Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 454: Airbus

?As Guo Shouyun said, at the banquet that night, Khodorkovsky personally opened his mouth and announced to all the Russian entrepreneurs present that the three giants would "financial joint venture" in the short term. This shocking news immediately smashed everyone present. /. qβ5. As the industrial representatives who are qualified to participate in this China-Russia Economic Forum, the Russian entrepreneurs present belong to the kind of masters with a very keen sense of smell, and they can naturally feel an unusual atmosphere from the decision of the Big Three.

"There's going to be a storm in the Commonwealth..."

"The three giants have powerful enemies..."

"Is this about to go to war..."

"Negotiations with the Chinese broke down..."

Such guesses, like slideshows, appeared in everyone's mind one by one, and no matter which of these guesses was true, they couldn't keep their peace of mind. A giant has a cold or something, and the first unlucky ones are their vassals.

The decision of the Big Three is destined to have the most direct impact on the China-Russia Economic Forum from the moment it was announced. The reception that night went very smoothly. During the banquet, the entrepreneurs from both sides had a good chat. However, in the next day, at the reception held by the Chinese side, the representatives of the Russian entrepreneurs were quite cautious. Originally, there were joint venture projects and trade agreements, and the Russian representatives were no longer as enthusiastic as they were at the beginning. They even avoided these topics consciously or unintentionally—before they figured out the intention of the Big Three, they didn't dare to say anything more, lest they say an extra sentence. You will cause endless trouble for yourself.

This situation of hiding and hiding lasted for two days. Until the last day, before the Russian delegation was about to leave Beijing and return to Russia, at the request of Sun Hongyu, Guo Shouyun came out and made a cryptic statement, dispelling the Russian entrepreneurs’ concerns. concerns, leading to the conclusion of some mutually beneficial commercial agreements

The three-day Sino-Russian Economic Forum meeting can be said to be an economic and trade negotiation meeting that brings together the elites of the economic circles of China and Russia. Although there were some twists and turns in the whole process of the forum, the final harvest was very satisfactory to both parties. For Russian entrepreneurs, this trip to Beijing has allowed them to obtain sufficient foreign capital and find some strong cooperation. For domestic, this meeting is of even greater significance, because it is a post-mortem During the Soviet period, a milestone in Sino-Russian relations, it was after this meeting that domestic funds began to slowly but successfully enter the Russian market. In terms of investment projects in timber, steel, aluminum, heavy machinery, basic energy and other aspects, Chinese funds have begun to increase their weight, and have caused a large-scale impact on Japanese investment that entered the Russian market in the early stage.

Perhaps it is for this reason that after the conclusion of the meeting, the mainstream Japanese media, the Asahi Shimbun, held a special edition of the commentary. military-technical cooperation between China and incite a new round of "China Threat Theory".

In his previous life, Guo Shouyun experienced the so-called "China Threat Theory" public opinion attack that was surging abroad in 1992. At that time, he didn't have a deep understanding of this argument, but in this life, after experiencing all of this in person, he finally understood all the reasons.

Blue and white Russian Far East Airlines passenger plane. Taking off from the No. 4 runway of the Capital International Airport, it circled over the airport for half a circle, and then with a roaring whistling sound, it went straight to the north and went straight to the destination Khabarovsk.

In the first-class cabin that only accepted four people, Guo Shouyun was lying on the sand with the back of the chair down, enjoying the head massage of the beautiful stewardess with a calm expression-this was the only way for him to solve the discomfort of high altitude, although it was troublesome But it works.

In the second seat to his right. Khodorkovsky rested his chin in his hands. Half-lying on the front seat, he quietly stared at the TV screen in front of him. At this time, a cartoon was playing on the TV. In "Shuke and Beta" produced by Shanghai Art Studio, the two little mice who can drive planes and tanks look very interesting. Khodorkovsky likes to use this kind of thing to kill time.

Compared with Khodorkovsky, the older Vinogradov was obviously more serious. From the moment he got on the plane, his frowning brows never loosened. Why can't his shrewd mind set the "six-color Rubik's Cube" in his hand, but the "wood" that Guo Shouyun was carrying was able to fix it within ten seconds.

In the past two days, the cold and wet air flow from the Arctic Ocean has been very strong. The high pressure belt, which is hedging with the Japanese warm current, has been hovering over the northeastern and even far southeastern regions of China, causing a lot of rainfall in this area.

