Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 463: The right to be deceived

?All politicians are thoughtful and cunning wolves. Who would treat any of them as a fool, even if they are not far from death, and in Guo Shouyun's eyes, Hasbulatov Obviously it was the person who was not far from death. He regarded the cunning and cunning Ye Shi as a fool, and recklessly planned to instigate this conspiracy that was enough to plunge the entire Federation into chaos. The Ye in the middle won more alliances. /w\\ And Mr. Ye left Moscow to go on vacation at a critical moment. The purpose was to create time and confidence for Hasbulatov to instigate this conspiracy, to take the bait and create opportunities for his own defeat.

Now, to a certain extent, Ye's plan has succeeded. On the night of Guo Shouyun's connection with Leningrad, he felt the serious problems of Viktor, Sobchak and others and Ye who was still on the farm in his hometown. Shi got in touch and initially revealed to him the intention to unite the forces. Ye, who passed the preliminary test of the adventure, took the opportunity to make a request. He hoped to obtain the support of the main federal military region "at least in name", because "only after mastering the effective and strong support," he has been a nominal leader for a long time. Only the president can "make the most powerful counterattack to the unpredictable".

Obviously, he is standing in a passive position, but he still needs to use this subtle passive position to save more benefits. This is the biggest manifestation of the cunning of politicians.

Regarding Ye's unreasonable request, Victor said at the moment that "it can be considered in principle". In the next two days, he will try his best to make the Far East Military District, the largest and most powerful Federation in the Federation, and the Leningrad Military District in the North make a "symbolic" statement to support the Kremlin "in name" the core of power. Support the current president's reform and constitutional stance. Victor's promise like this means to clearly tell Ye Shi that Guo Shouyun and Guo's group in the Far East are in the camp of Leningrad, and he can influence Guo Shouyun's decision-making to a large extent, and even guide him. Guo's political stance. ^^

Of course, Victor's statement is not true. He does have a certain influence on Guo Shouyun. But he also knows that it is impossible for the little fox to listen to him in every step of the decision. That guy has his own mind and his own ideas. If his interests cannot be maximized, the little fox's big tail will not be smooth. , he will not listen.

As the "old fritters" guessed, Guo Shouyun did not accept the question of whether the Far East Military Region should make a symbolic statement. The first question he asked back was: "Why?" Originally, hundreds of thousands of people in the Far East Military Region have been eating and using Guo's for a long time in the past. under the influence of the Group. Now, just because of Ye's words, these hundreds of thousands of people are about to make a public statement to support the dead old man in Moscow who has repeatedly undermined the Guo group - although it is only a nominal statement, But this doesn't seem to be too much to say, right?

"Because this is the need of interests," the old man gave such a reason in the face of the little fox's strengths.

Now the delicate situation in Moscow has revealed a problem. The Kremlin, the symbol of the central power of the federal government, has already stood in a weak position. Hasbulatov has seized the biggest drawback since Ye’s administration. Ma Qiuxin’s resignation shows that the Ye’s group is facing this pressure. when. It has already begun to shake. If there is no strong foreign aid at this time, this precarious Kremlin power system is likely to collapse in a short time. In this case, due to the need for balance of power, Guo Shi must stand in the same trench with Ye Shi even for his own interests. ==== Mr. Guo must not watch Ye's group completely collapse---- Mr. Ye understands this. Victor and the others understand this, and Guo Shouyun must also understand this.

At the same time. Cooperating with the Ye clan at a critical juncture is also of great help to the Guo clan's short-term interests. After all, no matter how weak the Ye clan's strength is, no matter how difficult the situation they are in, this old man is still the president of the Federation. This country is still managed by him in name. In cooperation with the supreme ruler of a weak country, powerful local forces can often get more cheap.

