Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 461: Break through

?Since he came to this world, Guo Shouyun has been dealing with rubles. The rubles that have flowed from his hands have been unknown so far, but it is very interesting to let him sit here and talk about them one by one. It seems a little difficult to come up with a print color sample for each ruble. As sociologists say, people tend to have a very slow response to what is common around them. \\. qв5, c0m

After hours of intense thinking, Guo Shouyun's brain can be said to be in a state of extreme excitement. Some situations that are usually not easy to notice can be clearly projected into his consciousness at this time. The hundred-dollar ruble note in his hand is one of them. Similarly, it was only at this time that he realized that there was a big problem in making the ruble he liked - Lenin's head portrait? Did you see Lenin's head on the ruble print you saw in your previous life? No, obviously not. At that time, the 100-yuan rubles were printed with the Russian tricolor flag. Lenin and the idea of ​​worker-peasantism he advocated have been completely rejected by the democrats after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Based on this current situation, we can start a scattered speculation: the change of the ruble printing style obviously means the banning of the old ruble and the birth of the new ruble, so when did the Central Bank of Russia launch the new ruble currency? In the context of political instability and social unrest, can the new ruble go smoothly? If it doesn't go well, what happened in the meantime? Also, in the situation where the ruble continues to depreciate. When the Federal Central Bank launches the new ruble, it will have the most direct impact on the interests of the new ruble in the process of changing the old and the new, and so on. Questions like this flooded into Guo Shouyun's mind like running water in an instant.

"What's the matter with you, dear?" Seeing her husband squatting on the ground and staring at the ordinary ruble blankly, Shanariva and Nina exchanged puzzled looks, and then asked cautiously. == "It's nothing, don't worry about me, I have some issues to consider." Guo Shouyun raised his palms. He made a gesture of silence, and continued to ponder the flash of light in his mind.

In Guo Shouyun's memory of his previous life, between 1992 and 1993, the Yeltsin government in Russia faced the continuous depreciation storm of the ruble and the high fiscal deficit for two consecutive years. The promulgation of the new ruble policy led to a series of catastrophic consequences at the time. In addition to a series of **** conflicts involving the explosion of science and technology, there were even military rebellions in some parts of the federation. These issues come together to have the most immediate and deepest impact on the authority of the Kremlin. From the middle of 1992 to the end of 1993, Yeltsin's personal prestige continued to decline, but the government's opposition, including the Congress of Representatives, increased greatly, which eventually led to the bombardment of the White House and the president's ordering the army to forcibly disperse the parliament. Appear.

Because the fraudulent industry in his previous life was concentrated in the economic field, Guo Shouyun was quite familiar with Russia's new currency reform plan at that time. In his impression, the Russian Central Bank, in accordance with the Kremlin's decision, very abruptly acted with federal The distinctive new currency of rupee, at the same time, also has strong regulations. All residents of the Federation must go to the bank to exchange old currency for new currency within two weeks, and when the two weeks have passed, all old rubles will be discarded. In his previous life, Guo Shouyun was the only one who knew about this policy. It is the Russian president who is crazy poor. In order to solve his financial difficulties, he uses this method of almost direct plunder, intending to wipe out the savings of the Russians.

But now it seems that Guo Shouyun feels that his views in his previous life are too simplistic. There are many political factors that he has not considered at all, and it can be seen from this. At that time, I was too simple and too naive.

no doubt. Ye Shi was too early to seize power in the Soviet Union, and his forbearance skills were not in place. This caused him endless trouble.

Guo Shouyun thought about it carefully, and because of the fact that he started too early, the Ye family is now facing countless troubles: local power is separated from the central core; opposition in the federal political arena is everywhere; the problem of the survival of the Bolshevik Party cannot be effectively solved; a large number of original The so-called "democrats" attached to Ye's clique turned left collectively; the country's economy was in chaos, and people's lives were miserable, etc. Among these issues, one of the most important and most thorny troubles is the issue of the reformulation of the national constitution. With the unstable foundation of the Ye family, he had to touch this issue prematurely, and a series of derivative crises were triggered by this. , is more than enough to make a fuss.

