Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 457: aiming to seize power

?The long motorcade runs in the rain under the **** of two military vehicles, and the sound insulation effect makes it impossible to hear the roar of the motor in the car.

Guo Shouyun frowned slightly, and sat quietly on the soft and comfortable sand. Those two eyes, which seemed to be quite deep because of their wisdom, were locked tightly on the flashing green audio beacon in front of the car.

Beside the man, Nikita closed her eyes slightly, as if she was asleep, but in fact, not only did she not fall asleep, but she was in good spirits. This woman has been staring at her man all the time. To use a very sincere word, Nikita never thought Guo Shouyun was such a handsome man. Of course, his relatively weak body was clearly not related to being strong. The first half of the relationship, but then again, this is the same man, but there is something that fascinates women, and can even be said to be impulsive, and this place is thinking.

I don't know since when, Nikita became fascinated by Guo Shouyun when he was observing and thinking. In her eyes, the expression on this man's thinking was simply handsome, the slightly frowning brows, the lines that outlined the perfect arc. The folded wrinkles on her lips and forehead, especially those two pairs of dark, deep, faintly glowing eyes, can make her onlooker deeply fascinated. Perhaps it is because of this kind of appreciation. Every time she reports to work, as long as she catches up with Guo Shouyun and is in a good mood, she will pick one, and then let the man guess, and enjoy the "beautiful scenery" she likes to see the most. .

It can also be seen from this aspect that Nikita is by no means a rational woman, at least not a woman with a strong sense of social responsibility. Because her joy was built on the pain of others. After all, every time Guo Shouyun thought about it, it often meant that someone was going to be unlucky.

Guo Shouyun is a person who likes to think. In the course of his life, he spends at least 20% of his time thinking. According to his theory, it is the Buddha who gave him a shrewd mind. If you don't make good use of it, it's really sorry for yourself. From ancient times to the present, almost all people who like to think are big men. Einstein likes to think, so he can formulate a theory of relativity; Newton likes to think, so he can figure out why the apple fell to the ground and did not fly to the moon ; Beethoven also likes to think, so the pieces he composed have spread far and wide. And the great and experienced Guo Shouyun also likes to think. so he. He became the unparalleled liar in the world, a veritable half-knives.

People who are obsessed with thinking have obsessive-compulsive disorder. The more things he can't understand and understand, the more he can't wait to figure it out. Even if he doesn't count the rice grains in his mouth, he will Spit it out and count it again... And today, Guo Shouyun obviously encountered a problem. He couldn't figure out what exactly Hasbulatov and his crew were doing.

Guo Shouyun thought very clearly that he did not regard Hasbulatov's plan this time as a real "conspiracy". On the contrary, in his eyes, this should be "Yang Conspiracy". It should be easy to figure it out, otherwise, how would these guys make deals with the Ye family?

Just imagine, if Fedorov’s position is not important, or if he has no influence on the Kremlin, how could the attack on him by Hasbulatov and others finally force Ye Shi in Chell? Nomerkin and Graschenko's appointment letter signed? If the person's position is not important, then the wisdom of Berezovsky plus Hasbulatov is a group of people. How could such a position be chosen as the most attacking point? Just from these two points. It is easy to take into account that Fedorov's position is not only important. And it is also a key link in some events. Hasbulatov and the others have seen this link, and Ye Shi should have seen it too. So at this time, why can't only you see it? This large group of people is surrounded by "good old man" Fyodorov, what are they going to do?

His IQ is by no means worse than those in Moscow, and his sensitivity to political issues should not be weaker than theirs. That is to say, the two sides have similar thinking foundations. Starting from the normal logical deduction method, starting from the same thinking basis, and analyzing the same problem from the same angle, the results should be similar. And now, if people want to understand things they don't understand, what does that mean? There is no doubt that the angle of thinking about this same problem has been deviated. "Where is the deviation?" Guo Shouyun pondered this question along the way. He finally came to the conclusion that Hasbulatov and the others must have done something secretly, and this "ghost" was detected by the Kremlin. I haven't gotten the news yet.

