Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 464: who plays who

"The leadership of the previous central government was overthrown under the banner of popular opinion, and today's Kremlin, without the support of a majority, has become a downright weak government, facing a relatively strong opposition. One after another attack, they seem powerless." An editorial published in the "Red Star" in front of him made Guo Shouyun very interested, "The democratic program of the year instigated public opinion, incited a large-scale impatience, and made all Russians They lost patience with the so-called reform plan of the former Soviet government, and now, the bitter drink has been put in front of the democratic program. They may not have realized that since the people were impatient with the reform measures of the Bolshevik Party, they would not be happy with them today. The democratic reform of the Russian Federation will also not have too much patience. The most frightening thing is that the actual economic data shows that after nearly a year of economic reform, the economic level of the Russian Federation is in a sharp decline. Since 1945, the country has The gains in economic construction are being lost in large chunks, and there is ample evidence that after a year of privatization reforms, the federal economy has retreated twenty to twenty-five years, and now this data It is still increasing steadily. As the decision-makers of the White House said, the reform process of a democratic society is undoubtedly painful. In order to establish a real democratic system, our country and people have to endure the pain and pay a relatively heavy sum of money. The price. But now we have obviously come to a moment where we must reflect: How long will this pain last? Is this price too heavy? Where exactly is the bottom line of Russian patience? Do we need to look at this Continue on the road of less than a little light? Is there a chance to rebuild the once unbreakable alliance - perhaps, it is time for us to talk less and listen more, from the deepest part of the Russian Federation The groans of pain tell us that a strong and centralized central government is the only way out we can see."

After reading this not lengthy editorial in one breath, I looked at the signature of the newspaper: "Seryova". ::Tang:: After thinking about it with his head down, Guo Shouyun remembered it. This little-known name seems to be one of the pseudonyms of Hornikova's demon fox.

"Haha, when did this woman become a radical leftist political commentator again." Putting the newspaper on the desk in front of him, Guo Shouyun rubbed his forehead and sneered.

"Sir, have you forgotten the word "change one's body"?" Standing opposite Guo Shouyun, Polaninov shook his head and said expressionlessly, "As long as there is a need, anyone can do this, a ferocious villain. A customer can be transformed into a loyal and long-term charitable man, a rich man can also be transformed into a miserable beggar. That die-hard rightist can naturally be transformed into a generous and radical leftist leader.”

"Hehe, the question is, what is Khornikova's transformation? What does she want to lead?" Guo Shouyun said with a slight smile, "She chose it at such a time. On the surface of such an editorial, it seems that It was for our trip to Moscow, but in fact, it was planned to take a hitchhiker. Well, this woman, her ambitions are becoming more and more difficult for me to see."

"Actually, there is no need for Mr. to see through her ambitions," Polaninov said in a cold tone. "You only need to know that she has ambitions, in my opinion. This is already the best reason to deal with her."

"I can see that, my comrade Polaninov, you are very prejudiced against Miss Hornikova." Standing up from the sand, Guo Shouyun picked up the teacup in his hand, put it to his mouth and blew it. He said with a smile, "After all, it's about the personal affairs around me. You never talk too much. But for her, hehe. She is my first exception so far."

"Maybe," Polaninov said casually with a shrug, "because in my opinion, she is the only woman who can be appreciated by her husband and at the same time pose a threat to the Guo Group. As your assistant, I am One of her responsibilities is to eliminate all potential threats for you and Guo, and so far, this woman has made me feel a strong contradiction between responsibilities and constraints."

"Well, it's a pity that I made you embarrassed when it comes to dealing with this woman," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Of course, I also know that her ambition and cunning methods are a great threat to us. So don't let you touch her, I also have my own considerations. Don't you realize that as Hornikova's ambitions are revealed step by step, she has become more and more inseparable from the strong support of our Guo Group? ? Well, while taking a little bit of political capital from us, her ambitions are gradually turning her into a... slave of our Guo Group. A few months ago, if we gave up on her Support, at most, she will lose an opportunity to show, and lose a large amount of wealth that may be obtained, and now, if we give up support for her, do you think she has a chance to continue to survive? Hehe, I think if there is In that one day, I'm afraid we won't wait for us to take action, and she will have become the first appetizer at a certain party's revenge feast."

