Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 456: visible conspiracy

?The interior of the new carriage is filled with the fragrance of fine leather, and the silky seat cushions are soft to the touch without losing elasticity. It can be seen only from the fineness of the leather that this is a high-quality winter reindeer skin. , qв5, just one square meter of leather has been polished and polished by hand, and there is no slight defect. After the whole process is completed, it is estimated that the cost price will be around 1,000 US dollars.

"Well, it's very good," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, leaning on the soft sand, "It can be seen that they really put a lot of effort into this time, but Shoucheng wants to use it to please him. Our comrade Li Shengyan...hehe, I'm afraid it won't end well, at least that rotten capitalist's hat is buckled."

"I heard from Mr. Shoucheng that he intends to use one of these cars to please the old father-in-law who he has never met," Polaninov sat in the front seat of the car, turned his head and smiled, "Hehe, I can see that he is very interested in St. Miss Yan gave her true feelings, and I have never seen him try so hard to please any woman before."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun shook his head disapprovingly and sneered, "Shoucheng's thinking is still far from mature."

Patting Sha's armrest, he continued: "If something like this is sent to Pyongyang, will Sheng Yeon's family be ranked first? I guess, it would be nice if they could have a chance to sit for a ride. This is the biggest The possibility is that the car was sent to the Revolutionary Museum for storage for two days for the public to see, showing the corrupt nature of the capitalist, and then it quietly ran to the bottom of a certain leader."

"I think so too." Polaninov laughed, "I've seen this kind of thing a lot, it's not new at all."

"Forget it. It's up to him to do whatever he likes, it's rare for him to fall in love with a girl," he flipped open the cigarette storage compartment beside the sand armrest, and a whole cigarette had been placed in it. The brand is the one I am most accustomed to. Satisfied, he took out the whole cigarette, removed the outer seal and took out a pack, Guo Shouyun said. How is it, is there anything important during my absence? "

"What is your question, sir?" Nikita, who had been sitting beside her, finally found a chance to speak. She leaned over, handed Guo Shouyun a lighter, and asked, "Is it from Moscow or from the company?"

"Let's talk about your situation first," Guo Shouyun said without hesitation. Compared with the company's internal affairs, he is obviously more concerned about Moscow's movements. After all, the company's affairs are easy to handle. As for things in Moscow, he felt a little out of reach.

"The situation in Moscow these two days has been relatively calm," Nikita said after thinking for a while, "according to the information I have received, due to the The constitutional issue was unpleasant, and Mr. Ye announced his customary vacation at the Kremlin work meeting the day before yesterday morning. Yesterday morning, he had returned to his private farm with his family, and was therefore absent from the constitutional discussion at the congress yesterday and today. meeting."

"Hehe, it's about retreating to advance," Guo Shouyun patted a piece of soot that fell on his trouser legs. He smiled and said, "Obviously, this is a tentative move, the purpose. It is nothing more than to check how firm the positions of Hasbulatov, Lutskoy and others are. At this time, if Kazakhstan If the two sides can converge a little bit, then they will suspend discussions on similar aspects, thus giving the situation a chance to ease, but in doing so, it will also give the Kremlin a chance to breathe. Conversely, if they In the absence of the president, if you continue to hold similar meetings, then the Kremlin may take actions later, I am afraid it will be extreme."

Finished talking. Guo Shouyun glanced at Nikita approvingly, and praised: "You chose the key point very well, I can smell the smell of gunpowder from it."

"As Mr. said, this should be one of Ye's ways to advance by retreating," Nikita continued with a slight smile, "but he obviously made a mistake this time, taking advantage of his opportunity to go on vacation, Hasbulatov and Rutskoy not only did not stop the clamorous Constituent Assembly, on the contrary, they also combined the political power in the hands of Berezovsky and others, and in just one day, they took the governor of the central bank. Ma Qiuxin took it."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun was stunned. He knew that, as the vice president of the Federation, Lutskoy would never let this Ma Qiuxin go, but he never imagined that this old thing would be picked up in such a place. Time to do it.

"Yesterday afternoon, Ma Qiuxin submitted his resignation to the White House," Nikita said. "According to my estimation, he must have reached some unknown compromise with Hasbulatov and others. He has memorized all the wrong decisions. Now, as a central bank governor who had major problems during his tenure, even if Mr. Ye hurried back to Moscow in time, he would not be able to keep his position.”

