Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 462: inexhaustible

? I want to understand, through an inadvertent opportunity, Guo Shouyun finally wants to understand the conspiracy that Hasbulatov and the others are brewing, and this is obviously an extremely important opportunity for him. , qв5.

To be honest, once a crazy plan like Hasbulatov and the others is implemented, it will be an unprecedented disaster for the entire Russian Federation, but for the Guo Group and several other giants, it is a disaster. A rare opportunity, the heroic group that has risen in chaos naturally likes a more chaotic situation. Only in the environment of blood everywhere can they absorb more nutrients and grow stronger --- I believe this is also Berezuo. The most fundamental reason why they would be involved in this conspiracy.

However, although Guo Shouyun is a ruthless character, he can't be vicious after all. He doesn't like this conspiracy instigated by Hasbulatov and the others, and he doesn't like it very much. Those who have succeeded in death,” and considered from the most fundamental point of view, the excessively chaotic situation in the Russian Federation is not in the interests of the Guo Group. Because of this, he felt that he could not sit idly by at this juncture, especially not to continue to maintain the alliance with Hasbulatov, let alone to watch him continue to mess around.

"I want a lot of things, and my desires are very strong, but you are going to give me so many things that a large part of them are not what I need, Mr. Hasbulatov, and this is what I gave up on you. The reason." Thinking about all the possibilities. Guo Shouyun stood up with the 100-yuan ruble bill in his hand, he hush, turned and smiled at the two women who had been watching him. He said, "You guys should rest early. I seem to be busy again tonight. Well, I have to go to Leningrad for a long time. I won't have to wait for me to sleep for a while."

"What's the matter, are you hiding something from us?" Nina said worriedly, she could see it. The husband's mood tonight is very abnormal, "Are you planning to harm someone again?"

"Hehe, you should believe me," Guo Shouyun first kissed each of the two women's foreheads before laughing, "I didn't mean to harm others this time, on the contrary, this time I It's to save people, and it's to save a lot of people."

"Really?" A hint of suspicion flashed on Nina's face. she asked tentatively.

"Well, really," Guo Shouyun smiled slightly, nodded his head, then turned around like that, and walked out the door.

"Do you believe it? Shana Riva," Nina looked at her husband's figure disappearing from the door, and after a while, she suddenly laughed, turned her head and smiled at Shana Riva beside her.

"The question of whether you believe it or not can be put aside for the time being." Shanariva pursed her lips and said, "But I know that he must have made some important decision in his heart, hehe. You don't know, I like to watch him the most. The appearance after making a decision is silent but there are traces to follow, the demeanor that emerges from every move of the hand and every move is so fascinating, doesn't my sister feel this?"

"I can feel it," Nina was stunned, then smiled bitterly. sighed. "But every time this happens, my heart is very painful. From the day I met him, it has always been like this until now."

Sanariva has no interface, she knows where Nina's pain comes from.

Walking quickly back to his messy study room, Guo Shouyun grabbed the phone without hesitation, but when he dialed the switchboard, he pondered for a while, and finally decided to connect the phone at the house of Secretary Polaninov's house first. .

It was already one o'clock in the morning, and Polaninov had obviously rested a long time ago. After a busy tone that lasted for nearly a minute, a woman's soft voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xie Na, disturbing your good dream," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, listening to the confused voice of the woman on the phone.

"Ah, Mr. Guo, wait a moment," "Xie Na" is Polaninov's wife, this woman who also came from the KGB can naturally hear Guo Shouyun's voice. Husband sleeping next to him.

"Sir, you" soon, Polaninov's voice appeared on the phone, his tone remained as calm as ever.

"My Mr. Polaninov, I'm afraid you will lose your right to rest tonight," Guo Shouyun stretched out his legs and kicked a porcelain teacup beside his feet with a microphone in his hand, smiling, "I have something very important to do. You need to do it right away. But you can rest assured that there are many people who lost the right to rest like you tonight, including myself."

"I'd love to serve you," Polaninov replied.

"You immediately contact Moscow for me, tell our people's representatives, and let them formulate a strong enough opposition plan overnight. Well, I don't care about the specific content of the plan, but it must achieve a purpose, that is, to make all Everyone can see that we and Hasbulatov are not on the same front, but are political opponents," Guo Shouyun said. You can target his comrades, you can even attack him personally, in a word, by noon tomorrow, I want all the forces in Moscow to see the signs of our rebellion against Hasbulatov.”

