Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 455: Homing

"I also know that it's not a good place," Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, "but fortunately, the people cultivated there are very pure, just like Shengyan, hehe, I think if Shoucheng chooses her, then I don't have to worry about his personal relationship in the future. Although the temper of that little girl qb5 and c0m is not right with me, but I appreciate her, at least I don't have to worry that she will lead Shoucheng to evil."

"Then when do you expect to be back?" Vinogradov asked with a frown. Obviously, he was more concerned about the cooperation between the three companies than the successful marriage, and the matter of financing the joint venture could no longer be delayed. The earlier the better.

"It's hard to say now," Guo Shouyun thought for a while, and said, "Before I came to Beijing, I had already asked General Chiliaomenko to contact the North Korean side. Haha, in his words, it was the people's military that faced this situation. The matter is very important, they are going to assign generals Jin Dounan and Li Tongchun to come forward to take charge of this work, and according to their proposal, the marriage of the two couples should preferably be held in Pyongyang..."

"My God, this is to elevate an ordinary wedding to a level of revolutionary significance," Khodorkovsky laughed, "Oh, pray for yourself, I believe, at this moment On the desks of the North Koreans, they must have listed a large list of support projects. Asking for money, materials, and support is their specialty, and it has a long and endless history.

"Hey, it's not scary to ask for money for support," Vinogradov laughed. "The most fearful thing is that they have formulated a dozen or twenty five-year plans for this work. Haha, according to the age of the established people, the first five five-year plans still have to wait, and the last five, it is estimated that It's going to be a little difficult."

"Puchi." The two giants joked without seriousness, amusing the little stewardess who massaged Guo Shouyun. Such a style that everything should be on the line. Not long ago, the Soviet Union also existed, and the history of existence is important. Much older than North Korea, but the Soviet era is now a thing of the past. So some of the original statements are now being discussed. It's both funny and emotional.

"I see, neither of you are good people," he turned over and lay down on his back, Guo Shouyun closed his eyes slightly, and said angrily, "I've decided that I won't talk to you again before getting off the plane. ."

"But before that. You have to tell us roughly when we'll be back from North Korea," Khodorkovsky asked, feeling the slightest shake as the plane entered the airstream. He knew that Guo Shouyun couldn't stand this. When the plane shook violently, he might not even be able to speak.

"It will only be a week at most. I will be back as soon as possible." The fuselage gradually swayed and swayed, which made Guo Shouyun's tinnitus intensify, and his whole person's sanity was gradually blurred by this "buzzing" sound. He pinched **** his thigh, trying to overcome this fear of unknown origin, but to no avail. The last sentence was vague. He eventually gave up resisting. The whole person gradually fell asleep.

"Everyone has their own weaknesses," tugging at a blanket. Putting it on Guo Shouyun's body, Khodorkovsky said with some emotion, "Who would have thought that Mr. Guo Da, known as the yellow bear, would have such severe airsickness."

"Hehe, it is necessary to recognize the reality that it is impossible for people without the slightest weakness to appear in this world," Vinogradov smiled as he looked at the flashing electric light between the clouds outside the window, "because then are destined to be the envy of God."

Khodorkovsky smiled and didn't speak any more. He walked back to his seat, lay down, and fell asleep in a rhythmic tremor in the cabin.

When Guo Shouyun woke up again from his deep sleep, the passenger plane they were taking had already landed at Khabarovskaya International Airport. At this time, it was dark and the airport could be seen through the circular window on the cabin. The most transparent conning tower in the inner.

"Mr. Guo, are you awake?" The little stewardess who was treated as a cushion was very patient. For the past few hours, she had been sitting there, not even changing her posture. When she saw Guo Shouyun awake, she Said softly with a smile on his face.

"Well," Guo Shouyun's consciousness was somewhat blurred after a long sleep. With the support of the stewardess, he sat up, rubbed Mu's cheeks forcefully, and asked casually, "What time is it?"

"A quarter past seven," a little unexpectedly, Nikita's gentle voice came from behind him, "if Mr. doesn't wake up again, Mrs. will probably come over in person."

"Oh?" Only then did Guo Shouyun realize that the plane he was on had probably been parked for a long time.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Standing up from the soft chair and sorting out his wrinkled clothes, Guo Shouyun asked, "What about Khodorkovsky and the others? Wouldn't it be that he didn't even say goodbye, just himself Did you sneak away?"