Polaninov frowned slightly and made a thoughtful expression. It was obvious that he couldn't understand Guo Shouyun's words quickly and thoroughly.

"Hornikova is a woman, um, very smart, and she knows how to use her talent," Guo Shouyun walked to the window, looked at the scenery outside the window, and said with an aftertaste, "I have to admit that as a physiologically normal The man, I have been fascinated by her, to a certain extent, I willingly played the role of a ladder, she stepped on my shoulders and realized her ambition step by step. However, my shoulders are very soft , it is easier to step on it, but it is somewhat difficult to stand on it firmly. And until now, my shrewd mistress may not realize that she is stepping on my shoulders and climbing up In the process, she has buried herself the most hidden danger—she has not found the foundation that truly belongs to her, or, in other words, she has not had the opportunity to find the foundation for herself. Since she wants to stand on my shoulders and climb , I have to decide where to settle down. If I want to cooperate with Hasbulatov, she will move closer to the Congress of Representatives. If I want to cooperate with the Kremlin, she will move closer to the Kremlin. , and unfortunately, our inclinations change frequently, and yesterday's friends are likely to become today's enemies. In this case, our demon fox can indeed make many friends in the step-by-step change of position, weaving Luo has a wide network of relationships, but at the same time, she has also offended more people with us and forged more hatred. Hehe, when I say this, can you understand what I mean?"

"Yes sir, I understand," Polaninov said calmly with a smile on his face.

As Guo Shouyun said, as a woman, Hornikova is indeed very ambitious, and the means used to achieve her goals are also very flexible. She knows how to use her talents to achieve faster success. But when she was on the road to quick success, she obviously forgot one thing, that is, in the field of political power, everything depends on real strength to speak. Of course, fox fake tiger prestige can win her power within a certain period of time. Vanity, but once the "tiger" turns around and leaves, can her demon fox frighten the wolves that are looking around? An economy without a solid foundation is the so-called "bubble economy", and power without a solid foundation is a veritable "bubble politics". Guo Shouyun sees all of this too clearly, so in the game with Hornikova, On the one hand, he enjoys the tenderness of a woman through his acquiescence. On the other hand, through this insidious "acquiescence", he makes this woman fall into the trap she has dug by herself. The most terrifying thing is that in During the whole process, Hornikova didn't know anything about it, and she didn't realize that what she had been counting with joy was actually her own money for selling herself.

"As for Hornikova, I'm basically at ease," Guo Shouyun said after a moment of silence while standing in front of the window, "The only thing I've always been worried about is Philna, it took so much effort during this time. , I say nothing to eradicate this threat once and for all."

"Sir, you can rest assured," Polaninov nodded and said, "Now the ship has entered the port, and the news I got today shows that Filna has arrived in Vladivostok, and the goods that have been packaged have been dropped by her. It should have already been taken over. As for the rest, I am afraid that the gentleman can only wait until she can honestly explain all those dirty deeds. "

"Hey, I'm not worried about this plan." Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun said with a sigh, "I'm worried about the future situation of Shoucheng and Rilke. If it wasn't for their relationship, I would have to deal with such a person. How can a woman be so troublesome, a simple finger can kill her. Keep an eye on it for the past two days. When necessary, you can come forward to negotiate with Ferna or something, and let her Go to a show somewhere abroad, and if she agrees, I can consider meeting any of her requests."

"Yes, sir, I understand." Polaninov nodded.

"Also, let's go back and inform General Chiliaomenko, let him contact North Korea, and say that my trip to Pyongyang needs to be postponed," Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said in a dull tone, "As for the specific reasons. Well, there is no need to explain it carefully, I think the North Korean side is not blind or deaf, and they must have known about the changes in Moscow."

"Yes, sir," answered Polaninov.

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