"If it weren't for that, I would be surprised," Guo Shouyun shrugged and said in a natural tone, "I have to trust the decisiveness of Hasbulatov's people. Since they made a move, where would they leave their opponents behind? A chance for a comeback? Then tell me, who is the most likely to take over this position at the moment? Is it Comrade Glashchenko who is shrewd and wise?"

"Hehe, Mr. is right at all," Nikita smiled, "perhaps it was the result of Berezovsky's alliance with Hasbulatov, who favored more radical reform measures. The most likely position as central bank governor, in exchange, Chernomyrdin also got his wish to enter the White House, and his nomination for deputy prime minister was approved at the meeting of representatives earlier today.”

"They are a group of insidious and cunning guys," Guo Shouyun pouted. He firmly believed that the overall plan of Hasbulatov and others was by no means limited to this, because the appointment of the deputy prime minister and the central bank governor could not be done by just one representative The number of appointments can be counted after the meeting is passed. The final procedure of the appointment letter is the "signature and deposit" of the federal president. In other words, if Mr. Ye does not sign the appointment letter, then Chernomyrdin or Gera Even if they were Xianke, they could not sit on the long-coveted throne.

So in this case, how will Hasbulatov and others force Ye Shi to submit? There is only one final answer or the best way, and that is to use a member of Ye's direct line to make an operation, forcing Ye to make the most helpless choice between losing the car or protecting the commander.

"Go ahead, I think Hasbulatov and the others will move this time, not only Ma Qiuxin and Chernomyrdin." After thinking for a while, Guo Shouyun sighed and said, "Also Which unfortunate person has also suffered a disaster, is it the poor and troublesome Gaidar, or hides all day long but can't care about his head and can't care about farts... Hey, Comrade Barannikov on the buttocks?"

Guo Shouyun thought that his guess was very reasonable. Needless to say, Gaidar, the Prime Minister, his position is very important to the Ye family. Losing effective control of the White House, the authority of the Kremlin is tantamount to exist in name only. As the Minister of State Security, Barannikov controls the Moscow Guard Force and the real power of the garrison military region, which are also indispensable to the Kremlin. He cannot hold this powerful department in the palm of his hand. Ye thinks that even Moscow will not dare to return. . "Hehe, Mr. guessed wrong this time," I didn't expect Nikita to give a negative answer directly, she covered her mouth and smiled, "I'm afraid it's hard for you to think of the person who suffered an innocent disaster this time."

"I didn't expect you to tell me," Guo Shouyun laughed, "What's the point of letting me guess all day, I'm not God."

"Fyodorov," Nikita answered directly this time, she said, "this time the unlucky guy is his turn."

"Fyodorov?" Guo Shouyun could hardly remember who this person was, "Boris Fyodorov? Our Federal Minister of Finance who easily hides his face and likes to be a man with his tail between his legs? "

"It's him," Nikita laughed. "In the past two days, he has become a hot figure in various media in Moscow. A few years ago, an old account of corruption was somehow involved in his head, and All evidence shows that during his tenure in office in the past two years, he has obtained at least 7 million rubles of private property by illegal means. Now everyone is criticizing him, and it seems that he will not stop until he is killed. "

"What are they doing with Fedorov?" Guo Shouyun was puzzled. He really couldn't understand how the good old man who was suffocating all day long had offended someone, and he was pulled out and "crazy flat" at this time. If it is placed in other countries, then the Minister of Finance is a fat man. To a large extent, this person holds the financial power of the country after all. But in today's Russian Federation, this position is not so easy to do. To put it bluntly, this is a beggar in official clothes and a beggar holding a "Royal Porcelain Bowl". The current situation is right there. The federal budget continues to have a high deficit, and the state financial list is more thorough than the poverty. In the face of accusations from various departments such as the military, politics, education, etc. - or how to say that he is a man with his tail between his legs, it is difficult to be a man, and it is even more difficult to be a person who is short of money. Chi Han", let alone what Lao Fei lacked was not a penny.

Just such a character who is so thankless that he puts on his face and is not a person in the mirror, what is Hasbulatov and others doing to torture him? Bullying honest people to play? This is clearly not possible.

"There is a conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy here." Sitting in the car, Guo Shouyun thought about it for a while before coming to such an obvious conclusion.

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