Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 466: denounced

"Mr. Guo," almost following Firna, the two bodyguards rushed in nervously with one hand in their arms. Whole book\novel\web

The entire conference room fell into dead silence again. Dozens of department managers cast their gazes on Guo Shouyun's face. They were really worried about Ferna's fate. You must know that on the ground in the Far East, except for Mrs. Nina Besides, no one dares to call the name "Guo Shouyun" directly.

"If you are worried that someone will use some despicable means to take your performance opportunity, I can give you a guarantee today," Guo Shouyun continued to say to Autov with a calm expression, ignoring Ferna who was standing in front of the door. In my group, such a situation is never allowed to occur, otherwise, no matter who it is, I will not let him go, do you all hear clearly?"

"Yes, sir, we heard clearly." The managers replied at the same time.

"Guo Shouyun, listen to what I have to say..." Seeing Guo Shouyun, who was ignoring her, Firna, who had fallen into a state of rampage, shouted hoarsely.

"Shut up!" A loud shout interrupted the unreasonable woman, Guo Shouyun said with murderous expression, "If you don't want to be thrown directly from the window, just roll aside and stand, you should know what I am. Such a person! I don't have time to deal with you right now!"

She was startled by Guo Shouyun's murderous words, and at the same time she felt the large hand of the bodyguard behind her reaching towards her shoulder, Firna subconsciously glanced at the windows in the conference room----this is the eleventh floor, if If you fall out of the window from here, you almost don't have to think about the consequences. What's worse, the guy sitting next to the conference table can definitely do it. As long as he speaks, the two bodyguards at the door will definitely Will throw her out the window without hesitation.

After considering the pros and cons of that kind of "free fall". Filna wisely chose to shut up.

"Okay, let's start today's meeting first, I still have some personal matters to deal with. ^^^^" After quelling the crazy Feilna, Guo Shouyun turned his head and said to the many managers present. They waved their hands and said, "If nothing else, you all go out. We'll move on to the next question at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"Yes, sir." Guo Shouyun's remarks made many managers at the venue feel like they were receiving amnesty. They got up one after another, said some boring polite remarks, and then quickly left the gunpowder-smelling conference room.

"You guys go out too, Miss Ferna and I have something to talk about in private," Guo Shouyun looked tired. After the managers left, he waved to the two bodyguards who looked uneasy and said, "Don't worry, Miss Ferna's sanity should be very clear, she knows what she is doing, you don't have to worry about my safety."

"Yes, sir, we are just outside the door, you can call us in at any time." The two bodyguards are Guo Shouyun's cronies. They took out their pistols from their pockets, and "clicked" the bolt, then glanced at Firna expressionlessly, and exited the door one after the other.

"Sit down," Guo Shouyun first lit a cigarette for himself after seeing the figures of the two bodyguards disappearing from the door, and then pointed to the vice-president's seat across the table, and said to Ferna. "If you have something to say, let's sit down and talk. I'd really like to hear it. How did I hurt you?"

"Don't dare. In front of Mr. Guo, where is my seat," Ferna seemed to have regained her composure, she reached out her hand and lifted her head scattered on her forehead, and said indifferently.

"Then you can stand and say it," Guo Shouyun shrugged, smiled lightly, and said casually, "I'm not tired anyway."

"Tell me honestly, what exactly did I offend you, why did you use such despicable and cruel means to deal with me?" Going straight to Guo Shouyun, Ferna kicked away the chair in front of her and shouted loudly. questioned. ^^

"Well, two interrogative words, can I regard this as two questions?" Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, flicking the cigarette in his hand.

"Whatever you want!" Philna gritted her teeth, almost popping out such a sentence from between her teeth.

"Okay, I'll be a good teacher today and answer your questions one by one," Guo Shouyun raised his face and said calmly, "The first question, you ask me, what did you offend me? I can give you a very clear answer. You have been offending me from the beginning to the end. Maybe you don’t know it yet. If you didn’t look at the old man on the ground, just because you just broke into the conference room, I would definitely not It will let you walk out of here alive. Also, in front of the staff of the firm, you call me by my name regardless of your identity, just because of this, you would have died many times without me speaking. who do you think you are Allowing you to stand here and continue talking to me has already given you a great face, such a stupid question, what reason do you have to ask me?"

