Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 453: Financial joint venture

"Don't gossip with me," Sun Hongyu naturally knew that Guo Shouyun was playing tricks on himself. This cunning boy, whenever he was on a big issue, he liked to play stupid and foolish, or it was Dongla. It's a trick of the West, and every time he uses this method, it proves that... it's not a small thing. /w

"Honestly tell me, you ran out for an afternoon, and you figured out what kind of monsters you came up with," Sun Hongyu asked after replacing her fluent Russian with a standard Beijing film, "Tell you, now is a sensitive period, if you do it again If there is any big movement, I will not be able to explain it to the superior."

"Hehe, Sister Hong, don't worry." Guo Shouyun didn't switch to Chinese, but continued to use Russian. He didn't want Huo and Wei to have any bad thoughts, "Our decision this time is only about our three families. , has absolutely nothing to do with outsiders.”

Naturally, Sun Hongyu would not believe such nonsense. It must be known that the Big Three, as powerful forces in the Russian Federation, often have their own affairs related to political, economic and other issues. Under such circumstances, what to say? It doesn't matter." It is estimated that it can only be used to deceive children.

"Alright, let's talk about it first." Without competing with Guo Shouyun, Sun Hongyu nodded and said.

"Haha, it's really hard for you, the big fart has been entangled in such a small thing for so long, and it has not been explained in the end," Khodorkovsky seemed to be a little impatient, he interjected with a smile. "This matter, let me tell you, it's actually very simple. The latest decision we have made is that in the near future, the three of us: the International Commercial Bank, the Mena Jabil Commercial Bank and his Guo Group will conduct a comprehensive Rectification. The specific method is to share financing with each other, and the margin of financing is about 40%. Well, after this rectification plan is over, the three of us will become a financial and commercial consortium with mutual control, huh, of course Miss X Sun can also look at it this way, that is, the three of us will be merged into one family to a certain extent from now on."

"What?!" Sun Hongyu couldn't help being taken aback despite having a certain amount of mental preparation. She stood up suddenly from the sand, looked at Guo Shouyun with two eyes, and asked, "This, this is true. of?!"

"Yes," Vinogradov nodded and replied calmly. "Well, this should be good news for Miss Sun, right?"

Sun Hongyu ignored Vinogradov's question, her eyes still fixed on Guo Shouyun's face, obviously wanting to get the most accurate and credible answer from him.

"Whether it's good news or bad news," Guo Shouyun said calmly, looking back at Sister Hong, "As I said just now, this is the internal affairs of the three of us. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Relationship... isn't that the case?"

Looking at Guo Shouyun's face that was no different from a year ago, Sun Hongyu couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was in her heart. She could read the deep meaning in the other's eyes, and she could understand the underlying charm in his words. The young man was clearly telling himself: "Guo's group belongs to me, Guo Shouyun, I can't trust the Russians, but I can't trust you at the same time. Since the two sides can't be trusted, then I have to go my own way, Guo's. I can only make decisions in every step of the decision, which has nothing to do with outsiders, and will never allow others to interfere."

Looking back...Sun Hongyu can't even recall when the Guo Group began to be brought into the line of sight in China. But one thing is for sure. Since the establishment of Beiyuan, China has been trying every means to establish a deep-level mutual trust and cooperation relationship with the Guo Group. In order to achieve this goal, Beiyuan has paid a lot and done a lot of work, but the final result is that Guo Shouyun, who is the head of the Guo Group, has never let go of the wariness that came from nowhere. ==== For more than a year, the relationship between Beiyuan and Guo's family has always hovered on the level of elusiveness, neither going far away nor getting closer.

After that, under the circumstances of helplessness, Beiyuan turned his attention and found two potential cooperations, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, and used their strength to confront Guo on some issues. Shi exerted pressure, forcing him to gradually move closer to the "south". This method sounds a bit despicable, but it is very effective in practice. The meeting of the Beijing China-Russia Economic Forum and the secret visit of the Big Three in Beijing all show that under the action of this method, phased results have been achieved. showed. To be honest, Sun Hongyu was really happy when she greeted Guo Shouyun and the three at the airport today. She felt that she had finally won the "little fox" once. As long as this forum was successfully concluded, from now on, Beiyuan and Guo Shi's cooperation will enter a whole new stage.....all of this is so perfect and so successful.