At present, Hasbulatov and others, who are in control of the congress, are on the one hand fighting with the Kremlin on the issue of constitution-making. , opening up a "second battlefield" on the issue of economic life, and in these potential second battlefields, the operation of the new ruble currency is obviously an extremely important aspect - since the Soviet Union has disintegrated, the Bolshevik Party is also to a certain extent. The Russian Federation has withdrawn from the political life of the country, so what reason does the Russian Federation have to continue to use the currency with strong "revolutionary symbols" in the former Soviet Union? From this perspective, currency reform is really necessary.

For any country, the reform and exercise of currency rights belong to the central bank. As the country's macro-control bank, the central bank will conduct a comprehensive and specific analysis of the feasibility of the "commodity reform" plan. The results of the analysis are used to develop a detailed and reliable implementation plan.

At this stage, due to political instability, serious national fiscal deficit, the society under the pressure of inflation, the continuous devaluation of the ruble, and the actual control of the national economy by a small group of oligarchs, the federation can be said to have no currency reform at all. The best conditions --- To give the simplest example, if the new ruble policy is introduced, then according to the reality of international currency exchanges, the domestic market value of the new ruble cannot be linked to the international market value at all. Previously, in order to ensure the stability of the domestic situation, in the face of the continuous decline of the ruble exchange rate, the federation was equivalent to continuing to subsidize funds to the domestic market, so that Russians could still maintain the lowest wage level of several hundred rubles per month. The standard of living, so the crisis in which the ruble depreciated nearly 250 times in one year has been shown in the federation, but it has not been shown thoroughly enough and not enough. Once the currency reform policy is truly implemented, the central bank needs to work **** the face value exchange in order to ensure the balance of international payments and ensure that it will not cause trouble in international debt. It must pass this work, accurately and accurately. Specifically reflect the ruble decline data. So what is the end result of doing this? There is no doubt that there will be a terrible phenomenon when exchanging old and new coins: a new ruble currency with a face value of one yuan is directly exchanged for the old ruble currency with a face value of 250 yuan, and a new ruble currency with a face value of 100 yuan. Fifteen thousand dollars in old ruble currency. The economic contradictions and national crises that were forcibly hidden by the federal government will be completely exposed in the face of exchange data.

For a government and a country, such exchange data will be a complete disaster: although the old ruble has depreciated, but hundreds of thousands of savings are placed there, and the monthly salary of several hundred yuan is obtained, it can still be used for ordinary people. People bring a kind of psychological comfort, although this comfort is in the true sense of hiding one's ears. And once the new currency reform is implemented, for ordinary Russian people, this last bit of psychological comfort will disappear, and they will have to enjoy an unprecedented reality of "high savings" and "high wages". After working hard for a lifetime, the bank deposit is only 10,000 yuan, or even a few thousand yuan. After working hard for a month, I can only receive a salary of four or five yuan at the end of the month... Could this be democracy? benefit? Could it be that this is the so-called happy life brought to them by the Yeh government, which has been in power for less than two years?

Someone must stand up for this disaster, and the Kremlin must pay for this "crime". There is no doubt that this is what Hasbulatov and others want to see. In this way, they will The Ye clan that blocked their path of power was settled at once. In order to achieve this goal, they can say that they can't care about anything, even the future and destiny of the country.

After understanding these problems, Guo Shouyun felt that he was really cold from the bottom of his heart, and he could even imagine that once this measure was actually enacted according to the formal model, the blood flowed into rivers in the entire Russian Federation---- Hasbulatov and these people are crazy. They found a trump card against Ye, but they also found the strongest hanging rope for themselves. Didn't they think about the disastrous consequences? Once they appear, how will this mess end even if they have seized the power they have been looking forward to for a long time? In the face of this crazy move, will those insightful people who hold power in their hands in Moscow, such as Victor and the others, still stand on the sidelines as before?

Turning to think about it again, Guo Shouyun also considered that in his previous life, Ye's bombarded the White House and forcibly disbanded the representative meeting. The whole operation received the full support of the military. Is allegiance, in its entirety, a mere constitutional question? And the reason why the new ruble currency that was popular at the time changed the soup but not the medicine, was it because the Hasbulatov group was completely destroyed? However, when Mr. Ye felt this crisis, he ran out of Moscow in the name of a vacation. Did he adopt the strategy of retreating to advance and plan to completely bury the Hasbulatov Group in the mire?

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