down in the water on the screen. . The frequent collisions between the pubic bone and the woman's plump buttocks released a roaring "pop" sound. The little secretary, who was penetrated by a man for the first time, kept humming in his throat, and the slutty voice made it impossible to tell whether she was in pain. Still very excited. But for Guo Shouyun, what he cares about now is not these sensory stimuli, but the commentator's evaluation of the action of the pair of beautiful women underwater.

The person in charge of explaining today's game is a not-so-famous old swimmer in the Russian swimming pool. The retired contestant was very excited when he was explaining the show. Obviously, she was also quite optimistic about the pair of federations this year. New rookie player just launched. However, just like what Shenyvitina said before, the commentator also believes that Kiselyova and Brusnikina are unlikely to win the Olympic Games because they are newcomers, and according to the rules on the field, Judges tend not to send too high a score to a new player. As for Guo Shouyun himself, he doesn't agree with the commentator's estimate. Even though he doesn't know much about sports himself, he can be sure of one thing about the swimming events of this Olympics, that is, as long as Kiselyova and Bruce Nikina is doing well, then the judges will give them at least three or four high scores everywhere, and these three or four high scores are enough to send them to the top three...don't ask him Why can he be so sure of this result, he has a way.

Under the repeated rhythm of the clean and smooth big cock, the performance of the two beautiful Russian girls on TV ended after three powerful drum beats. At this time, Guo Shouyun also felt that his **** had touched the bottom line. Taking a step back, he grabbed the little secretary who was lying on the back of the sand, pressed her to his knees, and then stood up like that, stuffing the blood-stained scourge into her slightly open in the small mouth.


There was prolonged applause on the TV, interspersed with the "wheezing" whistle and...and the woman's violent coughing as she chokes her throat.

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