However, at this juncture, when she didn't even have time to open the champagne to celebrate, the three giants threw such a draft of "financial stock joint venture" in front of her, which was equivalent to completely destroying her. The joy that has not yet reached the **.

The three giants put aside the competitive relationship in their respective interests, put aside all possible doubts about each other, and launched their new cooperation process in the form of "financing and joint venture". For them, this may be "our decision, It has nothing to do with outsiders." But in fact, what does this plan mean for Beiyuan? There is no doubt that this means that the strategy of "pulling two to fight one" or "pulling one to two" that Beiyuan used in the past is completely unworkable. The manoeuvring space is squeezed out. From now on, when cooperating with the Big Three, Beiyuan will have to go back to the formal negotiation channel, and act according to the rules. to the situation.

"Yes, this is the truth." After standing in front of the sand for a long time, the shocked Sun Hongyu realized that he had lost his way. It has been a long time, perhaps since her debut in business, she has never been so gaffe again. In her opinion, gaffe in front of others is a big taboo in business, and it will allow opponents to seize their own weaknesses and flaws.

Forced to squeeze out a smile that seemed as natural as possible, Sun Hongyu suppressed the urge to cough, and said in a rather calm voice: "But how did you reach such a... um, it's a consensus, after all In my eyes, you little fox is not a guy who can easily trust others."

"Hehe, trust is gradually cultivated through step-by-step contact," Khodorkovsky said before Guo Shouyun said, "This matter will be put to a year ago, what should I say? Nor would they agree to join forces with Guo's Ronggu, in my opinion at that time..."

Reaching out and pointing at Guo Shouyun's body, he smiled and said, "This guy is a careerist with a problem with his brain. He neither plays cards according to the rules of the cards nor pays attention to principles. But fortunately, under the influence of many internal and external factors, In the past days, we had a lot of opportunities for close contact. Hehe, I am not a person who likes to be impulsive and like to be emotional, but through my own understanding and observation, he is a good person. Marry him as a woman. That's a stupid choice, but it's a smart decision to be a man and befriend him. At least we don't have to worry about him stabbing us in the back."

"Do you think so?" Khodorkovsky finally laughed, patting Vinogradov on the knee.

With a slight smile, Vinogradov did not speak, but his meaning was already written on his smiling face.

"It's a fart," Guo Shouyun said in an unpleasant tone, "It's true that I'm a good friend, but why is it a stupid choice for a woman to marry me? Do you think Nina is not happy now? "

"Nina is happy, I can give a positive answer to this. As a woman, I can experience this answer from her every time I see her." After a short period of adjustment, Sun Hongyu has recovered from the initial shock. After recovering, she bypassed Avrora who was always standing in front of the coffee table, walked straight to Guo Shouyun, and smiled, "But while giving this proof, I would like to congratulate you by the way, no, I should say congratulations to both of you. , It is foreseeable that if this joint financing plan can be successfully implemented, then the careers of the three will undoubtedly reach a new peak in the future, hehe, I can't wait to see that day come."

In these remarks, Sun Hongyu used a very interesting word - "if". Obviously, the woman who recovered from the initial shock immediately thought of a key issue, similar to the Big Three How likely is it that people with such serious doubts can achieve true mutual trust? And if there is no such real mutual trust, their "financing joint venture" plan can only result in a mutual quarrel, and the real meaning of its existence is not at all.

Guo Shouyun could naturally hear the hidden meaning of Sun Hongyu's remarks, and Huo Wei would not be ignorant, but they said it was very obscure, and they couldn't find any chance to refute it. In such a situation , they can only counterattack with their actual actions in the future, and use clear facts to prove their determination.

"Hehe, thank you Sister Hong for your auspicious words." Standing up from the sand, Guo Shouyun shook hands with Sister Hong and said casually, "To be honest, just like you, I really hope that day will be quicker. come."

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