When working for Guo Shouyun, Victor even told the little fox that as long as this cooperation intention can be achieved, Ye's will create opportunities for Guo's group to a greater extent. In mid-July, at Ye's After the "vacation" is over, the Kremlin will invite Guo Shouyun to Moscow to participate in the financial work conference in the second half of the year, and let him, as a federal industrialist, make "some reasonable suggestions" to the White House economic work decision-makers, and these reasonable The proposal will become a key issue in the national economic work in the second half of the year. At the same time, the proposal put forward by the presidents of several commercial banks in Moscow: the proposal that commercial banks should replace foreign trade banks to transfer foreign exchange and collect import taxes on behalf of them may also be tried out in the next year, and the Far East, where the Guo Group is located, will become this The pilot area of ​​the policy, of course, in order to obtain this pilot authority, in addition to explicitly supporting Ye, the Guo Group must also provide the White House with a state loan of no less than three billion US dollars.

It's not just Hasbulatov who has gone mad. The world has gone mad, and it also includes the Ye Group, which is eager to save the defeat. This is the first thing that flashed in Guo Shouyun's mind after receiving Victor's promise. a thought.

Although there have been some unexpected changes in the current situation, the entire historical process is still running on the track that he knows. In order to consolidate his dominance, the Ye family handed over the import and export tariff collection power of the Russian Federation to The fact of the oligarchic bank has not changed in the end, which also shows that the history of several oligarchs controlling the entire federal political and economic power will repeat itself.

Import and export tax, that is a tariff, this right has always been regarded as a symbol of a country's sovereignty and independence. In China's thousands of years of foreign exchanges, except for the late Qing Dynasty, this right has never been Leaving the sight of the central government, and now, in order to consolidate power and obtain sufficient loans from several giants, the power of the Kremlin has easily surrendered this power. Although he has coveted this right for a long time in his heart, at this time, Guo Shouyun had to sigh with emotion: these politicians who are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality and talk about the righteousness of the country all day are really shameless, and hundreds of millions of Russians put their hands in their hands. It is very sad that the votes for these people are also extremely sad. If people like these were put into the era of the former Soviet Union, the KGB, which holds the "death penalty", would have invited them to the bureau for "drinking tea" long ago.

"The addiction to money is a deep gully, and if one loses rational control over this deep gully, a person will sell his ** or even his soul. In contrast, the ** to power is a deeper gully, The scary thing is that in the face of its temptation, very few politicians can maintain rational control over this deep gorge, and when all rationality is lost, these politicians have already sold themselves for nothing, and they will turn their eyes away , betray others, betray hundreds of millions of citizens, betray the entire country." In his private note, Guo Shouyun wrote down such a paragraph.

It's very interesting to say. Every time he opens this notebook, Guo Shouyun has a very strange feeling in his heart. Between the lines of this notebook, he feels that he is very detached. Facing these top-secret records, he feels that he is not at all. Like a character in this era, at least not participating in these events, in contrast, he is more like a bystander. In it, he watched the faces that were once unfamiliar gradually become familiar, and watched the people whose faces were kind and dignified, gradually deteriorated under various temptations, and finally became hideous and vicious; In it, he could see how despicable, ugly, and filthy fellows who were righteous and upright in front of others were in their bones; also in it, he could also see how the history of the entire federation has changed since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Step by step in various power struggles, step by step towards a new day.

"Hasbulatov, First Vice-President of the Supreme Soviet of Russia, Chairman of the People's Congress, as a representative political figure at the beginning of the federal state, the No. 1 opposition representative of the Kremlin regime, his political life in 1990 July 1992 has come to an end and he has made a mistake that a wise politician must never make - trying to debunk the biggest economic deception from the very heart of state power, a deception against hundreds of millions of Russians. His plan violated the bottom line of all power-sharing interests in Moscow. He lost his mind and forgot that as a politician who came to power after the coup, the main goal of all politicians like him is not to build the country, not to achieve the so-called The grand goal of the democratic system, but to maintain the deception they have vigorously promoted. Of course, from another point of view, this is also an attempt to deprive all Russians of their last rights - deceived Deprivation... The big figures in Moscow all have a creed: the citizens can be deprived of everything, the property rights can be deprived, the right to live can be deprived, the right of speech can be deprived, the right to know the truth can be deprived, but only this right to be deceived can be deprived It cannot be taken away, any black hand who tries to reach out to this great power will be cut to the ground mercilessly." Guo Shouyun wrote on the last page of his notes in July.

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