Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 468: Pig farming professional

"Then, let's do what you want," Rilke hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "Just in time, I have a few friends in the UK. She passed by, and I can find someone to watch her. Hey, I really don't understand, how did things get to this point, Feilna this child, she..."

"Okay, don't think about it so much anymore," Guo Shouyun felt relieved when he saw the old man accepted his opinion, he took out his lighter and lit the cigarette for Rilke, then smiled, "But from where? From the aspect, as a father, you have already fulfilled your responsibilities. We Chinese people always say a word: children and grandchildren have their own blessings. You can watch Philna **, but you can't decide which way she will go. Well, since you always have friends in the UK, then things will be easy to handle. It's better to let them do some activities and let Firna enter the best school and get the best education. All the expenses over there are counted on the group's books, so this can be considered as a little compensation for her."

"Well," Rilke nodded and said sincerely, "I hope this child, Firna, can reflect on it after this time, otherwise, she will not only be sorry for me, but also for you, Shouyun."

Guo Shouyun nodded and said nothing.

"That's right, Shouyun, I almost forgot about the business of coming back this time because of the trouble with Firna," he shook his head vigorously, forgetting all the troubles caused by his daughter, and Rilke retorted. Said, "The final initial agreement for the acquisition of Wang An's company has now come out, and it was jointly drafted by the current board of directors of Wang An's company and the US Department of Commerce, because it involves the transfer of several important patents. So I can't be directly The decision must be made for you to decide for yourself.”

"Oh. So our marathon acquisition negotiation is about to end?" Guo Shouyun laughed as he watched the old man take out a green leather folder from his purse.

"Yeah," Rilke said with a slight smile, "but from the current situation. The Americans obviously didn't intend to let us get too much cheap. They dragged the whole acquisition for so long and dragged them into it. A lot of government departments, lobbying groups, power groups. Now. They have let go, and Wang An is also facing the danger of direct collapse. Let's take it down now, not to mention the funds needed to boost the stock market. Ten percent of the budget has already passed, and the compensation to those lobbying groups is not a small amount. The most important thing is that the US Department of Commerce has added a lot of rules to our acquisition. The original Seventy-nine core patents belonging to Wang An Company. They want to take away twelve of them, and they want us to donate them to the US Department of Commerce. From now on, we only have the right to use these twelve patents, but not The real patent rights. Just this one step, the Americans are equal to nearly half a billion dollars in profits from our hands.”

"Americans are all bastards, I already knew that," Guo Shouyun took the folder in his hand, flipped through it casually, and said with a shrug. "When dealing with them, you must be prepared to be exploited in advance."

"Being exploited is secondary. The main thing is that without these twelve patents, if we manage Wang An in the future, we will face a lot of competitive pressure," Rilke said with a wry smile, "because these patent rights belong to the United States. In the hands of the Ministry of Commerce, it is equivalent to opening the door for companies like IBM. They only need to pay a certain fee. Then they can use it as they wish, and we will lose many opportunities to restrain them in the future.”

"It doesn't matter." Guo Shouyun's eyes stayed on the document, and he said without looking up, "Let them play their wishful thinking. If you want to fight with me for patents, then let's go. These twelve patents I have It depends on how IBM intends to use it. One day in the future, I will let them spit out all the food I eat today and spit it out. As for the US Department of Commerce, hehe, I think they will one day I regret today's decision.

"What are your plans?" Rilke asked in surprise.

"It's very simple, just like we decided at the beginning, when this agreement is signed, Wang An will be reorganized as a whole," Guo Shouyun closed the document and said without hesitation, "It will be divided into two parts as a whole, all the hardware involved. The research equipment and personnel of the research were all transferred to the Far East, and the United States only retained the software research department." "You mean to divide the entire Wang An into two parts: soft and hard, and the hardware part is set up in the Far East, while the The software part remains in the US?" Rilke asked.

"Yes, that's it," Guo Shouyun said with a nod. "After the split, use a week to increase the share of hardware shells left in the United States, and then sell them. Whoever wants those broken things, I will not interested."

