Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 459: ginger

"Sometimes the world is actually very fair. When you are calculating others, there will always be a certain pair of eyes quietly staring at your back," said Leningrad, thousands of miles away, when the sky just turned In the dark, in the lounge that once belonged to Comrade Lenin on the second floor of the Smolny Palace, Victor, with a tired face, reclined on an old piece of sand, and said indifferently, "These eyes are full of jealousy, It is full of hatred and breeds evil that you can never imagine. qβ5.c0m If your life is smooth, and all your opponents will be self-defeating and fleeing thousands of miles in front of you, then these eyes will not exist for you Any threat, but from another angle, once there is even the slightest flaw under your feet, these eyes will detect it at the first time, and then it will be followed by a murderous black hand touching your In front of them, they will never leave without tearing you apart."

Opposite Victor, several young people, including Vladimir, stood solemnly. To them, the gloomy old man in front of him was not only an elder, but also an ancestor. Mentors on the Path to Maturity.

"You may not believe that in this world, there are only two and a half people I admire the most," Victor turned to look at the portrait hanging on the opposite wall, and continued aftertaste, "This first person doesn't need to be Having said that, he is Comrade Dzerzhinsky. It is precisely because of his appearance that there are people like us, and the code name Cheka appears. As for the second person I admire. Comrade Ernenko, he has a profound understanding of the concept of national reform, which I can't pursue in my poor life experience. It is safe to say that if he could live longer, our country would never have reached the end of the world. Today's step. Haha, and the half of the person I admire, I think you can guess who it is. He is our democratic pioneer Mr. Yeltsin. His perseverance is beyond the reach of ordinary people. I feel confused. If his perseverance can be maintained to the end, then the situation in Moscow today will not be like this. The reason why I only admire him half is because his forbearance is in the face of the temptation of huge power. Time has run out."

"Sir, have some tea." As a young man who used to serve under Viktor, Ivanov has always been a disciple of the old man, even after he assumed the post of Defense Minister of the Russian Federation as a Confucian general. Not even the slightest change.

"You all sit down," Victor didn't realize that he was being a bit rude until he picked up the teacup, and he pointed to the two sands on the opposite side. He smiled and said, "There is no need to stand in front of me. I am no longer the comrade director I used to be, but a downright bad old man. I am very happy that you young people can take the time to talk to me."

"Sir, you're joking," said a few young people with knowing smiles on their faces.

"It's not a joke, it's a fact," Victor pursed his lips and smiled, "Actually, the reason why I'm still sitting here now. The only thing I can rely on is that little bit of superpower, but you should also know that in the political gang , fox fake tiger majesty is not intimidating. The emphasis here is on strength, and it is a really vicious method. Oh, I seem to have gone too far, let's get back to the point. As you asked me just now, Moscow appeared abruptly during this time. A series of changes have taken place, and these changes seem to make people feel inexplicable. For this reason, you feel an inexplicable sense of crisis. Haha. Actually, this is very normal. You do not need to doubt this The matter has something to do with Khodorkovsky or the little fox in the Far East. I can answer you with certainty. In this series of incidents, neither of them knew anything about it. If I am not wrong, the little fox is now He will definitely call in two days. I know his temper too well, he has a suspicious nature, and is very worried. He must have noticed the strange things that happened in Moscow during this period of time. I can't even sleep well."

There was a clear appreciation in Victor's tone, and this appreciation was undoubtedly given to Guo Shouyun. In fact, in the hearts of several young people, Guo Shouyun has always been a very special existence. On the one hand, he was a complete oligarch, the culprit who brought chaos to the entire Russian economy and politics. According to the Cheka code, this kind of person In the former Soviet Union, he was to be executed directly, and he didn't even have the right to defend himself. However, from another perspective, this person is also a key person who cannot be separated from the Cheka now. More than 70% of the funds used by the Cheka Club to develop the organization during this period came from the book appropriation of the Guo Group. , To put it bluntly, if it weren't for Guo Shouyun, this ambitious club would have ceased its activities due to poverty.