"Yes, sir, I'll do it in a while." Although his heart was full of doubts, Polaninov didn't ask half why, he said calmly.

"The second thing," Guo Shouyun continued, "you prepared a commercial bank announcement for me overnight. The specific content is that from tomorrow, the savings interest rate of Far East Commercial Bank will be increased by 2% on the original basis. Specifically You can figure out the reason for that, anyway, I just want to raise the interest rate on savings.”

"Yes, I will send the manuscript to you tomorrow morning," Polaninov said.

"Okay, that's all. Apologize to Xie Na for me. I'm interrupting her rest." Finally, Guo Shouyun pressed the hang up button with one hand.

"I'm Guo Shouyun, connect me to the Leningrad group line," let go, Guo Shouyun connected to the switchboard again.

In order to maintain close and safe contact with Viktor in Leningrad, Guo Shouyun arranged an encrypted dedicated line at Khabarovsk Telephone Office. This dedicated line is in charge of special personnel. Every time he talks to Viktor, he uses this line. line.

"What's the matter?" The call was quickly connected, and the elderly Viktor slept very little, and there was a few hours of time difference between Moscow and the Far East, and the old man would never fall asleep so early.

"Father, this time is a little troublesome," Guo Shouyun leaned on the desk and said in a relaxed tone after switching the microphone to another hand, "I considered a few news just now, and the only conclusion I finally came to was. that is"

Having said that, Guo Shouyun stopped and lit a cigarette for himself leisurely.

"What is it?" Victor waited on the phone for nearly a minute, but he didn't wait for the next text, so he couldn't help laughing, "Why, still want to **** with me?"

"Hey, it's rare to have such an opportunity," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "you never thought about something, but I thought of it first. This sense of achievement really makes me feel comfortable, um, and it's very comfortable, I I think it's time to pop champagne to celebrate."

"You can open the champagne to celebrate, but before that, you'd better be able to say what you think. If the problem is serious, we can save everything now if we hurry up." Guo Shouyun's tone was relaxed, Victor's tone But he seemed serious, and the old man was cunning like a ghost. He knew that the more relaxed his son-in-law's tone was, the more serious the situation would be. Otherwise, he would not have called Leningrad overnight.

"To be honest, I suspect Hasbulatov has been driven insane by the powers. He is going to find a way that suits him best between the two options of death or going to a lunatic asylum." Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"What did you think of?" Victor asked.

"If I'm not mistaken," Guo Shouyun said in a deep voice, "he is going to play tricks on the currency reform, and getting rid of Ma Qiuxin and attacking Fyodorov is the first step in their entire operation. The currency reform, Hey, currency reform, you should know what it means to launch currency reform at this time."

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. Victor was an old fritter, and it was impossible for Guo Shouyun to think of the disaster.

"Go, ask Mr. Sobchak to come to me right away," Guo Shouyun vaguely heard Victor say this from the phone after nearly a minute.

"Stinky boy, you finally did something that I am proud of you this time, and this is enough to prove that I am not wrong about you," Victor's voice sounded on the phone again, he used a serious but praise-filled tone said.

"Hey, are you praising me a little too early?" Guo Shouyun inevitably felt a little airy, he laughed, "Aren't you afraid that I will stand on the side of the lunatic? After all, that is in my best interest. choose."

"Hehe, if you want to choose that path, will you tell me this guess overnight? If I guessed right, you probably already arranged for those puppet representatives to sing opposite Hasbulatov before, right?" Despite such a dangerous turn of events, Victor's tone was relaxed, he laughed over the phone.

"There's no way," Guo Shouyun shrugged and smiled, "it's easy to steal money from a lunatic's pocket, but it's a bit stupid to follow him around. Hehe, I'm afraid that others will be locked up as the same lunatic."

"Well, keep in touch in the next two days, and I may arrange some things for you to do. You must believe that the choice you make today is wise, and this wise choice may make you use it for life. "Victor said one last sentence, ignoring Guo Shouyun's reaction, and hung up the phone.

"This old thing is still so rude." Looking at the phone in his hand, Guo Shouyun shrugged and muttered.

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