Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 458: play

The old man in Guo Shouyun's mind is naturally the wily Victor who knows almost everything about the conspiracy of the power circle. Guo Shouyun has always had a kind of almost worshipping trust in his old father-in-law's incompetence. Like the young man in his previous life said, "Ask Baidu if you are indecisive." In this Russia, he is "Ask your father-in-law if you are indecisive." . qb5.

Guo's Manor, located on the southern outskirts of Khabarovsk, is as quiet as ever. Looking from afar in the night rain, you can only see one or two lights that occasionally flash from the high tree-shaded wall, but even if it is only this or two ***, it can also make Guo Shouyun who is sitting in the car feel a warm current in his heart. In the dark, he seems to smell a faint fragrance of home-cooked food. Washington is modern and prosperous, Moscow is turbulent and charming, and Beijing is quaint and full of vitality. Compared with these places, Khabarovsk, a Far Eastern city in the "corner of the world" is still a little behind, but Guo Shouyun feels However, for me, the soil that is really suitable for survival also exists in this place. The prosperity of Washington belongs to the powerful and powerful Americans, the beauty of Moscow belongs to the Russians who are not afraid of death, and the vitality of Beijing belongs to the Chinese who roll up their sleeves and prepare to cross the century. gain a foothold. Now, whether Americans, Muscovites, or even Chinese people of the same origin, they are separated from themselves by two layers of skin. When they live comfortably in the Far East, they will smile at themselves, and hear what they hear. If one day loses its roots in the Far East, there will be only one final result: go to the United States, the Americans will kill themselves; go to Moscow, the Russians will send themselves to black jails; go to Beijing...hehe. Waiting for extradition, those "folks" who share the same roots will definitely take their little life as the last bargaining chip in dealing with others, and let "Xiao Guo" shed the last blood for the revolutionary cause.

I still don't know what the **** Hasbulatov and the others are doing, and whether they are instigating any other conspiracy to deal with them. kid. Keeping a calm state of mind at all times is crucial for me. What is there. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes. From the beginning to the present, Guo has not been holding his head and swinging a sledgehammer. Whether those people in Moscow have a conspiracy against him or not, he does not need to overdo it. Worry. Guo's sitting in the Far East is not a big blow. That is a large network of interests woven together. === No matter who it is, as long as he comes in and kicks, he can't go out in a holographic hologram, and the rabbit can even kick the dead eagle in a hurry. Not to mention the bureaucratic group composed of hundreds of officials in the Far East.

When the convoy slowly drove into the main entrance of the manor, Guo Shouyun looked at the figures of soldiers hidden under the raincoats outside the car window, and repeatedly warned himself in his heart that he felt that the breath of conspiracy had disrupted his mind. .

"Didn't you say that the plane arrived at the airport at 5:40? How did you get it back now?" At the door of her villa, Nina, dressed in casual clothes and holding a baby in her arms, waited for an unknown amount of time when she saw the motorcade drive into the parking lot. She stretched her neck and searched for her husband's figure, "Oh. Where's the Cloud Keeper. Why didn't I see him?"

"Hehe, is my sister still afraid that he won't come back?" Standing beside Nina. With her daughter in her arms, Shanariva couldn't help laughing, "Look, that's not it, it's behind Nikita... um, it's covered by an umbrella."

"Ah, I see," Nina apparently also found the target, her nervous expression was relieved, and she said with a sigh. For today's Nina, she is absolutely uneasy when her husband travels far away. Everyone knows that this man has too many enemies, and it is estimated that the number of people who are thinking about killing him all day long is impossible to count, right? For those people, they can live more comfortably only when this man is dead, but for this manor, without this man's existence, it means that the whole sky is falling down. ***As usual, the first to escape from the door was still energetic little Victor. As soon as the little guy saw that kind figure, he turned a blind eye to the pouring rain outside the building. She pulled two The little pink slippers slipped out into the rain curtain, jumped to Guo Shouyun's side, and put his right arm into his wet arms.

"Really, two children, one big and one small." Seeing the little guy and her husband laughing in the heavy rain, the two of them accidentally squatted, Nina couldn't help but grinned, "Victor just Forget it, she's ignorant, so why does Shouyun do the same."

