Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 467: Negative

"Enough!" Being refuted by the man in front of her was useless, Filna's eyes were as red as rabbits, and she shouted with her fists. \\

"It's far from enough!" Guo Shouyun spoke louder, if it was louder, Feilna was obviously not his opponent, "You think there is so much injustice in the decision-making level of the Guo Group, you think I have the power Do not give others the opportunity to speak alone. Well, let me ask you again, compared with several other people who can enter the decision-making level, what kind of contribution have you made to Guo? Compared with the contribution you made, what kind of contribution did you make? What should I get from the group? You should know that for the entire Guo family, including me, your father, Shoucheng, Larissa, Nikita, we all have our own authority and responsibility, just take As for the affairs of the trading company, Shoucheng is responsible for the construction of the entire sales channel network in the Far East, while your father controls all overseas purchase channels. He is very busy all day. But about the current situation of the group, have you heard them complain about what is fair and unfair? Are they far behind you in terms of contribution to the group? "

"That's because they are afraid of you, so if you have something to say, you can only keep it in your heart and never dare to say it!" Firna argued strongly.

"Ha, she's really a hopeless woman," Guo Shouyun laughed angrily, he slammed most of the cigarettes in his hand into the ashtray, and said, "To be honest, I have always felt that my mind is dark enough. Compared with you, my mind is even brighter than the full moon. In fact, we should be regarded as the same kind of people, but the only difference between each other is that I always consider outsiders and do everything You may protect your friends around you, but you, you are always calculating on your own people, trying to do everything possible to stab your own people in the back. I tell you, it is completely different from your dirty thoughts, and your father is also good, Keep it up. The reason why they don't think there is an unfair factor in the group is not because they are afraid of me. It is because they know what unity is. + It is because they know how closely their interests are related to the interests of the group. Have you ever thought about it, your father, how old is Mr. Rilke this year? For a man as old as him, is it really that important to be difficult for money? In the past year, I gave He opened six accounts in a Swiss bank and put in $400 million, if he's really afraid of me, with this money. , coupled with this huge sum of money, what can he do? But the reality we see is that he didn't leave, he stayed, and the funds I put into his account were not worth a cent. No. As a pure Jew, you must have not returned to your hometown for a long time, right? If possible. I advise you to go and see if you have the opportunity, look at the current Jewish autonomous prefecture, and look at the current comparison Robbie Zhan, look at what kind of reputation the old man has there. I think if you watch all this, you will understand the difference between the old man and you, and of course, you will also understand what he has done in the group What is all the hard work for, compared to him. You should know what shame is. What is shameful, what is shameless."

Erna was a little dumbfounded. As Guo Shouyun said. Since joining the Guo Group, she, a pure Jew, has not returned to her hometown for a long time, and she has almost forgotten her Jewish identity. In the former Soviet Union, and even now Russia, Jews are a minority discriminated against by pure Russians, and the Jewish Autonomous Region, a Jewish ghetto, is naturally one of the most backward regions in the Far East. In her heart, Firna didn't want to think about the discriminated life in the past, and at the same time, she didn't want to go to that backward Jewish autonomous prefecture. As for what changes happened there during this time? Of course she couldn't know.

"Okay, I won't tell you anything more," Guo Shouyun said with a dry mouth. He picked up the porcelain teacup in front of him, took a sip of the bitter tea that was already cold, waved his hand and said, "You Go out, I don't want to see you anymore. (

Firna was scolded for being completely skinless, and the aura she had just rushed into the conference room was gone now. She opened her mouth with a flushed face, and seemed to want to say something else, but facing Guo Shouyun's gloomy expression, she opened her mouth. Face, she finally failed to say the words that came to her mouth. After hesitating for a while, Firna turned around and staggered out of the conference room door.

Guo Shouyun, who should have been happy about it, didn't seem to have any excitement when he saw Firna's figure disappearing outside the door. He sighed deeply, stood up from the chair, and turned to rest on the right side of the conference room. walk between.

In this rest room of only 20 square meters, Rilke, who had sneaked back from the United States at some point, was sitting quietly at a writing desk with his head in his hands. He heard all the conversations.