Some people may feel disdain for Guo Shouyun's entanglement in this issue. After all, it was a war between two factions in Moscow. The Far East and there are 108,000 miles apart. Let them do whatever they want, how can they get angry about it? There is only one word to describe this statement - shortsighted

It is rude to say that when thinking about this issue, Guo Shouyun didn't even think about whether Hasbulatov's conspiracy was related to him, because in his opinion, this matter would definitely involve his own interests. And it's still a huge benefit. There are two basic reasons why he thinks this way: First, Berezovsky and other giants are involved in the whole plan. These old **** are by no means the living Lei Feng of the new era. Why don't they do it? When it comes to getting your hands dirty, you're sure to get some coveted benefits from the whole thing. And based on the competitive relationship between Guo's and Bie's and Gu's, the gain of the other party's interests is equivalent to the loss of one's own interests, and this will not change at any time. Second, Hasbulatov was doing tricks behind his back, and he deliberately concealed his tricks. From the word "hidden" alone, Guo Shouyun felt a strong sense of danger. Don't forget that there is an alliance between Guo and Hasbulatov, and the combination of the two sides has long been fully reflected in the conference of representatives. The Berezovsky Group teamed up to play tricks, and even unknowingly borrowed the political power of the Far East. How can Guo Shouyun feel at ease when all this is piled up?

"Nikita," Guo Shouyun still didn't come up with a clue after a long silence, he broke the silence a little distracted, and said to Nikita, "Besides the ones just now, is there anything else in Moscow these two days? Any unusual move, whatever."

"Oh, in my opinion, there's really nothing worth paying attention to," was taken aback by Guo Shouyun's sudden opening, Nikita Huoran opened her slightly squinted eyes and replied without thinking, "Of course, those There are a lot of useless tidbits, for example... Oh, there are a lot of guests from Moscow these two days, like Bill Stein, who is quite famous in Canada, and he is very happy in Moscow. Also, there is a joke. Lutskoy submitted a large amount of bribery evidence to the Federal Prosecutor's Office. Some people exaggeratedly said that the evidence was large enough for eleven boxes, and the suspects involved were no less than one hundred. People. However, after verification by the Attorney-General's Office, these evidences have no credibility at all, and are completely chasing things. If you come again, there will be no more."

Guo Shouyun felt a little disappointed by Nikita's remarks. The eleven large boxes of criminal evidence were probably just smoke bombs released by Lutskoy. The purpose was nothing more than to cover up the overall plan that he really laid out behind the scenes. This is a politician. The means they often use --- divert their attention and confuse people. As for Bill Stein, Guo Shouyun also knows him. At some point last year, he even attended the same reception with this guy, but he can't remember the exact time now. Of course, Guo Shouyun is still very familiar with the identity of Bill Stein. This guy has a trading company called "West Abike" in Switzerland, specializing in the import and export business of mining and other raw materials. For a long time in the past Over time, he has always had close ties with several giants in Moscow. But in the end, this kid is just a small character through and through. Guo Shouyun is fully confident that he can run over him with just one finger. How big a storm can such a small mosquito cause in Moscow?

"Polaninov," Guo Shouyun turned his eyes and looked at the secretary sitting in front of him, "Is there any news from Moscow recently? Well, it's better not to know. Kind of like gossip or something."

Guo Shouyun said this very vaguely. In fact, what he wanted to listen to was not gossip, but information from the Cheka Club.

"There are not many useful things," Polaninov turned back, he first looked at Nikita, and then hesitantly said, "but Miss Nikita just mentioned Billstein, Mr. Pay attention, this person has some tricks, and he has close ties with clubs in Moscow. I can't tell the specific situation now, because those people in Moscow are also hiding from me, and there is reason to believe that if this is a conspiracy, then move The scale is definitely not small, and I even have a hunch that this is a pre-planned attempt by some people to seize power on a large scale.”

"Premonition?" Guo Shouyun's heart trembled. Now it's not so much that he believed in Polaninov's hunch, but he believed in his own reasoning, which overlapped with the secretary's hunch.

"Looks like it's necessary to contact the old man," Guo Shouyun said helplessly with a sigh of relief when he reached out and tapped the sand armrest twice.

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