But commercial fraud," Rilke said with a wry smile, "Aren't you afraid that the US Department of Commerce will trouble us? "

"Afraid, why not, I'm scared to death," Guo Shouyun sneered. He fiddled with the folder in his hand and said casually, "But I'm afraid that the Department of Commerce won't come to trouble me, because then I'll have no excuse to hand this thing over to Mr. Bush's competitors. Hey, a watergate can bring down Mr. Nixon, I think Mr. Bush doesn't want a so-called business door to appear in his presidency?"

Rilke was sweating profusely, his own boss is really not a thing, the group spent months bargaining with Americans, and finally came up with such a takeover proposal that both parties could accept. As for the signature, he is ready to use this thing to blackmail the Americans. Several negotiators from the U.S. Department of Commerce will know about this matter, and it is estimated that they vomited blood in anger.

But having said that, there is nothing to blame for this matter. Since the US Department of Commerce dares to take this step and blackmail people like Guo Shouyun, they should have the consciousness of being "anti-blackmailed". Everyone is human, and we cannot just allow They blackmail others and don't allow others to blackmail them? Is that still a democratic society?

"Then you mean, we can sign this agreement?" Rilke shook his head and smiled and said.

"Sign, of course," Guo Shouyun said with a wave of his hand, "and sign it as soon as possible, um, I think so, after you go back, be as generous as possible, and I will get you a special lobbying fund later, and the U.S. Department of Commerce will also Well, not to mention the lobbying groups, or even those politicians and congressmen, we can give what they want, and how much they want, as long as they can get what we want, these costs are secondary."

"It is estimated that we will become the largest consumer customer in the global luxury goods industry," Rilke said with a wry smile, "Don't you know, what Louis Vuitton, Rolex, and Tiffany have been eyeing me during this time, I In the four hotels where I stayed in New York and Washington, they all sent special liaisons, and perhaps in their eyes, I was the biggest **** in the world."

"Hehe, old man, it can be seen that the work you have done is not in place," Guo Shouyun said with a smirk, "When you will become the big guy in Bentley's eyes, then our foothold in the United States will be as secure as a mountain. "

"Does Mercedes count?" Rilke reached out and took out a black wallet from his pocket, took out a hard card with white metal patterns, and handed it to Guo Shouyun, smiling.

"Oh?" Looking at the "Mercedes Fortune Card" with the finely drilled Mercedes logo in front of him, Guo Shouyun said stunned, "Does anyone really dare to ask for this?"

"Hey, the crows in the world are always black," Rilke sighed, shoved the card into Guo Shouyun's hand, shook his head and said, "No matter how expensive something is, as long as you dare to give it, someone will dare to accept it, Americans. The power of the United States and the power of our Federation are both human, and they all have the same weaknesses. In the past two months, I have sent out three cars of this thing, and Governor Reinz of New York State is about to leave one. I heard that he My son likes this thing very much. As for the remaining two, I gave them to a Tennessee congressman and a Florida congressman respectively, but these two people are relatively conservative, they don't drive the car, I don't know who gave it ."

"Interesting," Guo Shouyun slapped his knees and smiled, "They dare to ask for millions of things, aren't they afraid of me turning around and throwing dirty water on them?"

"They are already very dirty, no matter how dirty the dirty water is splashed on them, it can only be regarded as a bath for them." Rilke said with a sigh.

"Ok, I see," Guo Shouyun snapped his fingers and said in a relaxed tone, "These things don't matter to us, money, what we have is that I can support hundreds of thousands of people in the Far East Military Region, and I can support them. Can afford the big corrupt officials in more than 50 states in the United States. For us, this is pig raising. If we want to make more money, we can’t cut corners on the feed. Well, the better the choice of materials, the fatter these pig heads can be. When they're so fat they can't walk, it's time for us to cut. Hehe, I've even heard the screams of these pig heads when they're dying."

"Thank you for thinking of such a metaphor," Rilke laughed.

"Very appropriate," shrugged, Guo Shouyun smiled.

"Okay, just raise pigs," Rilke stood up, slapped Guo Shouyun's shoulder hard, and said, "Then I'll go back today and continue to look after our piglets. As for you... ...Shouyun, I'll leave Feilna's affairs to you. For the sake of this lonely old man, I'll try to keep some sympathy for her as much as possible."

"Don't worry," Guo Shouyun stood up, held the old man's wrinkled hands, and said earnestly, "For me, Ferna is just like Dongting, they are my sisters, I will take care of them."

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