"She's gone?" Rilke raised his head slightly when he heard the footsteps coming from the door. He glanced at Guo Shouyun with a serious face, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Let's go," Guo Shouyun came over, stood beside the old man, first reached out and patted his shoulder, and then said softly, "Father, from the results we guessed before, Philna picked one that everyone didn't want to see the most. Here, I have nothing to say except to say sorry to you."

"Hehe, I can understand, I can understand," the old man held Guo Shouyun's hand on his shoulder and said earnestly, "You know, I only understand what you said to me at the beginning. It means, people, there is no hardship that cannot be endured, only blessings that cannot be enjoyed. This child of Firna... I can't understand how she has become what she is today in just one year."

"Luxury life and endless power can completely degenerate a person with the strongest will in the shortest possible time," Guo Shouyun took out a cigarette and handed it to Rilke, who was frowning, and said, "Our Guo family In the past year, the use of money and power has corrupted the entire Far East, from the political to the military, our money offensive can be said to be invincible and invincible. But at the same time, we seem to have overlooked a problem, that It is this kind of corrosion that has two sides. The money and power in our hands can not only corrode others, but also corrode ourselves. You may not believe it. When I was reprimanding Ferna just now, I was also afraid. Imagine , if Shoucheng and even myself become like this, what will the Guo family look like today? Fortunately, Shoucheng and you are always strong-willed people, but Feilna ...she became a very unfortunate victim, and I should be primarily responsible for what she has become."

"Shouyun, you don't have to comfort me anymore," Rilke smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Who should be responsible for this, I know very well in my heart that I, as a father, have not fulfilled my duty."

"Forget it, let's not get entangled in the issue of responsibility," Guo Shouyun waved his hand and turned away from this annoying topic. He pulled over a chair, sat down beside Rilke, and said, "For us , Now the question I want to ask is, what should Philna do in the future? You heard it just now, I said some more exaggerated things, do you think she will not be able to think about this girl for a while..."

"I'm not worried about that," Rilke shook his head and said, "This child is not that shy yet. What I'm really worried about now is that she doesn't know her consciousness, and she will intensify her efforts to make some right and wrong in the future. At a time of trouble, if there is an internal problem, it will be quite troublesome for us. Hey, the group seems to be very large and powerful now, but through this layer of performance, the skeleton of the group is still intact. It is loose, if everyone is united, the problem is not very serious, but once ... Shouyun, I have an idea, I don't know if you can agree with it."

"Oh, keep talking," Guo Shouyun said with a soft tone, blinking his eyes.

"I plan to let Firna leave the group and let her go back to her hometown in the Autonomous Prefecture," Rilke pondered, "Just in time, the Jews over there still lack manpower to support the foundation, so she was transferred from the group and sent to a relative In a position that is not very important to her, it may be better for her and the group."

"It's not very good," Guo Shouyun said with a frown, "In my opinion, Feilna's temperament is not suitable for this kind of work, not to mention that the stall over there is your old hard work, it concerns you The long-cherished wish of my life, rather than letting Firna take charge of this work, I would rather let her stay in the group headquarters."

Guo Shouyun's words were quite pleasant, and the reason for it was that Rilke couldn't refuse, but in fact, the main reason why he did not agree to transfer Firna to Birobidzhan was not what he said, but It was because the place was too close to Khabarovsk, and Firna remained there, and there were still many opportunities to contact Shoucheng. It took nearly a month before and after, Guo Shouyun did not intend to end the whole plan just like that.

"I think so," Guo Shouyun said after thinking about it, "Anyway, after a while, the group will expand its business to the UK. The situation on the other side. If she can stabilize her mind during this period of time and get rid of those bad habits now, I plan to hand over the affairs over there to her in the future, what do you think? "

"Do you think she is this material?" After all, it's his own daughter. Even if Rilke is disappointed with Firna, he hopes to give this girl another chance.

"Do you need to look at that material," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "As Philna said just now, she can learn things slowly, we should give her a chance."

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