"Sir," Nikita laughed, "the plane has been parked for an hour, and the two gentlemen have been waiting for you for nearly an hour, and they are embarrassed to wake you up, so...their flight back to Moscow is ten It took off five minutes ago, and finally, Mr. Vinogradov asked me to take him to apologize to you.

"Haha, it seems that I have been sleeping for a long time this time," Guo Shouyun smiled self-deprecatingly, and then thanked the beautiful flight attendant who accompanied him, "I said, why is it uncomfortable to wake up this time? There's no response from them. Okay, let's go as soon as they leave, although it's a pity that we can't take them on the plane in person, but it doesn't matter, it won't take long for them to come over anyway."

"Well, I heard about this from Mr. Khodorkovsky," Nikita stepped forward, took Guo Shouyun's arm, and smiled while leading him out, "he said We are preparing a real cooperation with Mr., but also a new and full of vitality."

"Forget it," Guo Shouyun nodded and said, "but I still need to think carefully about some of the details."

The two walked out of the cabin talking and laughing, and saw Polaninoff who was waiting on the elevator. The taciturn secretary held an umbrella in his hand, like a sculpture, standing motionless at the door of the cabin.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, he turned around, glanced at Guo Shouyun with a smile on his face, and greeted respectfully, "Sir, are you awake?"

"Well, you waited for a long time, right? Why don't you sit inside?" Guo Shouyun walked over unhurriedly, put his hand on the secretary's shoulder, first glanced at the drizzly misty airport, and then said, " Could it be that our flight attendant didn't arrange a simple meal for you?"

"It's stuffy inside, so it's better to stand here more comfortably," Polaninov said with a bowed smile.

"Hehe, I feel the same way," Guo Shouyun said while patting the secretary's shoulder, "Let's go, let's go back, I think the airport dispatchers are getting impatient now, let's not waste other people's time here. ."

"Sir, how did the Beijing delegation get this time?" He took the lead to hold an umbrella for the boss, and Polaninov walked on the iron stairs and asked in a low voice, "I just got from Khodorkovsky and Wisconsin. On the faces of the two Mr. Nogradovs, there seemed to be some unsatisfactory omens, is the negotiation not going well?"

"It's not going to be smooth or not," Guo Shouyun said with a deep breath of the fresh air in the rain, "We can only say that the atmosphere of the forum meeting was very good and enthusiastic, but the fundamental purpose of both parties was not achieved. Hodor Kowski and Vinogradov felt the seriousness of the problem. For us, there are two possibilities. One is that they may be used by Beijing, and the other is that they are using this method. Putting pressure on us to make concessions to them on more issues, of course, whichever one of those two possibilities is accurate, our form is pretty passive."

Polaninov nodded knowingly. Although he could understand some of the bosses' decisions, he couldn't fully grasp them. He still doesn't know why the three giants have to choose between Beijing and Beiyuan. Cooperation, is it impossible to survive in the Federation without the three giants? You must know that in the past quite a long time, the three giants have nothing to do with Beijing.

Although he has such doubts in his heart, Polaninov will never raise it, because he also knows that his macro theoretical level is not on the same level as the three giants at all, and people can see through it at a glance. The problem is that you may not understand it for the rest of your life.

After getting off the stairs, the three walked eastward for dozens of steps on the drizzly and misty airport runway, and came to the place where the convoy was parked.

Under the bright lawn lights, more than two dozen soldiers in raincoats and armed with weapons crowded around two Gaz military trucks, and behind them were six black and bright new jeeps with sharp edges and corners. The four thick exhaust pipes arranged horizontally behind the body and the rear of the car, especially the shiny shock springs vertically arranged between the thick wheels and the car body, show the perfect force of heavy metal everywhere.

"Haha, after a few hours of depressing flight, I finally found something to be happy about." Walking quickly to the side of a jeep, Guo Shouyun stretched out his foot and stepped on the tire with the sticker on it. He smiled, "When will this be delivered? Why didn't I receive any news in advance?"

"Yesterday afternoon," Polaninov stood beside the car and tapped the button on the door. With the sound of the inflation valve being activated, the sealed door slowly rose, revealing a spacious and luxurious car cabin in front of Guo Shouyun.

"Mr. Shoucheng specially went to get them back. Gongqingcheng delivered ten cars, four of which were added to five by him... 21." Polaninov said with a smile.

"This kid," Guo Shouyun chuckled, leaned over and got into the car, "I dare to take advantage of me, I think he doesn't want to get involved."

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