"Hehe, in my opinion, it's not a bad thing," Shanariva turned her head and said with a smile, "If I had to choose, I'd rather Mr. When it comes to him, we don't have to worry about it.****"

"Look at what you said, it's like Shouyun is a vicious god," Nina said with a chuckle, "don't forget, he is the father of your two children."

"Of course I won't forget," Shana Riva subconsciously glanced at the precious daughter in her arms and said casually, "but in a few months, he will become the father of three children."

"What are you talking about, it's such a fun chat?" While the two women were arguing, Guo Shouyun, who was covered in mud, had already walked to the front of the building with little Victor in his arms. Wearing the mud on his body, he smiled and said, "Are you talking about me?"

"Smelly, what do you want to talk about?" Nina took a towel from the servant's hand and wiped off the mud on her forehead for her husband, "Look at you, it's just like this when you got back, Victor If you are crazy, go crazy with her, and you are not afraid of being laughed at."

"Haha, I'm happy," Guo Shouyun reached out and touched Nina's face, adding "paint" to her delicate and handsome little face, and then smiled, "How is it, these few days I have When you're not at home, do you miss me?"

"Think, why don't you think about it, I just thought you would never come back," Nina said with a sullen look at her husband. ^^^^

"This is a lie, you are too hypocritical," Guo Shouyun took off his jacket with a loud smile and threw it to the servant next to him, "Don't think I can't see it, hehe, my eyes are bright."

"Okay, you two don't kiss me here, go into the room quickly," Shana Riva was a little overwhelmed, she interrupted, "You are not afraid of the cold, and my baby is afraid, if the child tomorrow I have a cold, let's see how I settle the bill with you."

"Ok, ok," Guo Shouyun was intrigued when he heard Shanariva mentioning the child. When his mind became hot, he planned to go to Nina's arms to carry the child. When he stretched out his hand, he remembered that he was covered I was already soaked, "Hurry into the house, I have to take a bath first, and then have a good relationship with my baby son and baby daughter. Oh, in Beijing these few days, I want to kill my babies. "

"Then you should have come back earlier to save us from worrying about you," Nina said casually after walking into the building door behind her husband, "By the way, how did you go to Beijing this time? In your words , have you achieved any fruitful results?"

"Abundant achievements?" Guo Shouyun kicked off his shoes by the door, and smiled dryly, "You said that the troubles of abundance are closer. It's not that you don't know Sister Hong's current temper, then talk and do things, * **It's farther than I am. The official accent is definitely one set after another. Every time you don't do it, you're dizzy, and she's not finished. Or just say it, this person, you must Don't be an official, as long as you become an official, everything like chicken feathers and arrows will come out and talk to her about business. The left sentence means the above, and the right sentence is the leader's instructions. I listened to one head and two big ones. There's no business at all."

"Nonsense, I don't think Sister Hong is that kind of person," Nina said with a smile, "When she came over some time ago, I chatted with her all morning. I feel that her temper is still so good, and she even treats people with others. It's more modest than before, and it makes people feel very comfortable."

"That's for you, my silly Nina, don't you still understand this question?" Guo Shouyun walked into the living room, not shy of anyone, just took off his wet clothes in three or two hands, half naked. Said, "Do you know what a stakeholder is? Sociologists have discussed it for a long time. The relationship between people, until the last moment of interest is involved, neither party will reveal their true nature. She will whitewash her face so that you can't see the slightest problem. Sister Hong has no direct interest relationship with you, so she is so friendly. As for me, I am different. I am the object of her direct pressure, and the most direct and best target of her exploitation... Anyway, in a word, I will be run on by her now. Mr. Guo, it is estimated that sooner or later, it will become a subsidiary company of Beiyuan, and we all have to be employees for them."

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense, go take a shower," stretched out her hand to push her husband's back and pushed him all the way to the elevator door, Nina laughed angrily, "After washing, hurry down and eat, we'll be waiting for you for more than a minute. hours."

"What nonsense, I'm telling the truth." Standing in the elevator, Guo Shouyun kept shouting to himself. He held the elevator door with one hand and shouted outside, "You eat first, don't wait for me, I'll take a while. I also have to hang a long distance for Leningrad. Oh, and also, in Avrora’s suitcase, there are dim sum I brought back from Beijing, Daoxiang Village, an old brand, you can try it.”

"Got it," with Nina's response, the elevator door closed with a ding, and the smile that Guo Shouyun kept on his face for a few minutes disappeared, and a faint chill appeared in his eyes.

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