"Hey, young people are young people after all," Victor was after all an old connoisseur of people's hearts, and the doubts that flashed across the faces of several young people could not be concealed from his eyes, "You are not as good at politics as you are. The little fox is very thorough. In fact, when you enter this ****, you should be prepared for both your mind and your skills. In politics, the darkest, ugliest, and most filthy place in the whole time, you are targeting a person. People's judgments cannot take into account the factors of good and evil at all, but can only consider the relationship of interests. A politician should learn to think more from a macro perspective, and in special circumstances, you should even abandon the micro. In this regard, a person's good and evil are destined to belong to microscopic things, and it does not have much influence on the overall political situation. After all, no matter whether they are good or evil, their only manifestation in political affairs is their position. Just imagine, if you think that your political ambitions are correct, and its ultimate goal is to seek welfare for the entire country and all citizens of this country, and at the same time, a villain like a little fox is also supporting your Political ambitions, then in this case, what reason do you have to abandon his great goodness, but cling to his small evils? Could it be that from the very beginning, you had doubts about your political ambitions?”

Victor's words were very confusing, but the young people in the room understood it. Judging from their faces, it was obvious that such a theory was the first time they had heard of it.

"Trust me, young man," Victor said with a smile, standing up slowly from the sand, "It's not that I'm justifying the name of my son-in-law, and it's not that I'm deliberately protecting something, in the closest place to the little fox. Among the people, there are eyeliners arranged by me, and I can basically know his every move in the Guo family manor at the first time. Similarly, based on this, I can believe a fact: the little fox is a A person with ambition, but his ambition is not uncontrollable. Although all his actions in the Far East are excessive, they are helpless measures for self-protection. To deal with a person like him, you cannot avoid it, let alone avoid it. Use some means to put pressure on him, on the contrary, you should try to contact him as much as possible, and through this contact to increase mutual trust, if you do this, one day in the future you may suddenly realize, In fact, he is also a very interesting person, just like what Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov did before. Thinking back, if it was half a year ago, who would have believed that these two people would also be able to compete with each other? The little fox has become a real friend?"

"It seems that you have not been idle for a while," Vladimir pondered for a moment, then smiled, "You are one step ahead of you in understanding these giants."

"Hehe, it's not a step ahead, it's just a personal hobby," Victor slowly paced the room, shook his head and smiled, "Human psychology is actually a very interesting thing, more in this regard. If you think about some questions, you can always find a lot of interesting things. To put it bluntly, people's minds are not complicated. We are human beings. The democrats in the Kremlin are also human beings. People. Since they are people, they cannot get rid of the shackles of human nature. It is definitely easier to deal with them than to play the piano with a cow. Even if it is a piece of advice, it is very important for your political future to contact them. Very important to the future stability of the Federation. If you do not wish to see further disintegration of this already divided country, you must bear in mind what I have said today."

"Yes, don't worry, we remember," Vladimir stood up and said respectfully, looking around his political partners.

"Dong dong!"

Just as Vladimir had just finished speaking, before he could sit down again, there was a knock on the red pine door of the room.

"Come in," Victor lowered his right arm and glanced at the door like a conditioned reflex before he answered in a deep voice.

"Mr. Victor," the door was pushed open from the outside, and a tall young man with sunglasses stepped in. He stood at the door and said in a rather **** hoarse voice, "Come here from the Far East. long-distance connection, do you want to answer it?"

"Oh, did that kid Guo Shouyun call in person?" Victor's eyes flashed with a smile, and he asked casually.

"Yes," the young man nodded.

"Then tell him, I don't know anything, and he won't get any news from me this time." Victor said with a half-smiling smile.

"He already guessed what you said," the young man said helplessly, shrugging his shoulders, "and he asked me to tell you that if you don't tell him the truth, he will send Hasbulatov tomorrow. "Blood in Moscow"

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