Just when Guo Shouyun was drowsy, the gentle and delicate voice of the flight attendant sounded in the cabin. This voice reminded several giants that the plane would enter a strong airflow circling area, and there would be continuous turbulence throughout the process.

"Bumps? I like the thrill." Khodorkovsky finally took his eyes off the TV screen, glanced out of the oval window, and smiled, "Every time this happens, I always think of Mr. Gorky's Haiyan."

"Then I can tell you responsibly," Guo Shouyun said weakly, turning to his side, "Comrade Khodorkovsky, there is a big problem in your mind, and experts suggest that you should see a doctor. Take a look."

"Oh," Khodorkovsky turned his head, first stunned, then smiled, "Haha, why did I forget, our Mr. Guo Shouyun is a, um, a young man who can only be down-to-earth, like this kind of bravery He will never be able to enjoy the game. "What kind of **** and brave game," Guo Shouyun propped up half of his body, motioned the stewardess beside him to sit down, and then let go and lay comfortably on his lap. Then he said listlessly, "If you have the ability, you can jump out of the cabin door, that is the real game of bravery, but before that, I hope you can write down your suicide note first, Menagep's 20% stake. , I still hope to get it. "

"Each, each other," Vinogradov finally gave up his efforts, he tossed the Rubik's cube in his hand lightly, and watched it roll over and fall into the wastebasket, only then did he agree with dismay, "Now For us, there is no choice other than to cooperate, so even if you are going to die, you have to finish the cooperation first."

"We don't have a choice, and it doesn't prove that others have a chance to choose," Khodorkovsky's good temperament was shattered by this topic in an instant, he shrugged and stared at the look below the window. The endless black clouds said, "Actually, we can look at everything in a good place. Maybe the moment we boarded the plane, Beijing has begun to reconsider the issue of cooperation, just because the Chinese implicit, so they didn't show it right away."

"Hehe, I'm not as optimistic as you are," Vinogradov said with a smile, "You can also see that during the entire Economic Forum meeting, Beijing did not even send a deputy minister-level person, even in the face of The same is true of the pressure we have created. What does this show? No doubt, it shows that they have scruples. They pay more attention to international public opinion than to us, and this kind of The situation is impossible to change in the short term, so we can only seek more happiness for ourselves.”

"It's all up to you? That's fine, at least I'm at ease," Khodorkovsky said in a erratic tone, staring his forehead on the window glass, "This time we're going back, we'll immediately start the rectification plan for the joint venture. I told everyone that this plan was not meant for fun, nor was it meant to be scary, but it was real and was about to be implemented. I thought about it, I will not delay in Khabarovsk when I go back this time. Now, as soon as I arrive at the airport, I will transfer as soon as possible. In two or three days at most, I will work out the details of the plan, and then... Then we will settle there for the final negotiation? Moscow or Khabarovsk?"

"I don't care," Vinogradov said, looking at Guo Shouyun and spreading his hands, "Ask him."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak, his head rested on the flight attendant's thigh with flesh-colored stockings attached, and a wisp of elegant and light fragrance made him involuntarily feel a little emotional.

"Then let's settle in Khabarovsk," Khodorkovsky said with a wry smile. "Looking at his dead appearance, he probably won't go to Moscow."

"Actually, for me, it doesn't matter if it's set in Moscow," Guo Shouyun raised his hand, stroked the thigh in front of his face, and said absent-mindedly, "But this time can't be set too hastily, because I In the next few days, I'm going to go out and solve a problem that has been giving me a lot of headaches."

"The question that gives you a lot of headaches? Isn't this enough to give you a headache right now?" Khodorkovsky asked with a puzzled face.

"Then tell me, compared to Shoucheng's marriage, which one should I have a headache for?" Guo Shouyun said angrily.

"Shoucheng's marriage?" Vinogradov interjected, "Why, doesn't he get along well with that North Korean Lee Seung-yeon?"

"That's the Northern Dynasty, what North Korea," Guo Shouyun rolled his eyes and said, "It is precisely because they get along well that I am ready to take the time to solve this matter. I have already planned this time. When I come back from Beijing this time, I will I want them to handle this matter, the eldest brother is like a father, I am the eldest brother, why should I go to meet the parents of the woman."

"You're going to North Korea?" Khodorkovsky said in surprise. "That's not a good place."

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