Erna gritted her teeth.

"Second question," Guo Shouyun continued without waiting for the woman to speak, "you ask me why I used such despicable and cruel means to deal with you, to which I can also give you a very clear answer, I will deal with you now. It is far from being despicable and cruel, otherwise, those containers will not be smuggled by a few North Koreans, but you, you, a greedy and greedy woman. As for the freighter The dock that is moored cannot be Vladivostok, but Thailand, the Netherlands, or somewhere in Africa, and I will let you fully understand in the second half of your life what duty you should abide by as a woman!"

"What reason do you have to say that I eat inside and out?" Philna's face turned pale, she bit her lower lip and hissed, "I'm just getting my share back."

"Ha, the one you deserve," Guo Shouyun laughed instead of anger, leaning on the back of his chair, he said with a smile, "My Miss Philna, please tell me clearly that in the Guo Group How much do you deserve? Ten million, twenty million, or, one billion, two billion?"

"That can't be measured by money," Philna said resentfully, "With your memory, you should know what the Guo Group was like a year ago. At that time, the Guo Group was only related to my father's company. The scale is quite the same, you have annexed it with despicable tricks. And for more than a year, you have been engaged in ** in the Guo Group, holding all the power of the group, more than 90% of the shares, and all the personnel. Appointment rights, all contracts with capital exceeding 10 million yuan, you have to intervene, even in all departments of all companies, you must install ears and eyes to monitor all of us. You have covered the entire Far East with assets exceeding tens of billions of dollars. The Guo Group of the company has become his own private property, and I, my father, and even Shouyun have all become stinky employees who work for you.

"It's not fair, it's obviously not fair," Guo Shouyun was not angry, he took a deep breath, and said in a calm tone amid the smoke, "But I have to tell you that it is precisely because of this injustice that Mr. Guo Only then can the group get to where it is today, only then can it grow and grow, only then can your father have the opportunity to show his strengths, and only then can you wear those fashions that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to your heart's content, including me, the few decisions made by the group. , in order to live in peace, without looking at other people's faces, without worrying about precarious situations, you will have the opportunity to commandeer in front of the governors, parliamentarians, and people's representatives of the Far East. Do you want fairness? Well, I will give you fairness, and my position will be changed. Let me do it for you, I ask you, honestly, when that day really appears, are you sure you can continue to survive with the Guo Group? You have the ability to make those generals and governors bow down in front of you Til? Are you capable of dealing with intrigues from Moscow, from China, from the United States, etc.? When Berezovsky and the others sit in front of you, especially when they stare and put pressure on you Do you still have the courage to speak up? Do you still have the courage to fight for your own interests in front of them?"

No matter how unreasonable Erna made trouble, she knew that she couldn't do what Guo Shouyun said, but out of her poor self-esteem, she still insisted, "I can adapt slowly, everyone's talents are not born. , you didn't give me such a chance, how do I know if I can do it?!"

"Haha, this is really a great joke," Guo Shouyun said with a casual smile, "I believe this joke is what every enemy of the Guo Group wants to see, because they know that in the process of learning slowly, They will have plenty of time to carve up the entire Guo family, and when you learn everything, you will be very fortunate to find that at least your talent can be used to choose a very good cemetery."

"You!" Philna was almost ashamed of being ridiculed. She twitched her lips and pointed at Guo Shouyun. For a long time, "you" did not come out of a doorway.

"Do you know why I don't like you all the time?" Ignoring the woman's reaction, Guo Shouyun continued, "To tell you the truth, since the second time I saw you, I have seen your bones. You are jealous, conceited, short-sighted, self-righteous, greedy for the small and lose the big, etc. You have almost all of these shortcomings, but at that time I still thought that you had an advantage, that is, you are very smart and very ladylike. But Today, I found that I was wrong, you don't have these virtues at all, you are stupid, ridiculously stupid, amazingly stupid, eye-opening, I can't even imagine that there are people in the world that are as stupid as you are Man, when God made you, he obviously didn't take one of your ribs, but unfortunately chose your brain..."

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